How is primary and secondary prevention of rheumatic fever and its complications?

Prevention of rheumatic fever includes measures to avoid rheumatoid damages the cardiovascular system. These activities can be divided into methods of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.

the Problem of rheumatism

General measures for the prevention of the disease

Primary prevention includes activities aimed at increasing the immune qualities of all internal systems and General activities that promote hygienic and sanitary condition of the body. To address issues of primary prevention of rheumatoid disorders should be implemented:

  1. General medical examinations by doctors of different qualifications in the workplace to identify workers who are carriers of staph infection or suffer prolonged local infection with allergic manifestations.
  2. Full survey and isolation of ill people with the use of advanced chemical and immunogenetic methods of examination (establishing the number of cells, like blood cells fighting against staphylococcal manifestations, etc.).
  3. Sanitary treatment of sources of infection and infection foci.
  4. a Census of personal data of a person to the narcological registration for the purpose of the planned treatment and supervision.
  5. Improve immunity to infections: hardening of children and adolescents, proper fortified food, exercise or physical therapy.

the Treatment of rheumatism under the supervision of a physician

Cure, exacerbated staphylococcal disease in rheumatic disorders often depends on the time factor: the earlier you start, the more chances of a full recovery.

Special attention should be given to the identification and elimination of sources of staphylococcal infection.

Treatment of exacerbated staphylococcal disease should be managed with antibiotics for 12-15 days.

Apply amidosulfonic acid derivatives and drugs based on the tetracycline experts do not advise, as there is a reasonable cause to believe that the staph is absolutely impervious to the action of these drugs.

If the medication cannot be administered intramuscularly, for the treatment of acute staphylococcal infections they may be administered for 12-15 days. Thus it is necessary periodically to repeat, since irregular their use may reduce the therapeutic effect to zero. Patient with such infection may be denied sick leave only if the complete elimination of symptoms.

Attentive attitude during treatment, the subject people, which are the sources of protracted staphylococcal infection (inflammation, sinusitis, sore throat, tooth decay, angioholity and other inflammatory pathology). The rehabilitation method selected by the attending doctor (physician) with specific industry specialists (ENT, dentist, gynaecologist).

Large and minor criteria of rheumatic fever

Secondary prevention

It is Especially necessary to observe those people who are often subject to rheumatic manifestations, recurrence. Also patients who are on a par with the sources of protracted staphylococcal infections can be traced steady or periodic low-grade fever, arthralgia, high asteniceski, multi-function pathology of blood vessels and internal organs. These patients not only need intensive remediation of sources of infection, but also secondary seasonally bicillinum-drug prevention every 3-4 years.

Secondary prevention of rheumatic fever are essential to patients who survived rheumatic heart disease, to prevent relapse in terms of clinical and outpatient treatment. For secondary prevention is used in basically the same tools as for other types, but do it later.

All patients survived rheumatic heart disease, regardless of the presence of heart abnormalities be registered strictly observing the rules: an examination every six months (in the months the most unsafe for the formation of recurrence, usually in spring and autumn).

the Treatment of rheumatic fever with antibiotics

In this scenario, much attention is paid to the emergence of latent or indolent configurations rheumatoid process, which usually cannot be detected in the clinical setting.

To identify similar configurations in outpatients (rheumatology offices) a full range of progressive biochemical and immunogenetic analyses. When identifying intensive process of rheumatoid patients, depending on symptoms and conditions, conduct anti-rheumatic treatments in a hospital or clinic.


At the present time, all patients who underwent dynamic rheumatoid disorder at least once in 4 years is conducted within several weeks of bicillin-drug preventivecourse.

It is conducted irrespective of age and presence of heart disease (patients with duration of intense rheumatism migrated more than 6 years of preventive therapy is administered according to personal certificates).

Is constant, season by season and the current prevention of rheumatic fever. Permanent (year round) bicillin-drug prophylaxis is carried out using bitsillina-5 or bitsillina-1 (bitsillin-3 for the prevention of rheumatic fever are not used).

every six months (in spring and in autumn) within 2-2,5 months experts carry out anti-relapse effects of drugs salicylic acid (in adults: aspirin carbonic acid; aminopyrine; dipyrone – a dose prescribed by the doctor). Most often billingparadise connected with the appointment of a fortified injections and tablets, in particular ascorbic acid, and other bracing means.

The Seasonally pharmacoprophylaxis bitsillinom is conducted in the coldest months (for temperate climates is September-December and March-may). Bitsillin-5 is administered intramuscularly to adults and teenagers 1 time per month (dose prescribed by the doctor). Prevention of complications also includes a course of bicillin.

Along with the bicillin injections within six months, a treatment of antirheumatoid substances in the portions noted above in combination with vitamins.

Improving the quality of life

Is for those people who have lost normal viability. The first thing is rational, and correct employment of a person who suffers from rheumatism. So, patients (with a heart defect and without defect) can not work or take shifts at night, in rooms where there are drafts and drastically changing the temperature. These preventive labor issues are resolved together with the doctor, patient and management of the enterprise (generally, unions).

Current preventive measures (1 every 12 days) to combat rheumatism require persons vulnerable to rheumatoid disorders, and all patients who suffer from rheumatic disorders with acute respiratory diseases: sore throat, acute tonsillitis and a protracted etc. And regardless of whether the earlier billingparadise or not.