What kind of diet you need to follow in osteoarthritis of the hip joint?

diet in osteoarthritis of the hip joint is very important because it can improve the patient's condition. TOOOhe Right amount of healthy fats, fiber, proteins and carbohydrates will help get rid of extra pounds.

the Problem of osteoarthritis of the hip

During the diet doctors recommend to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Try whenever possible not to consume fried products. It is better to cook steamed or baked.
  2. Switch to splitting meals. Eat little, but often.
  3. Chewing the food thoroughly.
  4. 20 minutes before meals drink a glass of water. This will contribute to a better metabolism.
  5. After eating is not recommended to take static state. Better go 10-minute walk.
  6. the Last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  7. At night is not recommended to consume carbohydrates. For dinner better suited to proteins.
  8. if possible add in your diet fiber.

Fish in osteoarthritis of the hip joint

What can I eat with osteoarthritis

In osteoarthritis of the hip in the diet is recommended to include a large number of proteins. Perfect lean beef, Turkey or chicken. Nutritionists recommend meat to bake or cook.

The Best source of healthy fats would be fish. For example, herring, mackerel, salmon, tuna or trout. Fatty acids found in fish, will help restore the joint and will prevent many inflammatory processes.

As of the supplements use Flaxseed oil.

It houses a large number of fatty acids. Don't forget to consume foods rich in calcium, for example, cottage cheese or whey. To saturate the body with calcium nutritionists advised the day to drink a liter of whey and eat 300 grams of low fat cream cheese. In addition, rich in calcium different kinds of greens – spinach, celery and parsley.

On a diet in your diet be sure to include foods high in vitamin E, for example, walnuts,hazelnuts and pine nuts. We need to eat 1-2 handfuls.

Buckwheat porridge with osteoarthritis of the hip joint

do Not forget about carbohydrates. As you know, they are of two types: complex and simple. First saturate the body for a long time. Complex carbohydrates include oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, lentils, wheat porridge. Source of simple carbohydrates is sugar. However, on a diet from it should be abandoned. The best substitute for sugar is fructose. It can be found in apples, bananas, raspberries, kiwi and grapefruit. From flour you can eat bread with bran.

The Best source of fiber are fresh vegetables, e.g. broccoli, carrots, cauliflower and zucchini. In addition, the diet is recommended to eat foods with a high content of vitamin B1. These include peas, baked potatoes and eggs.

What you need to eliminate from the diet

Many nutritionists recommend eliminating from the diet the following products:

  1. Cakes and pastries.
  2. Desserts and ice cream.
  3. high-Fat dairy products.
  4. potato Chips, crackers and Breakfast cereals.
  5. fizzy drinks.
  6. Fast food.
  7. Smoked meat and sausage.
  8. Melted cheese.
  9. Fatty meat (pork and duck).
  10. Products, which include a lot of preservatives.

Bouillon with osteoarthritis of the hip joint

Also you should not observe salt-free or low-carb diet. As a result of such diets the body will lose a lot of liquids, and therefore of calcium.

In addition, doctors recommend that proteins accounted for 50% of the diet. On diet can and should eat soups and jellied minced meat. In these products there is a large amount of collagen, which helps to restore cartilage.

doctors advise to drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily. The fluid will gradually cleanse the body from toxins and improve digestive tract. In the diet of the patient should be offal, e.g. liver and heart. They are rich in iron and the joints will bring only benefits.

Additional sources

1)Pokrovsky V. I. Small medical encyclopedia. Soviet encyclopedia, 1996. Vol. 4. 577 S.

2) ICD-10: international statistical classification of diseases and problems with health. In 3 vol. (in 4 books). 10th ed. Kazan: Medicine, 2003. 2438 S.

3) Korzh H. A. Filippenko, V. A., Dedukh N. V. Osteoarthritis – treatment approaches // Bulletin of ortoped travmatolog protozoana. 2004.