Characteristic symptoms and the treatment of deforming arthrosis of the elbow joint

If you notice that the movements associated with flexion and elbow extension are more difficult, it can be an arthrosis of the elbow joint, symptoms, treatment and prognosis of which are directly dependent on the stage of the disease when seeking care. The pathological process begins quietly. Quite often it is preceded by a long dislocation, fracture or fall on the arm bent at the elbow.

the Problem of osteoarthritis of the elbow joint

A Destructive process begins with the gradual loosening and detachment of the flakes of cartilage. They get into joint fluid and the articular surface, acting as an abrasive. Because of this the inflamed articular membrane produces excessive amounts of synovial fluid, and this exacerbates the destruction of cartilage. The joint swells, becomes hot to the touch and starts to hurt. After exposure of the bone movement in the joint causes unbearable pain, and at night the ache and sore elbow. with the development of osteoarthritis in the joint appear bony growths – osteophytes, which further deforms the joint and restrict the movements (contracture).

Causes pathology

The origin of arthrosis:

  1. Injuries of varying severity – dislocation, intra-articular fracture, bleeding in the joint, torn ligament, etc.
  2. Systematic high loads the elbow joint is overweight, carrying heavy loads, improper physical training programme.
  3. Work related to vibration – blacksmithing, use of jackhammer, drill, etc.
  4. professional sport – weightlifting, fencing, tennis, etc.
  5. Age-related changes in cartilage tissue after 45-50 years.
  6. Heredity and genetic abnormalities. Joint disease can pursue members of the same family.



In the beginning the disease manifests itself a little that changes in the cartilage are growing very slowly. The osteoarthritis of 1 degree is characterized by muscle weakness. Moreover, the patient still does not notice, it will be noted by the physician after the patient perform a few simple exercises. Sometimes a person experiences pain when the institution of the hands behind the back, when bending and straightening the elbow. This usually occurs when shaving, brushing hair, washing hair or applying makeup.

In osteoarthritis of the 2nd degree with my arm problems increase. It is difficult to lift or carry the patient by hand a heavy bag or to bend-to unbend her elbow. All movements are accompanied by severe pain and a distinct crunch at the elbow joint. Muscle wasting increases as the person avoids movements in the hand. On examination, the doctor checks the presence of the symptom Thompson, when the patient cannot keep the hand compressed in a fist in dorsiflexion. Another good movement is the simultaneous flexion of the forearm of both hands. Symptom Welt is positive when the patient's joint respond slower.

Osteoarthritis of the 3rd degree accompanied by a constant pain, not even during the night time. Bone osteophytes cause excruciating pain, there is a limitation in motion of joint. To reduce pain, patients with osteoarthritis often fix the hand in a bound a handkerchief thrown over the neck. If untreated, develops contracture of joint, and the hand freezes in a slightly flexed position.


Half of all cases of osteoarthritis of the elbow joint is deforming arthrosis. This form of the disease is characterized by bony overgrowth already in the first stage. They appear on the distal epiphysis of the humerus and around the joint bones of the elbow. If osteophytes pressed cubital fossa, appears limited. In the second stage osteophytes uniformly surround the entire joint of elbow stiffness aggravated by. In the third stage of deforming arthritis is added to the osteophytes sclerosis of adjacent bone. The inability to move the hand and severe pain can only be eliminated after surgery.


For statement of the diagnosis the doctor will x-ray study of the elbow joint. The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are reduced joint gap, the presence of bone growths, and deformation changes of articular surfaces and bone. Along with this you need to have a blood test. Arthrosis of the elbow joint indicators are normal. If you have joint inflammation, increase the rate ESR.

After receiving x-ray doctor will determine what stage the disease. Some joint space narrowing observed at the first stages of arthrosis.

Diclofenac in osteoarthritis

Tactics and methods of treatment

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the elbow joint can be represented like this:

  1. Medical therapy for pain.
  2. measures aimed at full recovery of motor function of the elbow.
  3. Preventiondisease to avoid recurrence.

When weakly expressed pain used topical preparations – ointments and gels containing Ortofen, Indometacin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen. If that's not enough, the pill non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – Nimesulide, Ketonal, Movalis, etc. These same tools can be applied in the form of intramuscular injections. For treatment it is necessary to take a few courses.

Ketonal arthrosis

With obvious swelling and inflammation inside the joint injected corticosteroids – 2 injections, alternating the break in 8-10 days. In advanced cases, may be held novocaine blockade of the joint.

In the acute period of the disease the hand cannot be loaded. It's better to fix it in a special bandage or scarf thrown over the neck.

gives Good results physiotherapy – electrophoresis with hydrocortisone, cryotherapy, paraffin, laser and acupuncture. After removing the pain begin recovery of motor activity and build muscle mass. This is done by massage, manual therapy and physiotherapy exercises.

To stop the destruction of cartilage and to reverse the process, it is necessary to cartilage protectors Glucosamine sulfate, Chondroitin sulfate (Structum, Artra, Ostenil, teraflex, Andronova). These drugs can be used orally, intramuscularly and intra-articular on the 1st and 2nd stages of the disease.

Sophora arthrosis

To prevent relapse for all patients with osteoarthritis is recommended annually undergo a Spa treatment.

Most users will only need conservative treatment. To surgery is resorted to in the case of progressive neuromuscular atrophy and the inability to remove pain medication therapy.

Folk remedies

There are patients who prefer medical treatment folk recipes. They are available for production at home, and for some people they really help, but first discuss the selected remedy with your doctor.

Treatment of folk remedies:

  1. Packs of bischofite. Purchased from the pharmacy of bischofite make compresses for the night. Pour some solution into rolled gauze, wrap it around the elbow, and the top close with the cling film. To compress remained warm, wrap your hand with a warm scarf. Treat 10-14 days.
  2. Tincture of flower buds of the spring lilac. Collect the unopened flower buds of lilac in a quart jar and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist in a cool dark place for 12-14 days. Then strain and store in the refrigerator. Received tincture can be rubbed the affected joint several times a day.
  3. Ointment made of flowers of white lilac. At the first sign of pain in the elbow, you can use homemade. In a small flat dishes sprinkle of white lilac flowers and pour them with melted butter (or vaseline) at the rate of 1:1. A week ointment can be used.
  4. the use of the tincture of Sophora fruit. In a sealed quart jar is poured fruit of Japanese Sophora. Fill jar to top with vodka, 3-4 weeks kept in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Then the solution is filtered and before meals take 0.5 tsp 3 times daily tincture of sweet briar. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

do Not ignore pain signals that your body sends. Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint is an insidious disease, its symptoms become visible when the joint is already damaged and it requires urgent medical intervention.