Causes, symptoms and treatment of ocular migraine

Ocular migraines (atrial scotoma) – a disease in which committed severe disturbance of visual functions. This process is not accompanied by painful symptoms. Because of circulatory disorders in the area of the optic centres and the chiasm occurs transient distortion of the image or its complete disappearance in certain areas of the field of view.

Symptoms of ocular migraine in humans

causes of ocular migraine

The person Has the feeling that he sees surrounding objects blurred and shaky (like they flicker), and in the peripheral part of the blind field are generated phosphenes (bright flash, glowing elements).

The Main reasons for the formation of atrial scotoma are not ophthalmic diseases. Provoke the disease neurological factors:

  • disruption of the visual analyzer in occipital parts of the cerebral cortex;
  • a disorder of blood circulation of brain.

Factors that trigger migraine are:

Sleep deprivation is the cause of ocular migraine

  • regular lack of sleep;
  • physical and mental strain;
  • weather changes
  • stress and depression;
  • drugs
  • hypoxia
  • hormonal disorders
  • flickering lights
  • Smoking
  • sharp odors;
  • disorders associated with the cerebral arteries;
  • abuse of individual foods (chocolate, cured meats, caffeinated beverages).

Group risk

The Risk of developing migraine are exposed to people of different ages and:

  • prone to arrogance, seeking to get what they want by any means;
  • often falls into depression of a different kind;
  • anxious and fussy people;
  • emotionally unstable
  • people suffering from diabetes.

Stress as a cause of ocular migraine

Believe that ocular migraine is a hereditary disease. But it is only 70% of people with hereditary predisposition. Although direct scientific evidence of this fact does not exist.

statistics show that migraine symptoms are typical for 14-16 year olds. This is attributed to enhanced growth of the circulatory system and the whole organism. This can add significant nervous and physical activities (school and sports, nervous stress).

the Main symptoms pathology

The Symptoms of ocular migraine migraine every individual. And yet there are common signs. with the Disease begins with the appearance in the Central part of the field of view of the point of the blind spot. It may eventually increase its size and move.

The symptoms of migraine some patients see flashing spots, light flashes of different strength and flicker, others record in color or black and white fancy objects or ghostly castles. Visual sensations occur in both eyes. This suggests that dysfunction occurs in the higher divisions of the nervous system and not in the visual analyzer.

Usually stain goes away by itself immediately. Sometimes the attack lasts from 20 to 30 minutes, after which the symptoms gradually and spontaneously disappear.

The Main symptoms of migraine are:

  • visual vision
  • severe headache, followed by nausea and vomiting;
  • a disorder of pupillary function;
  • drooping of the upper eyelid;
  • kosolaposti.

Smoking as a cause of ocular migraine

Sometimes this condition is combined with the usual migraine. This is due to blood circulation disorders of the brain.

Treatment and prevention of attack

If the symptoms and attacks of the disease are rare, treatment should be symptomatic.

Eliminating the causes that triggered the illness, it can be easy to get rid of.

In cases where ocular migraine occurs periodically, it is necessary to make a diagnosis to identify the etiology of a pathological condition.

Treatment of disease has two vectors:

  • emergency care during attack;
  • the adoption of preventive measures to prevent attacks.

To stop an attack, you need to choose the right products and always have. These are pills that are taken when a migraine:

  • triptana (eletriptan, zolmitriptan, naratriptan);
  • acetaminophen
  • aspirin
  • anti.

Triptana from migraines – these are new modern drugs. They are designed to combat the migraines that start for different reasons. Drugs effective in different periods of the attack.

pills is the cause of ocular migraine

The Effect of triptanov (in comparison with other drugs) takes place in several directions:

  • reduce the sensitivity of the nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (thisprovides relief of pain)
  • enough to constrict the blood vessels (this allows to remove the painful pulsation, without affecting healthy vessels)
  • have an impact on the receptors responsible for inflammation and headache.

From migraines produce medicines containing codeine and caffeine. They are perfectly cope with the symptoms of this disease. But they have a significant disadvantage – they produce a dependency.

The Human brain captures their stimulating effect, due to which the body begins to periodically produce pressure in order to force the person to return to the use of drugs. So painkillers it is better not to get involved.

In cases where attacks of the disease occur more than two times within a month, it is necessary to provide preventive treatment, not forgetting a healthy lifestyle.

Paracetamol for treating eye migraine

To treat and prevent migraine symptoms, it is important to learn and adhere to the following rules:

  1. be Sure to normalize sleep, as this is the main source of energy. The difficult process of creating energy in the body occur only during sleep. Useful products consumed by the body are converted to energy when the person is sleeping.
  2. Must adhere to proper nutrition. To eat all the necessary food. The breaks between meals should not exceed 5 hours. Try to exclude from the ration canned goods and products with a long shelf life. Best to use natural products and it is better if they are freshly cooked. Try to eat more fruit and vegetables. Not to give up dairy products, meat and eggs.
  3. Must abandon all kinds of artificial stimulation. Struggling with illness, the person starts to enhance physical activity, drink stimulating drinks. First, these measures bring results, but then it turns out that the only organism spends its energy reserves. And his General condition much worse.
  4. it is urgent to give up alcohol, coffee and Smoking. These products are significantly depleted their supply of human energy, thereby slowly killing the organism.
  5. you Need very seriously physical activity. Up to thirty years of age, people are able to endure prolonged stress, and then their power should be reduced. Physical activity should be the maximum, but in pleasure. It is useful to go for long walks on foot, swim, dance, but not for the speed and endurance to not overload your body.

follow these preventive measures, you can lower the frequency of attacks of atrial scotoma or completely eliminate the disease.