How to manifest treated and arthrosis of the joints of the lumbar-sacral spine?

Osteoarthritis of the lumbosacral spine is one of the most common problems that occur in people older than 40 years. According to statistics, every third person has a similar lesion of the lumbosacral plexus that delivers certain inconveniences in day to day activities. What is it?

the Problem of osteoarthritis of the sacral spine

arthritis of the joints of the spine

Under the osteoarthritis in now understand degenerative disease that affects mainly the intervertebral articulation.

lumbosacral spine

normal in the lumbar spine performed the majority of body movements in space. In addition, it accounts for almost and entire body mass, because the lower back is responsible for the maintenance of the body in space.

At the level of the first lumbar vertebra is lumbar nerve plexus is responsible for innervation of the pelvis and lower limbs.

The development of osteoarthritis, a deterioration of blood circulation in this area, the infringement of spinal nerve roots, and the progression of atrophic processes.

Clinic spondylarthrosis

What are the symptoms characteristic for the development of osteoarthritis of the lumbar? In the early stages of the disease diagnosed with osteoarthritis to put is quite difficult, as virtually any clinical signs of the disease there. The only symptom that may indicate the progression of the degenerative process, is the weight in the back.

It appears in intense physical work or during a long stay in a stationary position (standing). However, this symptom many people do not pay attention, as it is often referred to tired or peretruhina.

lower back Pain when froze

As the disease progresses you may experience symptoms such as limitation of movement in lower back, pain. Limitation of movement is due to a decrease in the mobility between the vertebrae, by development of connective tissue elements between them. It becomes impossible to tilt forward and to the side.

lower back Pain appears when the infringement of spinal nerve roots. Commonly develops the pain of whining character, aggravated after performing any work and disappearing in the morning after a long rest period.

Long-existing osteoarthritis of the lumbar-sacral spine can lead to the development of violations the pelvic organs and symptoms of the lesion of the nerves innervating the lower limbs. In some cases the development of trophic disorders in the legs, weakness of the leg muscles.


How can we diagnose osteoarthritis of the lumbosacral? Its diagnosis is a comprehensive examination.

You first need to carefully collect the anamnesis of disease and life of patient, to specify how long ago had pain in the lower back, the patient was taken for their relief, was the effect of the treatment. You should find out the specifics of the work of the patient: does he have to deal with weights, does some work on air, in a cold room.

a Thorough collection of anamnesis of disease and life of patient with arthritis

When carrying out an objective examination can reveal the presence of scoliosis of the lumbar spine, tenderness to palpation of the exit points of spinal nerves. When the feeling of the longitudinal muscle of the back is determined by their voltage, the dense part.

Often due to the pain the patient takes a forced position of the body, spares the affected side (unilateral process), trying to move less.

should be held and a neurological examination. Patients with osteoarthritis often revealed loss of reflexes in the lower extremities (patellar and Achilles tendon), reduction of sensitivity on his feet. Revealed a positive Lasegue symptom: with the patient lying on your back straightened leg is raised. Symptom considered positive, if the angle between the foot and the bed surface is less than 70-90 degrees (in this case during the lifting of the limb increased pain in the lower back).

MRI of the lumbosacral spine

In laboratory studies, reliable data on the development of osteoarthritis cannot be obtained. The only changes that can be observed: increase in the number of cells (due to local inflammation in the pinched nerve) and serum calcium.

has the Most informative imaging. Most often a CT scan is carried out, although at present there is a safer equivalent – magnetic resonance imaging. With their help it is possible to identify the presence of adhesions betweenthe vertebrae in the lumbosacral region, reducing the distance between them.

The Diagnosis is set on the basis of data of instrumental examinations and typical clinical picture of the disease.

approaches to the treatment of

by What means and methods necessary to treat osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine? If the disease is at an early stage of development, patients should be encouraged avoidance of physical activity and fatigue, reduction of body weight (if you have it in excess), retainer wearing corsets and belts. Be sure proper load distribution and periods of work and leisure.

start Drug treatment in case pain was not convenient.

Outpatient you can use drugs such as Meloxicam, Spazmatron, Tolperizon. They help to reduce muscle tension, increase of volume of active movements in the lower back. With the ineffectiveness of outpatient treatment is recommended to continue the therapy of the disease in a hospital.

This is done using intravenous infusion with Aminophylline, L-lysine aescinat. These drugs improve circulation in the affected area, reduce the local swelling and inflammation.

If inpatient treatment does not have the desired effect, the question is raised about the conduct of the neurosurgical intervention.