Cervical migraine: causes, symptoms and treatment

Cervical migraine, the symptoms and treatment of which have their own characteristics, occurs in people very often. Typically, the disease affects middle-aged women and people who have problems with blood circulation or spine.

Symptoms of cervical migraine in humans

Migraine is called the neck, as the pain in my head comes from the pinched nerves of the vertebral artery. Migraine is difficult to endure without taking pain medications. But, before you begin treatment, it is important to establish the causes and symptoms of the disease.

Main causes pathology

Typically, the main causes of cervical migraine are some of the disease. They can provoke severe headaches that occur because of malnutrition of the brain. Consider such diseases more:

  1. vertebral artery Atherosclerosis almost always leads to the development of cervical migraine. This disease most often appears in older or young people compared to other chronic diseases. In atherosclerosis of this type of migraine almost daily torment the person.
  2. Most common cause is degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine. Often the disease does not begin to heal immediately, as confused with other diseases. So, it eventually leads to the appearance of severe pain in the head.
  3. If there is a spinal injury and was hurt the cervical spine, in some cases, it also leads to migraines (when pinched artery). But without injury migraine can begin to develop in humans at a young age, if there are congenital defects of the cervical spine.
  4. the Most innocuous cause of headaches are considered to be muscle spasms. This effect is short-lived, so it can cause a severe headache, which lasts no more than 2 days. In this case, in addition to taking an analgesic, nothing else is needed.

Artery atherosclerosis with and without


Before you begin treatment, it is necessary to diagnose the disease itself. It is important to know exactly what to heal, not to cause health damage. Cervical migraine has several symptoms which are characteristic only for this disease.

Cervical migraine in the initial stages of its development very rarely. But over time the symptoms become more vivid and occur more often. If the disease is run, headaches are hurting people constantly, and the drugs will have no effect.

A Characteristic feature of cervical migraine is the pain that is concentrated in the occipital region. When driving it will move seamlessly into the forehead, and to give in their sockets. If the person will be in the supine position, the pain can be localized in the back of his head.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is the cause of headaches

If the disease is not at the initial stage, when sharp turns of the head may experience blackouts and even syncope. Especially brightly it is expressed in individuals with weakened immune systems and the elderly, whose bodies are already not functioning well enough.

On the background of severe pain rapidly deteriorating vision. Most often this is manifested in the fact that before the eyes while reading or looks after something appear "fog", "flies". Sometimes hearing patients also becomes worse.

However severe headache causes nausea, reluctance to eat, sometimes the pain even induce vomiting. Very often the body is exhausted during this time of constant migraines, weakened immunity, a feeling of weakness.

Treatment cervical migraine

As for the treatment of cervical migraine, everything should depend on the underlying cause of this disease.

Therapy is divided into standard (the acceptance of pharmaceutical drugs) and non-traditional, which includes procedures, compliance with a certain lifestyle. It is best to opt for integrated treatment. But first you need to pass the examination. Symptoms and treatment of cervical migraine almost the same as for a normal migraine.

pills when cervical migraine


As for drugs, the emphasis should be on pain relievers and medications that will improve blood circulation. Among pain good effect give Nospanum, Ketanov, trigun, Nurofen. But can be assigned and other tablets (depending on the individual characteristics of the organism).

It is Important to understand that the pill can only remove the symptoms of cervical migraine. But it is much more important to root out the true cause of the disease. Instenon, Cinnarizine – those tools that partially address the cause of migraine, as normalize blood circulation.

Along with such drugs is veryit is useful to take vitamins. Special attention should be paid to vitamin B. This component improves the nutrition of the brain. It is also helpful to take smaller amounts of vitamin C, especially if the migraine is caught up in the cold season.

Rarely, but still there are cases when surgery is required. Then doctors do a surgery to remove a bone outgrowth or stabilization of individual cervical vertebrae. But most often this need arises after a difficult injury.

Massage with neck and migraine

Some procedures and tips

Very nice effect is given if cervical migraine therapeutic gymnastics and physical education. Particularly useful are exercises for degenerative disc disease, as in this case it is possible to work simultaneously on eliminating pain in the head and the normalization of the cervical spine. But it should be clearly understood that the exercises should be prescribed by a doctor. Yes, and it is desirable to perform under the strict guidance of a doctor. Otherwise you can do even more damage to the cervical spine that may result in negative consequences.

Excellent effect in the treatment of cervical migraine gives massage. But this is no ordinary massage that you can do yourself, and special. Its action is aimed at eliminating headaches. Massage can be performed both by hands and by machines. What exactly it will, the attending physician decides.

In Addition to massage, the recent widespread purchase acupuncture sessions. Effect of superfine needles that are painlessly inserted into specific parts of the body, aimed at the restoration of work of certain authorities. This is very important, because all the organs relate to each other, and the nerves stretch through the whole body. Just by nerve fibres through needles and impulses are transmitted.

If a person occasionally suffers from bouts of cervical migraine, we need to spend more time outdoors. It is best to often walk near the sea or other clean body of water, in the woods. Air largely determines the health of the person. Healthy air can sometimes work wonders.

Active lifestyle – the road to recovery. Between migraine attacks, you should try to move a lot. It is especially useful to swim and do fitness, to do all sorts of stretching. But if there are serious problems with the spine, any kind of sport must be treated with caution.

Crucial to the proper, balanced diet. In the patient's diet should be high content of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat fish and meat are also needed. But it's best to consume these foods in boiled or baked form. Ideally, you should cook meals for a couple, because in this case they retain most of the vitamins ingredients. To unsubscribe from alcohol is imperative, as the alcohol only slows down brain activity that in future will certainly provoke exacerbation.

You Need to clearly realize the fact that even the treatment of cervical migraine at home should be accompanied by consultation with the treating doctor. Even a harmless change of one's lifestyle and switching to healthy foods can sometimes have a negative impact on the human condition, if you do it very abruptly. So you should try to approach everything slowly. To take pills and vitamins is strictly prohibited without the approval of a physician. Very important is the right balance of substances in the body.