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The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the ankle joint at home

In the case where the person is required to carry out the treatment of arthrosis of the ankle joints at home, first of all, he can use folk remedies. With their help it is possible to prepare quite a large number of medicinal infusions and decoctions.

the Problem of osteoarthritis of the ankle joint

Causes of gonarthrosis

diseases of the ankle can occur for many reasons, but primary among them are the following:

  • flat feet
  • mechanical injuries;
  • the presence of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • articular psoriasis.

Such diseases cause a high load on the ankle, which leads to the appearance of micro traumas and subsequently, in turn leading to osteoarthritis. Moreover, to the dangerous diseases include systemic red lupus disease and spondylitis. Their presence greatly not only weakens the human immune system, but also leads to the rejection of joint tissues.

Diagram of arthrosis of the ankle

Also among the causes of inflammation of the ankle joint can be noted poor diet and excess weight. Higher body weight substantially increases the load exerted not only on the joints and the bone structure of a person. Quite dangerous are inflammation in the ankles, which can lead to disruption of metabolic process. With meals patients must be dietetic. This is because all the spicy, salty, fatty and smoked products consumed by man in large quantities, cause the deposition of salts in the joints and cause osteoarthritis.

The Risk of osteoarthritis of the ankle is that in the early stages of the disease difficult to detect. At later stages, the person has a fever in the damaged area and swelling causes severe pain during walking. Then the increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees, which will worsen the overall condition and wellbeing.

If you notice such symptoms should immediately consult a doctor, who with the help of various diagnostic measures will help to establish the correct diagnosis. After that, he will be able to recommend an individual method of treatment of this disease. In severe forms of the disease are often offered surgery.

fever in osteoarthritis of the ankle joint

traditional methods of treatment

In the case when conventional treatment did not help to cope with arthritis, then you can use folk remedies healing. Very effective folk remedy is considered decoction prepared from dried leaves of bilberry. For its production we use 3-4 leaves of bilberry, which should be well crushed. After that, they pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for 15-20 minutes. The infused solution should be taken internally 5-6 times a day 2-3 SIPS. Lingonberry leaves can be replaced with a mixture made on the basis of dried leaves of black currant, buds of birch and corn columns with stigmas.

It is Possible to treat ankle osteoarthritis herbal tea that is infused with birch buds, nettle and violet petals. These ingredients need to dry, and then brew 200 ml of boiled water in equal proportions (10-15 g). Drink the prepared solution, 3-4 times a day for 100 ml at a time.

In Addition to herbs and different charges, you can continue to use folk remedies treatment, used as ointments.

Very effective is an ointment made of 1 egg yolk, 10 g of turpentine and 20 g of Apple cider vinegar. These components need carefully to mix together, and then infuse for 2 hours. This ointment helps to remove patients from lameness, even when deforming types of arthritis.

Accelerate the healing process

As noted above, one of the most important conditions that help speed up the recovery of patients is adherence to diet. Through diet can not only regulate the amount of purines produced, but also display the accumulated in the body toxins and harmful substances.

From the daily diet should be excluded all sodas, black tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages. Moreover, we must abandon the consumption of meat, animal fats, milk and dairy products. The consumption of acidic and spicy dishes (pepper, lemon, sorrel, etc.) should be minimized. It is forbidden to eat grapes, raspberries, currants, strawberries and mushrooms.

In addition, you cannot forget about physiotherapy (physical therapy), which is an essential feature of successful restoration of a damaged organ. All therapeutic exercises should be repeated several times, this will help reduce the amount of fluid accumulated in the joint cavity. This will entail the improvement of circulation and lowering the temperature, which will allow the footsafely to recover.

not to mention various physiotherapy and massage, which must necessarily be prescribed to patients after completion of primary treatment. For this purpose, laser and ultrasound treatments, hot baths paraffin. Moreover, well established galvanotherapy, mud and electric treatment. It is important to remember that during the primary treatment of heating can not be used, since this will greatly worsen the health of patients.