Home / Spinal injury: types, classification, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation / Fractures of the spine / Symptoms, treatment, exercise therapy, the effects of compression fracture thoracic spine

Symptoms, treatment, exercise therapy, the effects of compression fracture thoracic spine

A Compression fracture of the thoracic spine can occur not only as a result of injury, but also because of osteoporosis. If a person has diseases such as osteoporosis, metastatic disease, a tumor, a fracture of this kind sometimes it happens unexpectedly, e.g. during coughing. When such injury is often not only damage the vertebrae, but also adjacent muscles, ligaments, intervertebral discs. The severity of the injury, the severity of pain and disorders of the internal organs directly will depend on the nature of damage of nervous structures and of the number of broken vertebrae. Because of this, the intensity of symptoms can vary in a wide range.

the Risk of a compression fracture of the spine

Symptoms of fracture

The Symptoms can increase with great speed, if left untreated. Injuries of this kind are often caused by neurological causes. In this connection it is observed not only pain, but also disrupted the bodies. When the feeling felt a sharp pain and marked muscle spasm. Trauma caused by disease, has a number of attributes:

  • aching pain in the back and other parts of the body;
  • formation of a bend at the injury site and the gradual formation of a hump.

back Pain as a symptom of fracture

A Fracture resulting from trauma, has distinctive symptoms:

  • sudden and severe pain in the back, aggravated by inspiration and expiration when any change of position;
  • swelling over the fracture site;
  • neurological signs
  • with cord damage, limb lose sensitivity
  • stomach ulcers, intestinal diseases – vegetative disorders, which depend on which segment is located the damaged vertebra;
  • congestion in the lungs, due to breathing problems and, as a result of pneumonia.

The Internal organs may be affected and due to mechanical impact. This happens when a person falls. with in conjunction with a compression fracture may appear contusions, ruptures of the heart and lungs. If there was a rupture of the heart, the person dies instantly. This damage can be identified by the following signs:

  • cyanosis is the blue tint acquiring person;
  • shortness of breath, lack of air;
  • restricted movement of the chest when breathing
  • cardiac arrhythmias
  • low blood pressure and high venous pressure;
  • subcutaneous emphysema – air enters under the skin and causes swelling body parts, inflated the chest, neck, face, thighs, etc.

Fracture with damage to internal organs when you fall down


There are four degrees of fracture from mild to very severe. Each of them is characterized by the severity of the injuries. So, when you mild the vertebrae and organs remain intact, only minor reduction of the vertebra. In moderate cases, breaks the vertebra, it has been halved, and the organs are not affected. For severe affected vertebrae, organs and the spinal cord. Very severe degree is when the organs severely damaged, broken vertebrae and the spine ceases to hold. For each degree of injury is assigned to a certain treatment. But with all the degrees in rehabilitation period is required physiotherapy. To eliminate the cause of the injury, should be engaged in their prevention, it is especially important for certain categories of people who are at risk.


Conservative treatment includes the following activities:

  1. Stay on a hard bed with a downward slope for a minimum period of one month.
  2. at Least two months then you need to wear retainer braces. In case of refusal from the tilted position, the corset is worn for three months.
  3. Treatment. Medical treatment includes painkillers, calcium for strong bones, hormonal drugs, vitamins, if necessary, medication for osteoporosis and bone metastases.

Types of fractures of the spine

Surgical treatment is carried out in the following cases:

  1. If the height of the vertebra is reduced by half and more.
  2. If there is a pinched nerve in the spinal cord.
  3. With the threat of nerve compression or spinal cord organs and loss of mobility.

Surgical treatment is excluded at the last stage of cancer, if there are multiple metastases.


In all fractures require a long rehabilitation after the course of treatment. Rehabilitation measures include physical therapy and physical therapy.

You Need to understand that prolonged exposure in a stationary state causes muscle wasting. Perhaps the appearance of bedsores and the weakening of the General tone of the body. In addition, after the healing of the thoraciclosing flexibility and mobility. It is to restore these lost functions is assigned to physiotherapy. Exercise programs designed a lot, and your doctor will choose the necessary.

Physical therapy during the rehabilitation period need to preferably deal with every day. All exercises are performed slowly, this will ensure gradual restoration of mobility. If the exercises quickly, jerkily, it is possible to trigger a new injury. The basis of physical therapy techniques is the gradual recovery to develop broken bones hard, and it should be done slowly.

Physiotherapy allows not only to restore mobility and strengthen the muscles to improve the blood circulation in the body, boost immunity and improve overall health.

the Importance of physical therapy in the rehabilitation period

Physical therapy prevents thrombosis, normalizes digestion, reduces the manifestation of asthenic syndrome. Physiotherapy prevents congestion in the thoracic region, which prevents the development of pneumonia or dysfunction of the pelvic organs. Therapeutic physical culture for rehabilitation after a fracture is divided into periods.

In the first 7-10 days therapeutic exercises aimed at improving the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, stomach and intestines. In this period, when the patient still is, used mainly respiratory and General developmental exercises for different muscle and joint groups.

up To 30 days physical education is designed to normalize the function of internal organs and improve the blood circulation in the injured area to accelerate the healing process.

From 45 to 60 therapeutic exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the trunk, pelvic, extremities, improve coordination and mobility of the spine.

The Initial period is counted from the time when a patient got out of bed. Physiotherapy aims to further strengthen the muscles.

All exercises are suitable not only for adults but also for children.


A Compression fracture in children and older people usually occurs because of a fall or during a sharp slope. The consequences are serious:

  1. the Pain and loss of mobility in his back.
  2. kyphosis – the appearance of a hump.
  3. Complications of a neurological nature.

Rehabilitation is designed to reduce the likelihood of such consequences, so you need to treat it very seriously and not to neglect physical therapy.


Preventive measures involve maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating and physical activity.

It is Necessary to pay attention to the amount of calcium in the body. This is especially important for children and women after age 40. Children's bodies are growing quickly, and the lack of this element the bones become friable and brittle. In women, the risk increases due to the fact that after a certain age the calcium from the bones starts to leach, the weight of many women during these periods increases markedly and the bone cannot withstand.

A Proper diet should be to eat more dairy products, protein, and carbohydrates should be reduced.

exercise form a muscular frame, hamper weight and improve coordination and agility. Many of them lack these qualities, because of this, they often fall, increasing the risk of injury. Injuries in classes are also possible, but to minimise the risk you should strictly observe safety instructions and training in appropriate equipment.

To exclude Completely the possibility of injury is impossible, but by using certain rules, you can reduce the risk of its occurrence.