Pain in the knee joint: possible causes

The Knee joint is one of the most difficult, but if it falls at a constant load, it becomes vulnerable. The pain in the knee joint, the cause of which may have different nature, is very common. It can be dull, dull, muted, sharp and even unbearable. So why is there knee pain?

the Problem of pain in the knee joint

Possible causes of knee pain

Sometimes it may happen that the pain occurs precisely when a person walks or flexes (extends) the limb, and such discomfort can be felt in the quiescent state, that is, the pain is constant. The nature of this symptom will be varied.

it Should be noted that the pain in my knees is not always occurs because of a disease, that is sometimes the symptom is totally unrelated to the disease. So, quite often, unpleasant discomfort or pain in the joint may appear in teenagers as at this age the child is growing very quickly, the blood vessels it does not have time to develop, therefore, lag behind the growth of the skeleton. This is one of the main reasons for knee pain in children.

In adults can also cause discomfort in this region regardless of the disease. This often occurs when a person takes physical overload, aimed at the knee. This is especially true for athletes.

the Problem knee pain in athletes

A Big load on knee tissue leads to irritation and the formation of unpleasant sensations. It's the way the human body signals that it's time to stop or at least slow down. If such a signal be ignored and not timely adjust the load, there may be a risk that soon will erupt a chronic disease that needs serious treatment.

Often the pain may occur because of a bruised knee. Sometimes this phenomenon is accompanied by hemorrhage, directed into the soft tissues, you may receive the swelling and soreness. This trouble is an obstacle to free movement and brings a lot of other inconveniences.

If after injury in humans, the pain is not increased, and decreased, it no longer flashes after flexion and extension of the knee, and when palpated the injured spot, then virtually no discomfort, it means that soon people wouldn't even think about the injury. However, if the pain after the injury was increased, the patient's temperature rose in the place where is located the joint, then it should be mandatory to seek help from a healthcare specialist. These symptoms, usually may increase when moved patella, and it says serious injury and she certainly will not work.

diagram of the meniscus of the knee

What other injuries can lead to pain in the knee? When a person has damaged the meniscus, it is called manismata. This injury is very common, but at risk not only athletes, but also those who love outdoor extreme, and people leading a very normal lifestyle.

Miniscope mainly manifested in the form of clicks, after which the knee joint there is a very sharp pain where the injured limb some time unable to move.

When the ligaments are damaged (fully or partially), it is always fraught with very severe pain, which can even be unbearable. Besides, it also happens that during the rupture of the ligaments occurs and a fracture of the bone. The causes that lead to such trauma may be very different. This should include exposed limbs that actually can happen with any person. This injury happens because of a bad jump or after the accident. But despite the factor that led to the rupture of the ligaments, in any case, it is fraught with the strongest pain, swelling, and knee joint when it becomes an unnatural position.

If a patellar dislocation has a chronic character, as a rule, relapses are unavoidable. But this pathology is extremely rare. If it happened that during this injury the knee joint may become deformed, and there will also be a violation of the functions of the limb.

Bursitis of the knee

What diseases accompanied by pain syndrome?

Quite often, knee pain can occur because of a disease. One of them is the inflammation of the tendons. When there is tendonitis, the pathology is also characterized by pain in the joint, limited joint mobility. Such symptoms will not take place for a sufficiently long period and their character will be quite resistant. If you feel sore, you will notice an increased sensitivity in inflamed tendon.

Reasons that can lead to this disease. This should include overloadthe joint, which was for a long time, bacterial infection, injury of knee pathology in the structure (for example, tendons can become inflamed, if the legs are different in length). This pathology may develop in the form of an allergic response to the use of certain drugs. This happens when a person has violated posture or there are other malformations of the tendon when it is weak, and also in rheumatic diseases, gout and arthritis.

When the so-called joint capsule accumulated an excessive amount of fluid, it indicates a diseases like bursitis. During this appearance, the knee joint increases in size, produces pain, which can spread throughout the leg to the foot.

medical Examination of the surgeon

It Should be noted that this disease can be both acute and chronic. If a person has acute form, it is characterized by a fairly sharp pain that still persists. Occurs redness of the skin, and the extremity is limited in motion. The resulting tumor has a fairly clear shape, and if the knee be felt, the liquid will be very noticeable.

If the patient has chronic bursitis, joint bag in this compacted, and this leads to the fact that the knee joint is deformed. What are the reasons that can result in this disease? This applies to infectious diseases, recurrent knee injuries, the continuous load on the joint, incorrect weight distribution during the lifting of heavy objects.

To diseases that cause knee pain include arthritis and more. The disease is characterized by the increased temperature in the area where there was defeat, severe pain that increase with walking. The joint swells, movements become constrained, and deformity of the knee progresses. Very often this can be due to heredity, or infection, which can penetrate into the knee joint, including due to lack of exercise or improper diet.

Small conclusion

Thus, the causes of knee pain is very diverse.

In any case, if this symptom does not pass a long period, then you should seek help from a specialist who will do an exam and prescribe the right treatment.

Be well!