The main symptoms and treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint, the symptoms and treatment which will be described below – pathology of articular cartilage and a number of underlying bone tissue. Shoulder osteoarthritis causes degradation, wear and fracture of these structures. Initially the disease affects the cartilage, and then the process involves the capsule of the joints and surrounding bone. Another name of the disease – deforming arthrosis of the shoulder joint. If a person is sick with this disease, but have not addressed timely medical care, the consequences of negligent attitude to their health can lead to a complete loss of motor abilities of the hand.

the Problem of osteoarthritis of the glenohumeral joint

Reasons for the development of DOA

The Main impetus to the emergence and development of this disease is considered an inflammatory process in the joints. It can occur due to the impact of the following factors:

  1. the Presence of trauma leads to the appearance of deforming arthrosis of the shoulder. This can be damage to the field or the serial receipt of microtrauma, especially for people engaged in sports or heavy physical work.
  2. Disease of the vascular system, which leads to insufficient supply of blood to the joints, their degradation due to degenerative changes.
  3. Failures in a hormonal or autoimmune system that causes the development of psoriasis, gout and other diseases.
  4. Bad heredity. If any of the parents had this disease, shoulder osteoarthritis, there is a good chance that the children will manifest the disease.
  5. disruption of the normal functioning of the endocrine system and disruption in metabolic processes result in the accumulation of salts in the joints while reducing the income needed substances (calcium, phosphorus etc.) in the tissues of the cartilage. This leads to their destruction.
  6. Other diseases of the joints, for example, bone necrosis, synovitis, arthritis, etc.
  7. seniors (50 years and above) are at risk, as tissues wear out quickly.


The defeat of the right shoulder joint may lead to the development of another form of the disease – a glenohumeral arthrosis. It occurs when involvement in pathological changes of the shoulder joint, and the ligaments connecting it with the spatula. This disease may also appear on the left side of the body, but it happens rarely. This is because this disease occurs mainly due to malnutrition blood structures of the scapula and shoulder, which usually occurs in cardiovascular diseases.

Osteoarthritis of shoulder – main features

The disease is characterised by a long period of development. At the initial stage of symptoms, almost none. So if any even the smallest signs of osteoarthritis, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The characteristic features of the disease are:

  1. Pain syndrome. It usually occurs in the morning or if the weather changes. Pain when lifting heavy objects or when feeling the shoulder of the patient. With further development of the disease pain begins to bother the man and when alone. The pain can occur not only in the affected area, but in the hand, back, elbows.
  2. Limitations of motor functions. The patient has difficulty making simple movements. For example, it is difficult to comb my hair (one of the tests in the diagnosis of shoulder osteoarthritis). Trouble rotating the hand or limb withdrawal ago. If time does not approach the cure of disease, the joint is no longer moving, and will develop contracture.
  3. In the joints during movement you can hear a crunch or creak. This phenomenon appears because of the proliferation of osteophytes, which arise from the deposition of salts in the affected area. At the beginning of the disease the sounds like rustling or creaking, but then they become clearly audible as clicks with a crunch.
  4. On the affected area may appear swollen. Possible reddening of the skin in this area. If the patient has a fever, which finally confirms the presence of inflammation in the affected joint.
  5. In an advanced stage there is a danger that the joint will solidify and stop moving. This is possible if the growth of osteophytes.

Drug treatment

With a sudden pain in your shoulder it is better to go to a medical facility. Should do it also for bruises or joint injury, or dislocation. We must remember that in the later stages of the disease virtually incurable. While many who came to the doctors patients, almost no any symptoms.

Symptoms depending on the stage

Osteoarthritis of 1 degree usually manifests itself evening and morning pain. In this case it is necessary to move the joint to relieve the tightness. At sharp movements can be easy to hear the crunch, but without pain. In frozen form, such as raising your arm and its rotation causepain. During the quiescent state there is no discomfort. In this phase of the disease x-ray does not detect any significant changes in the joints of the shoulder.

Osteoarthritis of the 2nd degree causes pain, which is comparatively more intense and the crunch becomes clearly audible. For frozen form of the disease at this stage the patient has symptoms of synovitis and contractures of the muscles. The amplitude of the performed hand movements is sharply reduced, but the mobility in the joints remains. Starts the process of destruction and deformation.

With 3 degrees of development of the disease patients can only to shake a little by hand. Pain takes a permanent character. The joint is inflamed and deformed. Possible atrophy of the small parts of the muscles that are around the shoulder. In frozen form during this period, rest pain, and it seems that the disease has receded. When this occurs locking of the joint. In the absence of treatment appears symptoms of sclerosing capsulata. Cure osteoarthritis 3 degrees is possible only by surgery.

Leeches for the treatment of osteoarthritis

At last 4 the extent of damage is the knitting of the bones and destruction of joints. The pain cannot be eliminated by even the strongest drugs for pain relief. This stage happens mostly in older people.


There are two main ways of combating this disease: conservative therapy and surgical intervention. It all depends on what stage of disease the patient has, what are the symptoms. Assigns appropriate treatment. For classification of the disease, doctors use a code ICD 10.

The Conservative method of dealing with osteoarthritis aims to eliminate the pain and inflammation of developing. Usually for these purposes, the attending physician writes the patient a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This is usually drugs such as Diclofenac, Nimesulide, and the like. They relieve pain and eliminate inflammation.

If the inflammatory process has gone too far, then perhaps the use of corticosteroids. They are used for the blockade of the affected joint. They possess good anti-inflammatory properties. Typically, the input of such drugs is through injections made directly into the diseased joint. For this purpose, often used drugs such as Hydrocortisone or Kenalog.

Cabbage for the treatment of osteoarthritis

Usually, doctors prescribe patients a variety of gels, ointments, creams for topical use. They relieve inflammation. For this you can apply Bystrom gel or Diclofenac. To restore cartilage structures in osteoarthritis are destroyed, use the so-called chondroprotectors. They are made with the use of gialuronovu acid, chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine. Most often in these cases, use Artra and similar drugs (the don etc).

Together with these methods used physical therapy (especially in the form of glenohumeral arthrosis), the complex of medical gymnastics, massage. In the first method to cure the patient, doctors can send it to the following procedures:

  1. Ultrasonic irradiation of the diseased joint.
  2. Laser therapy.
  3. Healing mud baths.
  4. Cryotherapeutic procedure.
  5. Magnetic therapy.
  6. improvement of the leech (gerudoterapiya).

When using the set of exercises stress the joint gradually, stimulating the muscle fibers. As a result, and restores motor function of shoulder and upper arm. Along with this the patient is assigned to a special diet for osteoarthritis.

He / she is advised to withdraw from the diet, salted, spicy, fatty and canned foods. The patient should have a large number of herbs and vegetables. In the diet for osteoarthritis includes components such as: a variety of seafood, salmon and other related species of fish, Turkey. Thus alcohol should be abandoned.

If there was a destruction of cartilage in the shoulder joint, the doctors will refer the patient to a surgical operation. The method is called arthroplasty. At the time the incision is made in the affected area. From there, the removed tissue and bone structure affected by disease. They are replaced by implants made of ceramic, metal or plastic. This method allows you to completely restore motor function of the shoulder joint. The period of full rehabilitation of the patient depends on the severity of osteoarthritis. It can be from ½ to 1.5 years. Usually the disease does not relapse. If people don't address to doctors and brought the disease to the last stage, the operation is performed on an urgent basis.

Folk remedies at home

These tools should only be used for qualitative and effective pain relief affected area. They can't restore the joint. To use the people's recipes can only after consultation with your doctor and his recommendations. Used such types of cure, as compresses, homemade ointments, baths and a variety of rubbing. They help to warm up the painful area and relieve pain.

The Most simple form of such procedures is a compress.

The First recipe. You need to take oatmeal in the amount of thirty grams and boiled for 10 minutes in 2 cups of water. The resulting solution should be poured on a piece of gauze, wrapped in several layers.When it is completely impregnated with the mixture, swab applied to the affected area and keep for ½ hour.

To effectively deal with pain, it is necessary to make a compress out of cabbage juice. They are impregnated with a cotton swab and strengthen the shoulder joint using a bandage. This is best done before bedtime.

The Second recipe. Should be made to shoulder before bedtime cabbage leaves, coat with honey.

For rubbing can take the roots of elecampane in the amount of 0.05 kg. They need to insist on vodka – 125 ml. It is necessary the Process takes 14 days. Thereafter, the mixture is applied to the damaged shoulder and rubbed.

The Third recipe. The roots of Angelica 15 grams should pour boiling water and infuse for ½ hour. This solution was then filtered. Rubbed into affected area 4 times a day.

For use baths from herbs need to do the following:

  1. pour Into the bath water.
  2. Make a decoction from the herbs or infusion.
  3. Pour the mixture in it and bathe the patient.

Particularly effective in the treatment in this way have decoctions of mint, hay dust, mustard, burdock. The patient kept in the bath until his body is completely steamed. Then he rubbed the joint and placed under a thick blanket to keep warm.

A home-made ointment prepared as follows: take 15 grams of sweet clover and the same amount of St. John's wort and hops. All this is mixed and added to the petrolatum. The components are mixed until a homogeneous mass. This ointment should be rubbed daily to the patient.

In any case, at emergence of symptoms of shoulder osteoarthritis, it is best to go to a health facility. Self healing is not allowed, as such an attempt could only aggravate the disease, which will lead to the surgeon's table.