Why does it hurt in your leg in your hip area

Hip joint, and spine, takes up most of the load of body weight when we are upright (while driving or standing). The specifics of its structure determines the fact that a person can lift, rotate the foot in all planes and to perform a rotational movement. The joint closes gluteal and femoral muscles, and the femoral head – cartilage.


terms of joint health

Articular cartilage (its thickness reaches 4 mm) has a dense and at the same time a flexible structure, which greatly reduces the friction between the contacting surfaces of the tissues. In order to maintain the hip joint in a healthy condition, you need to meet several conditions:

  • to maintain physiological body weight;
  • not to injure the joint;
  • to adhere to the diet;
  • to perform a special complex of gymnastic exercises.

Bone tissue wears out quickly and becomes brittle if it is not supplied with blood which feeds the tissue through the blood vessels passing in the articular capsule, and through the intraosseous vessels. Participates in the blood supply to the vessel, passing inside of the ligamentous apparatus that surrounds the femoral head. In old age the vessel is usually subjected to hardening, which leads to the change of vascular tone and diameter.

Health of the hip joint

Clicking and pain in hip joint

A Healthy hip joint does not hurt and does not like about himself. However, in training, where included stretching exercises, in the joint region can be clearly heard clicking sounds, and is quite loud. But, if this process is not accompanied by pain, there is no reason for concern.

At the maximum abduction of the thigh in the direction of move the tendons in contact with bone tissue, which causes a dry, sharp sound. This syndrome is typical for gymnasts, dancers & athletes. At strong stress or stretching of the thigh muscles may experience a nagging pain in the pelvis that is not related to inflammatory or degenerative process. This is muscle fatigue, which passes after a couple of days without any consequences. If the pain persists for weeks, you should consult a doctor: you can, during sudden movements damage ligaments and it requires a treatment course.

Signs of trouble

The Wariness is causing occasional crunching or clicking in the hip area, accompanied by painful sensations, and "backache" on the leg. If these unpleasant symptoms added stiffness in the movements (especially in the morning), you need to make an appointment to see the surgeon. The reason for referral to a specialist can be considered any soreness in your hip area, not going alone.

pelvic Pain, gives up

The Evidence of the development of the pathological process are symptoms such as loss of flexibility – it's hard to bend over to throw one leg over the other, get up from the chair. Movement lose smooth, be careful, heavy. This condition is especially true for the elderly, code the cartilage thins, and bones become fragile.

When the diagnosis is revealed coxarthrosis. The full restoration of destructive changes in bone and cartilage tissue of the pelvis are not permitted, but when early diagnostics, after which the assigned rehabilitation procedure and eliminate the pain medications, it is possible to maintain the joint in "working condition". Balanced physical activity, muscle training of the hip and pelvis is one of the effective ways to maintain social activity.

At the same time, it should be noted that in medical practice there are often cases where it hurts the lumbar spine, and the patient seems that he has problems with the hip joint. The symptoms are almost identical, and only after conducting a comprehensive survey, we can conclude about the nature of the pathology. Nagging pain originating in the hip area and spreading over the foot during the movement, persisting during rest, gives reason to suspect arthritis.

Stiffness and crunching in the field of cartilage (and old age) indicate osteoarthritis, pain when you touch the top of the thigh are often the consequences of trauma, sudden bruising and bleeding – signs of blood disease. The table below shows the main causes of pain in the region of the hip joint in adults, accompanied by radiating on the front or back of the thigh.

Starting the pain occurs during the start of the walk or when changing the position of the body, then the patient "rasskazyvaetsya". In later stages pain may also occur alone. Severe stiffness, impaired mobility in the joint.
joint DiseaseSymptoms
Osteoarthritis (Osteoarthrosis)
Tendinitis (inflammation of tendon)the unbearable Pain along the ligaments from the femur to the knee. Occurs during active movements, aggravated by physical exertion.
InjuryPain (intensity and character) depends on the location and area of the affected area, type of injury (contusion, luxation, fracture). There is a connection with a traumatic factor which is drop, shock, accident and so on.
neuralgia of the lateral cutaneous nerve of thighBurning or aching pain (sometimes bursting) with the "shot" that spread from the area of the hip joint on the side of the thigh, extending to knee, calf, foot.
ArthritisDay and night pain, accompanied in the acute stage by redness of the skin (infectious arthritis), fever, temperature. Arthritis systemic diseases a more "cold", to the fore defigure and deformity of a joint, low-grade fever, night and morning pain, impaired function and mobility in the joint.
Bursitis (trochanteric, ischial-gluteal)severe pain (deep tissue), occurring paroxysmal, localized on the lateral surface of the thigh (trochanteric bursitis) or when sitting (ischial-gluteal bursitis). It is observed in the difficulty of the patient to be in side-lying (amplification of pain sensations).
Aseptic necrosis of the femoral headthe Unbearable pain that radiates to the knee and groin. Appear suddenly and subside without the use of drugs.
Leukemiathe Pain is constant, increasing in dynamics, accompanied by puffiness, swelling, and deformity of the joint.
ChondromatousCrunching in the joint, loss of mobility. Pain syndrome moderate.
irradiation of the sacral-iliac painPain localized in the hip area and lower back with irradiation in the back of the thigh, aggravated on standing on one leg.
Radicular pain L1/L2Pain is usually localized in the lower back radiating along the anterior surface of the thigh (near the groin), may increase when straining or coughing.

types of pain

Based on data from the table, we see that only the nature of pain to determine the nature and stage of the disease impossible. Of course, an experienced specialist will see specific features in each particular case, but to make a final conclusion only after a comprehensive survey.

So, for example, there is reason to suspect bursitis, code the patient cannot lie on his side, leg pain from inflamed joints increases sharply. Osteoarthritis is a disease which is the companion of elderly people. If the pain is not only hip, but also shows typical reeling gait, with an inclination towards, it is possible to diagnose "osteoporosis".


Severe General condition, accompanied by severe malaise, impaired motor function, swelling of the joint indicate arthritis. But for final conclusions it is necessary to pass a comprehensive examination.

Pelvic Pain radiating to the leg, can be reflected, that is unrelated to the joint. These symptoms are the neuralgic syndrome ("walking pain"), sciatica, sciatic nerve.


The Main methods of diagnosis are magnetic resonance therapy (MRI), radiographs, hip ultrasound, and biopsy and arthroscopy. Clinical tests show the condition of the body (the presence and the specificity of the inflammatory process). From laboratory testing methods, usually are appointed:

  1. a Common blood test.
  2. urinalysis.
  3. Biochemical analysis of blood.
  4. blood test for CRP, fibrinogen, and other non-specific markers of the inflammatory process.
  5. Definition of rheumatoid factor, the NFA-B27 (in case of Bechterew's disease with lesions of the joints), implementation of the proteinogram.

A Range of additional diagnostic methods is determined by the attending physician on the basis of complaints, anamnesis and data of objective examination.

How to eliminate the pain

Pain in coxarthrosis stage 1-2 is eliminated nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics. The drug can be selected based on the patient's age, General physical condition, the nature of pain, its degree distribution. At the same time NSAIDs relieve pain and have anti-inflammatory effects. The most commonly prescribed NSAIDs – meloxicam, celecoxib, nimesulide. Noted increasing analgesic effect with NSAIDs concurrent use with chondroprotectors ("don", "Structum", "Artra"). Systemic diseasesconnective tissue (rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease) major groups of drugs are the corticosteroids in the form of oral forms and cytostatics (methotrexate, cyclophosphamide).Artra against pain in the hip joint

Good efficiency in the treatment of pain have injections in the joint area (inside or periartikulyarno) glucocorticosteroids (hydrocortisone, diprospan).

surgery (arthroplasty) is shown in coxarthrosis third stage, the second stage in combination with the expressed violations of function of the leg (shortening, inability to walk, distortions of the pelvis, and so on), hip fracture, aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, tumors and complex intra-articular fractures, systemic diseases with severe dysfunction of the joint.

Should pay attention to the fact that a separate appointment of anesthetic drugs not only will not solve the problem, but will contribute to its aggravation. The pathological process, depending on the nature of the disease, develops gradually or rapidly, and analgesic drug in any case will lose its efficiency to any number of drugs that is addictive.

The Result is that the patient will have to consult a doctor-a rheumatologist because the pain that constantly gives up, becomes threatening, in addition to analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can affect the liver and stomach. But if a visit to the doctor will be in the early stages, it will greatly increase the chances of successful treatment or the possibility to suspend the development of the disease.


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