Causes, symptoms and treatment of deforming arthrosis

the Most common disease of joints is a deforming arthritis – osteoarthritis, which is based on dysfunction of the articular cartilage. Very often prerequisites for the emergence of this disease are overweight, which leads to large loads on the joint, and a sedentary lifestyle.

the Problem of deforming arthrosis

At risk include women and men aged 40 to 60 years of age and older. Despite the great efforts of specialists and the effectiveness of many therapeutic interventions, osteoarthritis continues to impress people.


Rheumatologists and orthopedists treating articular diseases, there are two types of this disease: primary and secondary osteoarthritis. The emergence of primary osteoarthritis provoke excessive load. In secondary osteoarthritis a degenerative change already altered the articular cartilage. Among the factors of the disease should be named:

  • the reason why articular cartilage under mechanical load can not resist this influence;
  • decreased ability of cartilage to withstand mechanical stress due to the hereditary characteristics of the organism.

In the development of the disease play an important role internal and external factors. The external factors include:

  • overloading joints;
  • poor diet
  • alcohol abuse
  • viral infections.

Schema changes joint with arthrosis

From external factors resulting in the occurrence of arthrosis, it is possible to allocate the following reasons:

  • structure defects of the musculoskeletal system;
  • are overweight
  • of disorders in the endocrine system (diabetes);
  • chronic disease
  • circulatory disorders
  • inflammatory diseases of the joints.

clinical Features

The Symptoms of diseases such as deforming arthrosis, currently are manifested not only in elderly patients. Quite often the disease develops in people of middle age. Today suffer from arthrosis and young people, barely reached 20 years of age.

For many years, the person may be suffering pain in joints when moving, walking and adverse weather conditions. The first time the disease gains momentum, people susceptible to painful syndromes only in the presence of a provoking factor. Later there are changes, accompanied by inflammation in the joints. During this period, there is much severe pain during movement.

unhealthy diet as a cause of osteoarthritis

Many adapt to such a condition that subsequently leads to problems: disrupted ligaments and the regional muscles, begin the changes of bone and cartilaginous tissue. If symptoms appear, patients often attend the doctors with a question about whether we can stop the development of osteoarthritis.

If you do not apply adequate treatment, disrupted the function of the knee and hip joints, affects the interphalangeal joint of the hand. Delayed treatment gives good results in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Therefore, when patients had severe pain during the acute illness to undergo treatment with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes, the doctor inserts a hormonal therapy.

How to treat arthritis?

The Complexity of this disease is that it cannot be cured completely. Supportive therapy, local application of drugs, diet, physiotherapy activities, physiotherapy – these are issues with which a person suffering from deforming arthrosis, should communicate always.

Pharmacy offers effective gels and ointments for local effects on the hearth of the disease in the acute stage. Inflammatory process the joint swells, movements become painful due to effusion.

Diclofenac-acre ointment for the treatment of deforming arthrosis

To facilitate the patient's condition, doctors prescribe the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, a treatment which helps to stop inflammation. The medication inside leads to the appearance of side effects in the digestive system, kidneys and liver, so ointments and gels are much safer and no less effective. They help to quickly reduce swelling and relieve pain in osteoarthritis.

A Good means to relieve the painful symptoms are butadiene ointment, Diclofenac (ointment), Voltaren, Fastum gel.

Drugs used in remission, are prescribed when the inflammation is absent. In this period of the disease, the cosmetics that can improve blood circulation, increase metabolism and restore the ruined cartilage. When such treatment is recommended drugs that affect degenerative processes in joints, improves mobility of joints and bone tissue nutrition. They caninclude Hawkman, Espol, Menovazin. Warming effect helps to permanently remove the pain.

In osteoarthritis prescribe compresses Dimexidum, Bischofite and medical bile. Drugs have a high penetrating ability and strong antimicrobial, resolving and analgesic effect. Their warming effect helps to improve blood circulation in joints, muscles and ligaments, metabolism, and also to normalize the regeneration of cartilage.

Voltaren for the treatment of deforming arthrosis

DOA vertebral column

Cartilage is damaged in osteoarthritis not only in the joints of the limbs. This manifestation of the disease, as deforming arthrosis of the spine, can cause problems. When it appears:

  • sharp pain when turning the neck;
  • spasms of the neck muscles;
  • deposition of calcium salts in the vertebrae.

With the development of arthrosis in vertebral pain appear due to the loss of elasticity in intervertebral discs. Is formed by the spasm caused by compression of the nerve fibers the vertebrae. The cartilage tissue starts to cover the cracks, as a result, the liquid feeding the fabric, misses him.

Osteoarthritis of the spine has three degrees of severity:

  1. Osteoarthritis of 1 degree is characterized by slight pain in the vertebra, which can be treated using manual therapy.
  2. the Second stage demonstrates the presence of long-term pain, stiffness in the segments of the vertebra. Create a new articulation is formed by osteophytes, around the joint. Is assigned therapy, acute pain.
  3. In the third degree appear very severe pain, causing the problems when driving. Apply complex treatment.

Fastum gel for the treatment of deformative arthrosis

For treatment using painkillers: Movalis, Diclofenac. The complex prescribers, relaxing the back muscles on the painful areas of the spine (Mydocalm). To nerve impulses faster than was received in damaged segments of the spine, it is recommended to use b vitamins To relieve inflammation prescribed Hydrocortisone and Kenalog. This therapy can be applied only in case the osteophytes compress the nearby nerve roots, leading to dysfunction of internal organs.

Diet and nutrition

One of the causes of arthritis is obesity. Diet is a sure step to recovery. A complete and balanced diet implies eating foods rich in protein. Proteins help to restore cartilage. Much protein is contained in dairy products: cottage cheese, yogurt, whey. In addition to protein, these foods contain calcium (the main material for the structure of bone tissue).

better to give Preference to lean meat, which is steamed. It is necessary to include in the diet legumes, buckwheat, oats and oatmeal. Nutritionists for these disorders is recommended to include eating jellied minced meat and gelatinous dishes. Healthy carbohydrates are best obtained from fruits and pasta low-fat varieties. Unique omega-3 fats found in marine fish species should be present in the daily menu as often as possible.

Flowers of lilac for the treatment of osteoarthritis

be Sure to eliminate alcohol, smoked, sweet and flour dishes. Should give up salty fish. You need to eat no later than 18:00, do not overeat, and always before eating, drink a glass of pure non-carbonated water.

traditional methods of therapy

At different stages of osteoarthritis can be treated not only through medication, but also folk remedies.

joint Disease is a problem for many elderly people, so many, prepare an infusion of white lilac for rubbing painful joints. In a 500 gram jar put flowers of lilac, pour alcohol, stirred and left in dark place for two weeks. To RUB the skin with the infusion without removing the flowers from the jar. Alcohol substitute in some cases triple Cologne.

Marigold Flower is known as an excellent healing and anti-inflammatory remedy for joint pains. In composition with willow bark and birch leaves properties of calendula are enhanced. 1 tbsp. spoon of each ingredient must be poured into a jar, pour 1 liter of boiling water and infuse for 5 hours. Broth take half a Cup 3 times a day.

Horseradish for the treatment of osteoarthritis

To reduce pain in inflamed joints used honey. Tablespoon of honey mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of mustard and vegetable oil. The mixture was spread on a cotton cloth, apply to the affected area and wrap a woolen scarf. Compress marinate 2 hours. The procedure was repeated 3 times a week.

In osteoarthritis effective fuck. It leaves applied at night as a compress.

To the body struggled with inflammatory processes in the joints, preparing a healing balm. 1 kg of horseradish grind in a meat grinder, wring out juice, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Balm take 1 teaspoon 1 time a day (before meals for 30 minutes). Duration of treatment is 1 month. At 30 days, the reception interrupt, and then repeat.

If you have arthritis different type helps the product prepared from 100 g of paraffin, 100 g of alcohol. The combustible mixture is poured into a bottle, boil on a water bath for 20 minutes with the open bottle. Warm the productrubbed into affected areas and wrapped in a woolen blanket. The course of treatment – 2 months. If necessary, treatment extend.

Ointment of propolis will help to forget about pain in joints. Propolis crumble, put in a jar and pour 100 ml of vegetable oil. Put the mixture on a water bath until it dissolves. This ointment rubbed aching joints for 3 months.

It also helps with the pain a mixture of Apple cider vinegar and olive oil (in proportion 1:1).

Helpers in the fight against disease are grown in gardens plants. The leaves of black currant (5-7 pieces) brew in a Cup of boiling water. Simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.