Signs and treatment of osteoarthritis of the rib-vertebral joints (joints)

Osteoarthritis of the costal-vertebral joints is a rare disease that most often gives trouble to older people. Recognised form of osteoarthritis specialists are divided into several varieties. Osteoarthritis of the costal-vertebral joints occurs due to degenerative changes of the vertebral joints. The spine, sternum and ribs constitute a single frame, placed inside all the organs of the chest. The vertebrae in this section are short but they have a fairly long spinous processes. Their peculiar structure does not allow the thoracic spine to have unlimited freedom. The load on the spine and the thoracic part is almost not affected, so arthritis of the rib-vertebral joints is less.

the Problem of osteoarthritis of the rib vertebral joints

varieties of costal-vertebral arthrosis

Osteoarthritis can be primary or secondary. Implicit form, it is also primary, but rather provokes the disease, i.e. The reasons in the period of occurrence of osteoarthritis is difficult to detect. Doctors often make the diagnosis of elderly people. In this period people violations occur in different body systems, and consequently, changes the metabolism and structure of the vertebral joints.

Secondary rib-vertebral arthrosis occurs when the reasons are clear. To precipitating factors specialists refer to inflammation, trauma, endocrine problems, and various infectious diseases. The thoracic symptoms of osteoarthritis often appear because of arthritis, inflammation in joints or tuberculosis.

Exfoliation of the skin with osteoarthritis

Thoracic spine consists of 12 vertebrae. The spinal canal in this division is quite narrow. This fact indicates that any formation and inflammation lead to compression of the nerve roots and the nervous system as a whole.

Symptoms and treatment of thoracic degenerative disc disease

The Disease can occur more than one year without symptoms.

In certain cases, the person feels pain in the interscapular region, the symptom is enhanced by active movements or breath. Sometimes pain is more noticeable in the left half of the body. These symptoms appear in breast osteochondrosis. In this case, pain symptoms very similar to coronary artery disease. Therefore specialist treatment shall appoint after conducting ECG or MRI. The symptoms of breast pain can increase at night or during a long stay in the same position. Often the burning and pain occur after hypothermia and physical exertion. Osteoarthritis exacerbation may last for weeks.

ECG for the diagnosis of the disease

Patients with osteoarthritis complain of additional symptoms: feeling of “pins and needles”, numbness, brittle nails and even peeling of the skin. Some people occur in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It should be noted that dorsalgia – back pain is a frequent symptom of the disease described.

Treatment of this disease must be initiated in a timely manner. Refusing treatment may not only cause compression of the spinal cord, but also nasty diseases of the heart, intestines, kidneys, liver. Currently osteoarthritis of the costal-vertebral joints have been successfully treated without surgical intervention. More than 20 modern techniques used by doctors to get rid of people from this disease. Special courses offered by Russian clinics, with the first sessions effectively improve blood circulation and restore the nutrition of the intervertebral discs. Necessary exercise and modern medical devices can stimulate the immune system of the patient to strengthen the muscles of the back.

In Addition to medical treatments prescribed to patients, professionals need a diet that helps strengthen joints and reduce pain.