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A description of the features of headache with the rippling and twinkling in the eyes

Migraine is disease, which is characterized by regular bouts of headache. The ripples in the eyes pain in half of head, accompanied by nausea, are the main symptoms. In the event of illness do not delay treatment for later. It is mandatory to seek help from a doctor.

Migraine and the ripples in the eyes

cause of disease

To date, the exact cause of migraines is not established. The most frequently succumb to this disease people middle age.

The risk Factors of migraine (table 1 )

risk FactorsFamily historyThe ages of 15 and 55 yearsAge 15FemaleMale
Number of patients70 % 90 % 5-10 % 75 %25%

The Most common causes are:

  • lack of sleep
  • exhausting journey;
  • improper diet.

with the flicker and the pain can to influence some foods, and various chemical additives that they contain. Migraines can occur after experiencing severe emotional stress or physical overwork. Headache is possible with bright flickering lights, sharp smells, weather changes, etc.

Types and symptoms of migraines

depending on the symptoms of migraines this disease may be:

  • aura
  • without aura.

The Main feature of migraine with aura is the manifestation for 10-60 minutes before the onset of severe headaches. Attack is expressed in the form of the following violations:

  • hearing;
  • olfactory
  • optic
  • neurological.

In this case, the aura can be flashing lights, colored spots, which appear in the field of view of the patient. The most common form of migraine aura is a ripple in the eyes. This is reflected in the distortion of reality, defects of vision, lines or spots that pulsate.

severe headache in this form of the disease begins only after the aura. Most often localization of pain occurs in one part of the head. It may radiate to jaw, neck or eyes. The pain is characterized by constant bouts of pulsating and aggravated by physical exertion, bright light, sharp smells, the noise. The duration of the headache lasts a few minutes or a few hours.

The Aura in this form of the disease may be positive or negative. To the positive aura include bright light, shimmer and stars, zigzag lines that fill the field of view or increase. When the negative aura the patient complains of the appearance of dark circles before the eyes, tunnel vision, blind spots.

Migraine without aura is associated with blood vessels and has nothing to do with pressure. Important role in the manifestation of migraine without aura is a predisposition. In this form of the disease precipitating factors are Smoking, stress, frequent receptions of alcohol, change of hormonal background in women, menstrual cycle, etc.

Common symptoms of migraine, regardless of the form of disease include increased appetite or reduce, the flicker in his eyes. The patient often feels a sense of thirst, regardless of temperature. Many patients complain about the appearance of sensitivity to sudden sounds or light, as well as the fact that they dazzled the eyes. In migraine patients there is frequent change of mood, which is accompanied by irritability, anxiety, or depression.

Diagnosis disease

With the appearance of periodic headaches patients, regardless of their age, it is mandatory to seek help from a specialist. The diagnosis is based on history. The patient undergoes specific tests, which excluded the possibility of setting the wrong diagnosis. During patient visits the doctor considers the following criteria:

  • duration of headaches 4 to 72 hours;
  • during physical activity aggravated the pain;
  • the pain has a pulsating character with one side of the head;
  • shimmer and ripple in the eyes;
  • the emergence of vomiting, nausea, sensitivity to sound and light during attacks.

At the first signs of migraine, the patient should keep a diary, which notes the duration and frequency of headaches. With it, the doctor will be much easier to diagnose.

If you visit specialist, the patient needs to tell him about the causes of headaches and how to suppress, also experienced stress, depression, anxiety. If the patient has bad habits in the form abuse of alcohol, drugs, caffeine, tobacco, he frequently appears flickering and pain.

migraine Triggers

When you visit your doctor the patient needs inmandatory to talk about the injuries to the head and spine, suffering of chronic diseases. It is best to give the doctor the history of the disease.

Also, the diagnostics involves examining the patient the doctor and the appointment magnetic resonance imaging, CT. These studies may reveal abnormalities that cause migraine headaches.

Particular treatment

Treatment of migraine takes place only after diagnosis, most frequently by means of medication. The patient is prescribed painkillers, it is best to start treatment immediately after the first symptoms.

You should Not self-medicate, as this can seriously harm your health.

for mild or moderate attacks are assigned over-the-counter painkillers. When taking the full dose of the drug at the initial stage of the disease they help to completely get rid of the disease.

In more severe forms of the disease patients are prescribed painkillers, which are classified as analgesics, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen, Excedrin, motrin, etc.

Medication Ibuprofen headaches

The First drugs that was developed for the treatment of migraine, are triptana. That's why doctors very often prescribe their patients with this disease. While taking these medications levels of serotonin in the brain is restrained, eliminating the possibility of attacks. They are characterized by the absence of sedative effect, as well as efficiency.

Especially in the treatment of migraine attacks and the interictal treatment (table 2)

May be used for cupping. The disadvantage of these drugs is their low efficacy
Intended to eliminate migraines. In severe attacks may be ineffective.
Used to treat severe and moderate attacks
Verapamil, propranolol (Inderal, Obzidan), Valproate, Topiramate (anticonvulsants group)
Antidepressants of new generation
Designed for the treatment of migraine between attacks

Then patients are assigned drugs, containing ergotamine. With their help made the contraction of smooth muscles that cover the vessels. Ergotamine is contained in drugs such as dihydroergotamine, migranal, taking these drugs is prohibited, the elderly, pregnant women, patients who have dangerous chronic diseases. If the migraine is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, patients prescribe metoclopramide.

In order to reduce the number of attacks, you need to very seriously interictal treatment. It needs not only to take the above drugs, but also to lead a healthy lifestyle. A person needs to sleep and plenty of rest and eat as much food. Taking drugs is to suppress symptoms of the disease.

Headache is a very serious disease. With the appearance of its first symptoms (dazzled, flickering appears) it is mandatory to seek help from a doctor.


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