Coxarthrosis of the hip joint: degrees, causes, signs, treatment and prevention

Osteoarthritis of the hip joint is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. with In this pathology occur dystrophic-degenerative processes in the hip joint. Isolated primary and secondary coxarthrosis. During this sickness came the destruction of bone tissue due to depletion of cartilage connective tissue.

Scheme coxarthrosis of the hip joint

In this disease are changes in the integrity of the surfaces of the joints. At the heart of these changes is the metabolic disorders. The disease progresses slowly, gradually affecting the cartilage and subsequently moves into deforming coxarthrosis, which is characterized by alteration of bone and deterioration in the functionality of the joints. This disease most often affects people after 40 years.

Symptoms disease

Signs on different stages of the disease are not much different. There are common symptoms that may learn about the early development of the disease and ensure early treatment. But it often happens that the disease people seek medical care at advanced stages, and it significantly reduces the chances of a complete cure.

Signs of coxarthrosis:

  1. severe pain in the area of the affected joint are the principal signs of joint damage. In the initial stages pain appears during physical activity, in later stages the pain becomes constant.
  2. Stiffness in movement appears at the initial stage, after getting up or after exercise.
  3. Changes the length of the lower extremities – this symptom of disease is the most severe and occurs at advanced stages (when deformed pelvic bones).
  4. In the initial stages there is a weakening of the muscles, and on the running stages there is atrophy of the muscular system.
  5. Sign of deformation of the skeletal system is a limp or change in gait.
  6. Strong crunching in the joint may indicate the presence of pathological changes.

the Problem of coxarthrosis of the hip joint

If you see any symptoms you should contact your doctor and, after traversing a diagnosis, initiate timely treatment. The diagnosis of coxarthrosis of the hip joint is passed after the diagnosis and delivery of all necessary tests.

What is the causes of disease

The causes of this pathology may be in violation of blood circulation in the area of the diseased joint. For various reasons in the human body the malfunction of the circulatory system, may worsen venous outflow and arterial inflow. As a result of these negative processes in the periarticular tissues, the accumulation of metabolic products that contribute to the emergence of destructive enzymes. The cause of anomalous processes in the joints can become injured, which thins and damages the cartilage.

The Disease can be caused by excess strain on the joint as a result of physical stresses or large body mass. Such factors overload the joint, causing inflammation and deformation of the joint. To reduce body weight with this pathology and in treatment it is recommended to use the exercise bike in coxarthrosis of the hip joint.

Heredity is one of the factors of occurrence of such abnormal processes in the body. Genetically inherited is not the disease itself, and the structure of cartilage and bone in the joints. Under certain circumstances, the influence of hereditary factors can lead to illnesses of the hip joint.

overweight is the cause of coxarthrosis of the hip joint

Changes in hormone balance can cause metabolic disorders in the human body. Hormonal imbalance can contribute to inflammation of the joints and expose tissue disease.

Pathological processes may be caused by a sedentary lifestyle, associated diseases, congenital abnormalities. Untimely or incorrect treatment of dysplasia, hip dislocation or other abnormalities can lead to illnesses of the joints.

Stage coxarthrosis

In coxarthrosis of the hip joint 1 degree of symptoms may not occur for a long time. May sometimes cause pain in the area of the affected joint after a long period of physical exertion, but they go away on their own. When this extent does not appear limp or weakness in the muscles. The pain goes away at rest. X-rays may show slight narrowing of the lumen mezhdunardnogo.

Osteoarthritis of the hip joint 2 degree-marks a more serious manifestation: destruction of cartilaginous tissues. The pain increases and radiates to the groin and thigh can occur not only after prolonged exercise, but inthe usual time. If you do not start at this stage of therapy, may disrupt normal motor mechanism. The patient limps, there is a change in gait, reduced muscle tone, appears morning stiffness.

Drug treatment

With the appearance of coxarthrosis 3 degrees is almost complete breakdown of cartilage in the joint, a strong deformation of the joint. The pain is felt constantly, it can be calm only with the help of certain medicines and for a short time. A sick man cannot walk without a cane or other devices due to stiffness of the joint and limited his movements. Around the joint is formed edema, atrophy of the tissues occurs.

With 4 degrees of coxarthrosis there is a complete fusion of the bones of the hip joints among themselves. This is the most severe form of the disease. Constant pain, severe swelling of the periarticular tissues, the complete immobility of the hip – these are the symptoms of the last stage. When this person is assigned to a disability group.

Diagnostic pathology

early diagnosis is the patient interview, medical history, his complaints, inspection and palpation of joints, functional tests.

a blood test to diagnose the disease

Diagnosis is clinical and biochemical blood analysis. For the first analysis of the disease triggered by the increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and the second elevated markers of the inflammatory process: proteins, globulins, immunoglobulins, seromukoidov. Such research is indispensable in the diagnosis in lesions of joints and disorders in the musculoskeletal system.

Based diagnostics are instrumental ways. Method of detection of lesions of the joints remains x-ray that shows bone growth on the edges of the cartilage, reducing the clearance between the joints, rarefaction of bone tissue (osteoporosis), changes in the structure of bone tissue. The main disadvantage of this method is that the picture shows only the bones and cartilage and articular capsules on it is not visible.

More informative diagnostics is carried out by magnetic resonance or computer tomography. This technique helps to detect manifestations of the disease in the early stages.

Main therapies

In this disease implies a long, complex, multi-stage treatment. The main condition of successful therapy is prompt initiation of therapeutic measures. At the initial stage have to be adjusted lifestyle, diet, eliminate the problems with blood circulation and metabolism in the tissues of the joints. In the later and advanced stages of destructive changes requires a lot of effort to recover.

Therapy with medication is based on symptomatic treatment: the removal of pain, swelling and inflammation, normalize blood circulation, nutrition of the cartilaginous tissue, the load is removed from the muscles.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Indomethacin) are used to combat the disease in the acute form of the inflammatory process. The downside of these drugs is addictive organism to them, may be terminated by self-restoration of the cartilaginous tissue, the side effects are affecting the internal organs. The most gentle drug of today is Movalis, it has the least amount of side effects and does not cause rapid addiction. It is not recommended to receive multiple anti-inflammatory agents. If the prescribed medication is not effective, it is necessary to change dosage or take other means.

Therapy with vasoconstrictor drugs (Trental, Cinnarizine, Teonikol) will help to relax vascular smooth muscle and to widen the gap between them is to ensure normal blood circulation. Such drugs relieve spasms of the blood vessels.

The Medications category of muscle relaxants (Mydocalm) is used to relieve painful muscle spasm, normalization of outflow and inflow of blood. But they should be taken gently and briefly to avoid side effects.

Chondroprotectors (Chondroitin, Artra, don) are the most useful and effective. Their task is the regeneration of cartilage structures. The systematic use of such drugs is an excellent prevention of coxarthrosis and treatment of it early on. Regular use stops the disease in its early stages.

Hormonal intramuscular or intra-articular drugs (Hydrocortisone) is used if there is no inflammation. You can use them every two weeks.

The Treatment with topical agents is not effective, because the low probability of penetration through the skin, layers of muscle and fat are necessary nutrients. If completely impaired motor activity, it is possible to solve the problem surgically with the help of prosthetics or modeling of the destroyed surfaces.

For the treatment of disease applied medical gymnastics, massage, physiotherapy (cryotherapy, mud baths, magnet therapy, laser therapy, electrophoresis, ultrasound).

A Good addition to the basic treatment can be a traditional medicine.

You Can make tinctures, ointments, poultices, decoctions. Remember, you should not dothe self-diagnosis and self-treatment. Coxarthrosis of the hip joint is a complex disease, which requires prompt and prolonged treatment.