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The causes of development, symptoms and treatment of bilateral coxarthrosis (arthrosis of hip joints)

Bilateral coxarthrosis leading to deformation of the surface of the joint and bones. There is a risk of not only 1 joint, and 2. In this case, the disease will have a double-sided nature. with the Disease often affects people older than 40 years, although it is possible earlier development of disease.

the Problem of bilateral coxarthrosis

How to manifest the disease?

The Symptoms of this disease can be divided into several groups. The basis of division are the extent of the disease, as the signs of coxarthrosis in each case have some differences. During the 1 extent of disease in the pelvic area, the pain of a minor nature. They can occur after exercise, a long stay on his feet or when walking. By the end of the day unpleasant sensations subside, allowing a small relief to the patient. You may feel pain in the knee or hip, but a similar phenomenon occurs in rare cases.

If you experience the 1st signs should immediately seek the help of a specialist. This will allow time to address the issue quickly to resolve it and to prevent the development of complications and transition of the disease to the next stage of development.

2nd degree pain worse. They may occur not only in the pelvis but also in the hips, knee, groin. Unpleasant, the pain arises even with simple movements and low load. This occurs even during sleep, when muscle tension does not disappear. This results in poor sleep quality. In the end the patient shows small changes in gait, lameness appears, some movements are limited.

For the 3rd degree is characterized by a very severe pain, which are radically changing the patient: his gait, position in the supine, standing and sitting positions and much more. The discomfort kept continually, they gain in time of the walk or other action. The joint no longer works, there is a degeneration of the muscles in the thighs and buttocks. This complicates the elementary steps of the patient, difficult for him even to stand without assistance. Talk about walking in such conditions is not necessary.

Surgical intervention in the treatment of bilateral coxarthrosis

During this stage there is a constant contraction and tension of muscles of the legs, which creates the feeling of shortening of the legs. The treatment in the 3rd degree is hard. A high number of medications may not help the patient, then resort to the surgical method.

In Addition to the degree, the primary and secondary osteoarthritis of the hip joint. In the 1st case, the reason for the development of the disease may be unexplained, which indicates that other processes, which could lead to illness. The second case implies that the basis for the development of coxarthrosis of the hip joint is a disease.

What causes disease?

Bilateral type of osteoarthritis develops because of existing diseases on 1 joint. Due to certain conditions, the disease can pass to the other joint. To such can lead to various reasons, ranging from lifestyle, to disturbed metabolism. Modern scientists, laboratory studies have concluded that osteoarthritis of the hip joint is not inherited, but genetically transferable predisposition to metabolic disorder, which leads to the occurrence of the specified diseases.

Physical activity is the cause of bilateral coxarthrosis

The disease Often appears under heavy load on the joints. Therefore, athletes and overweight people are at 1st position at risk. This should also include people who have a very active daily routine and which you want to run heavy loads.

But do not assume that the lack of stress will allow you to protect yourself from this disease. A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle also lead to the disease. In risk category includes patients who have osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes or underdeveloped joints. In addition to the age of over 40 years, the disease appears in younger people. In their case the reason for the development of coxarthrosis associated with a type of congenital dislocation of the hip, presence of injuries or bruises.

A major emotional state of the person, so a stressful situation and often developing depression may contribute to the onset of illness. This is because prolonged stress induces the production of corticosteroid hormones, which have a negative impact on the production gialuronova acid. The last component is responsible for lubrication of joints, so in the absence of lubricant to dry the cartilage and joint structure changes. In addition, stress disrupt the blood supply to the tissues occurs bilateral coxarthrosis.

Elimination of symptoms

Treatment of disease depends on the specific stage, which occurred inpatient.

You Need to specify that completely eliminate the disease is possible in the presence of the 1st stage of osteoarthritis, in other cases the process is irreversible, which can only to stop and prevent the deterioration of the situation.

Therapeutic exercise for the treatment of bilateral coxarthrosis

On 1 degree the treatment is easy in the case of referral to a specialist. The doctor may prescribe home treatment of the hip joint. Used anti-inflammatory and vasodilators, analgesics and other medications. As additional measures can be applied exercise and therapeutic exercise.

In gymnastics and physical education it is important to exclude sharp movements, axial loads are excluded from the program completely. Classes should be held regularly and without gaps. Before class need a little to stretch the joint to get a massage.

2 the case of more complex treatment. Mentioned previously used analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, however, are starting to use electrophoresis, ultrasound, laser and magnetic therapy. Don't forget about the massage and physical fitness medical type. The patient needs to undergo maintenance therapy, which is performed every 6 months.

On the 3rd stage the solution can become prosthetics and surgery. In the case of a bilateral type of osteoarthritis, the patient automatically becomes invalid. A contraindication to the surgery may be that there are problems with the heart and blood vessels, take into account age and drugs used for treatment. If the patient is bothered by pains of a strong character, we used blockade of intra-articular type. And, though such actions will not lead to the recovery of the patient, to ensure unimpeded patient being in a lying or sitting position.