The drug Tsitramon headache

Headaches are familiar to almost everyone. It is very important to have in your medicine Cabinet for an Aspirin for a headache. This is one of the most common, effective, and at the same time available funds. To initiate the occurrence of headaches can almost every disease (e.g., migraine, tooth pain in weather-sensitive people, the pressure jump). A Aspirin, and other analgesics, helps to eliminate pain, but has no effect on the cause that calls them.

Symptoms headache

These headache tablets are dispensed at the pharmacy without a prescription, but you must remember that they have their contraindications and side effects, so before applying you should read the instructions.

Properties and principle of operation

In an Aspirin composition contains these components:

  1. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). He falls into the category of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. He good studied the pros and cons of his almost familiar. This tool has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect, improves blood circulation. Negative qualities are: aggressive effect on the gastric mucosa and decrease blood clotting. Aspirin used as a preventive measures to prevent the formation of blood clots.
  2. Caffeine. Stimulates the Central nervous system, relieves fatigue, increases efficiency, expands the blood vessels, accelerates blood flow. Enhances the effect of aspirin in analgesia, so they are often combined in prescriptions of doctors. Reduces the risk of blood clots.
  3. Paracetamol. Has analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect. The negative is its toxic effect on liver cells. Paracetamol can also be irritated gastric mucosa.

Tsitramon headache

Included in the Tsitramona components contribute to a significant improvement of the human condition and eliminate unpleasant symptoms of headache. Before the drug was phenacetin, now it was canceled (replaced phenacetin paracetamol) and left three major components.

The Drug is very good for a pressure headache, has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Compared with other drugs, for example, Analgin, it acts softer and take it often. If you are correctly dosing the Aspirin is harmless.

Indications for use

Citramon Sometimes take a long time, too frequently or inappropriately, oblivious to the fact that this drug has its indications. It is recommended to take in:

  1. Toothache. Since this type of pain sometimes becomes unbearable, it is better to take pain pills.
  2. Headache. The reasons can be various and very important use of Aspirin after the prior blood pressure measurement, because if it increases the pain may worsen.
  3. Muscle pain. Can be caused by different reasons, for example, by stretching or inflammation due to the draught.
  4. of Neuralgia. Sometimes there are pain in a specific area of the body, though the person injured was not hit.
  5. Painful menstrual period in women. In such cases the best effect of the antispasmodics, but aspirin and paracetamol will help to ease the condition and to eliminate pain.
  6. In times of flu or colds, when there is body aches and fever.
  7. In the case of infectious diseases for additional stimulation of the body.
  8. When pain in the joints. Helps relieve pain, but the effect is short-lived.

the Caffeine in the composition of aspirin

Its effectiveness tested by time, besides side effects are extremely rare, so the use of the drug for adults, and for seniors and children over 10 years. According to the recommendations of doctors, the use of Aspirin may at reduced pressure because it contains caffeine, which increases the pressure.

As part of the preparation contains substances that interact in the complex and help the body in the following way:

  • have an antipyretic effect using the fixed part of the preparation of paracetamol and aspirin;
  • have anti-inflammatory action in inflammatory syndromes in the body which provokes pain;
  • contribute to the improvement of blood circulation in the area where inflammation occurs;
  • help to reduce blood coagulation for better access to the damaged areas;
  • improve the blood supply to the brain, dilate the blood vessels;
  • relieve pain
  • eliminate drowsiness (due to caffeine), improve the mental activity and physical activity.

Contraindications to.

Citramon possesses a wide range of effects on the human body and has several advantages.

to consult a doctor for headache

But we should not forget that this is a medicine and he also has contraindications, such as:

  1. Intolerance to one of the compound or excipients of the drug.
  2. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially during exacerbation. In the case of people suffering from such diseases, the drug may exacerbate the disease, irritating the mucous membrane, and can lead to the formation of new ulcers or occurrence of bleeding.
  3. Hemorrhagic processes in any part of the stomach or intestines.
  4. blood disorders in which clotting is disturbed because Aspirin can thin the blood, and it is unsafe for people who have problems with blood clotting.
  5. In violation of the integrity of the vessel walls, as this can cause increased bleeding.
  6. Violation of blood flow in the portal circulation.
  7. Lack of vitamin K, which is dangerous hemorrhages. Salt can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels.
  8. Kidney and liver failure. Be used with caution in case of any violations in the kidney.
  9. child Bearing. In particular, the first three and the last three months. In the first trimester, the drug can cause malformations of the fetus, and in the last trimester may inhibit generic activities.
  10. Breastfeeding.
  11. Hypertension.
  12. Ischemia of the heart muscle.
  13. Glaucoma.
  14. Hyperexcitability of the nervous system.
  15. Insomnia.
  16. before and after surgical intervention.
  17. Children.

You Need to strictly follow the rules written in the instructions, because neglect can exacerbate a painful condition.

Side effects and reception

Despite its relative safety, the Aspirin, like all other drugs, has its side effects:

  • bleeding and bleeding (e.g., gums);
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, heartburn;
  • renal dysfunction
  • any allergies
  • palpitations
  • skin rash, itching, problems with mucous;
  • ringing in the ears, decreased vision.

If any of the side effects you need to refuse from taking the drug. In case of overdose need to do washing and to call the ambulance.

When care is needed

When taking the medicine alcohol is not allowed. Combining Aspirin with other medications, can increase side effects. Before applying, you should consult your doctor. No need to take it more than three days, more than twice a day. It is recommended to wash down the tablet with warm water, not cold, so it will act faster.

Take Aspirin with caution in people with a history of such diseases as gout, diseases of the liver, hangover effect.

do not use for children under 15 years of age, as it can cause syndrome of the Rhine (brain swelling, liver problems).

The Advantages of these pills are: accessibility, low cost, quick and lasting effect. The disadvantages are: the impossibility of continuous infusion, an unpleasant taste, the tablet is too big, so it is difficult to swallow.

Thus, the analgesic Aspirin is a complex drug that should have in the first aid kit.

It is low cost, but has a rapid effect in getting rid of headache and other types of pain. It is sold without prescription and has simple instructions for use. But this is a medicinal agent which has a number of contraindications and side effects. Before use, carefully read the instructions and do not neglect the advice of doctors.