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Exercises physiotherapy and exercise therapy for spinal fracture

exercise therapy in fracture of the spine is a necessary measure. Below are described the basic layout and characteristics of the practice, and also explain what a compression fracture of the spine.

the Problem of fracture of the spine

What is a compression fracture of the spine?

spinal Compression fracture is a type of back injury when breaking and damaged one of the vertebrae. This is a very dangerous injury because the damaged vertebra can be displaced into the canal with the spinal fluid and cause paralysis. This injury can occur in situations when the spine is excessively compressed, pinched or bent. The most common situation, the acquisition of such injuries – accidents and accidents associated with the failed drops. In addition, the cause of this fracture could be osteoporosis.

The main manifestations of compression fracture of the spine include sudden pain in the back, hands and feet, numbness in toes and hands, nausea, headache, asphyxiation. It is important to remember that pain may occur much later than the damage, so after a bad fall, an accident or injury at work it makes sense to visit a doctor, even if there is no pain or numbness. with In the diagnosis of osteoporosis requires regular visits with a physician to avoid injuring the gradual compression of the vertebrae.

If there is a suspicion of this injury, you must call an ambulance and in any case not to give the patient move. The final diagnosis can only ask a trauma surgeon.

the accident is the cause of fracture of the spine

the Features of the LFC.

exercise therapy for compression fracture of the spine is prescribed if the degree of injury is small. The patient is prescribed physiotherapy, painkillers, styling, movement restrictions for a few months, a corset and a number of other procedures. If the injury is severe, is treated with surgery.

Physical therapy is prescribed individually, taking into account features of concrete fracture, depending on whether the spine has been injured, what is their intensity, strong pain and numbness. The most common thoracic and lumbar compression fractures of the spine.

To Do the recommended exercises required at least six months from the date of injury, because the main objective of the exercise is to create a reliable physiotherapy muscular system, allowing the spine to stay in proper position.

There are 4 periods in the performance of the exercises. In the first months exercise is aimed at maintaining the overall tone of all muscles so that they are not weakened during the period of immobility, then the emphasis is on building strong muscles along the spine and then strengthening the whole body with a mission to put man on his feet.

Temperature - contraindication to physical therapy

Contraindications to remedial gymnastics classes

There are a number of contraindications for exercise therapy for compression fractures of the spine:

  • the presence of pain, aggravated by activities in physical therapy;
  • high temperature when carrying out workouts and after them;
  • low or high blood pressure;
  • deterioration of the General condition, for example, the reduction of sensitivity in the feet and hands.

Order and sequence of activities

In the first 10 days of exercises are performed lying in bed, slowly, constantly resting. The complex of exercises you need to perform 2-3 times a day. Each movement should be repeated no more than 5 times. During this period, it is recommended to perform the following exercises:

  1. Hands: to compress and decompress fingers, bend, twist and straighten the arms at the wrists, elbows, shoulders.
  2. Foot to bend in different directions, to make their circular motion.
  3. Legs are alternately swung to the side, bend them at the knees. Feet should not be lifted above the bed, these exercises are forbidden to do on weight.
  4. Alternate tension of the muscles of the body followed by rest.

Therapeutic exercises for spinal fractures

In the second period, attributable to the first month after the injury to my legs from the bed, there are exercises for your feet on weight. In addition, in all of these groups of exercise the load is increased – more approaches. Appear exercises can Flex the back in the thoracic and lumbar spine. Still practiced alternate tension of all muscles of the body. Added the first simple exercises from a prone position on his stomach, comparable to the load with the first period.

In the third period (from the second month and until the patient is allowed to walk) workouts take about half an hour 2 times a day. In addition to the movements of the second period, there are exercises on all fours, andalso at strengthening the muscles of the neck. Exercises for the hands and feet are associated with increasing load – it is recommended the use of dumbbells and weights. In the fourth period (from the moment the doctors allowed to go, and before discharge) training initially takes 40-45 minutes, 2 times a day, then gradually increase their duration. To the actions of the third period, added a simple exercise standing with feet firmly on the headboard.

You Can also mark the fifth period, when it gradually to the compound of the fourth period home adding new strength exercises for General strengthening of the body.

It is Important to repeat that for each compression of the fracture has a specific recovery model of therapeutic exercises, so the workouts need to focus on the doctor's recommendation.