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How to overcome meteosensitivity and headache when weather changes

There are weather-sensitive people. I mean, what if the weather changes a person manifests increased sensitivity to changes in environmental conditions – pressure, air humidity, wind speed or temperature.

Reasons meteodependent

Contemporary views on the reasons for meteodependent

There is even such a science – chronomedicine establishing the relationship between the health of humans and the fluctuations of the electromagnetic field of the Earth, solar activity, the phases of the moon.

Chronomedicine is a part of chronobiology, studying the cyclic changes in the biosphere in General. People as part of the biosphere depend on weather, space radiation, and this cannot be ignored.

unfortunately, the natural phenomena occurring around us, govern not only our physiology, but also can cause the development of some diseases. Primarily to external stimuli responds cardio-vascular system, so it is vascular accident – heart attacks and strokes – have a clearly defined seasonality.

Connectivity headaches and a change in the weather

Headache, or cephalalgia, is actually a very common phenomenon. Everyone who has experienced this on a personal level knows how painful and sometimes unbearable headaches. Meteodependent people suffer from it more often. Try to understand what kind of cephalgia and how to alleviate the suffering caused by them.

It is Interesting that headache if the weather changes – the state is far from universal and not uniform. This is just a symptom, its causes and methods of diagnosis and approaches to treatment will be significantly different depending on clinical situation.

Every headache (hereinafter GB) can be primary or secondary. And if a person suffering from frequent cephalalgias, really wants to get rid of suffering, the origin of the GB principle.

Primary headaches – a group of independent diseases, each of which has a peculiar pathogenesis and clinical picture is very specific. The most famous primary cephalgia – tension headache (TTH) and migraine. By the way, both can be "running" on change of meteorological conditions. Recall Bulgakov and his most famous novel. The scene where Pontius Pilate first meets Joshua, describes the Procurator in the midst of his illness, which in the novel called "hemicrania", which is nothing like a migraine. As a doctor, Bulgakov very well, with medical precision gives the reader all the details of this condition: “Yeah...that's it...a terrible illness... hemicrania from it ...there is no salvation. “

meteopathy Pilate and the answer of Yeshua

Meteosensitivity Pilate is possible to detect multiple pages below. Yeshua in his monologue, referring to the hegemon, pronounce the following words: "...the pain will stop soon and your headache will go...the Storm will begin...later in the evening".

Etiology and pathogenesis

Migraine with typical paroxysmal course, unbearable pain, covering half of the head, lacrimation, photophobia and resistance to drug therapy is well known even in non-medical environment. But tension headache (TTH) for some reason known much worse, though, according to statistics, this is the most common type of primary cephalgia.

In the pathogenesis of TTH initially, the leading role is played by the muscles of the face and head (pericranial muscles). Usually the trigger point is for a long period of non-physiological position of the person in a frozen position at the computer or car driving.

tension Headache modern man

However, in the future, if untreated, the disease ironiziruya, and a headache already under the influence of very unusual early in the disease factors: alcohol intake, lack of sleep and changing weather conditions – humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed.

The Prevalence of TTH in the population will only increase – parallel to the urbanization of society, computerization and total motorization of the population.

But still the absolute record for meteodependent and the resulting headache does not belong to migraine and TTH. Secondary cephalalgia in vascular diseases of the brain and hypertension holds the palm of victory and occurs when the weather changes much more frequently. Among such diseases are:

  • arterial hypertension as a separate disease, and symptomatic;
  • the consequences of brain disorders: head injury, cerebral vascular accident;
  • encephalopathy;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • congenital and acquired disorders of cerebrospinal fluid circulation, etc.

When any of the secondary cephalgia pain occurs is always implemented by changing the tone of cerebral vessels.

have You everwondered: what exactly is sick in the head? Maybe a bone? Or brain cells? The vast majority of cases, the cause of the pain impulses are blood vessels – veins or arteries. Their wall contains a very large number of receptors that respond to swelling or stretching or, on the contrary, spasm. Therefore, one of the immutable tenets of treatment GB associated with weather change, – the use of drugs acting on vascular tone.

Why change the tone of the vessels? There are many mixed and fanciful theories on this, but almost all of them boil down to one thing: the brain by recording the decrease of oxygen content in the inhaled air, sends impulses to the vessels and changes their tone.

The Content of oxygen is reduced in the following cases:

  • reduced atmospheric pressure, including those associated with the rise to a considerable height (e.g., heights);
  • high humidity
  • change the speed of the air (windy weather)
  • the lower air temperature.

In hot weather, the mechanism of involvement of vessels is slightly different: the person loses a lot of fluids, the blood thickens, the body in order to push through the thick blood through the vessels of the brain, increases the pressure in them, while in hypertensive patients and increases the total pressure. A hypertensive crisis occurs, spasm of the arteries and headache.

Symptoms “danger”

Even if a person has a GB and he has a meteosensitivity, worth looking at the symptoms, he must consult a doctor. As a rule, their development indicates the presence of severe complications requiring urgent hospital treatment. These include:

  1. join the symptoms of impaired consciousness (inadequacy, workload), as well as memory loss for the next event.
  2. Unusually strong, sharply arisen, "cannon" GB.
  3. the Appearance of focal neurological symptoms (loss of sensation in the limbs, impaired speech, impaired movement in the arm or leg).
  4. Sudden nausea and vomiting.
  5. Fever, reaching high numbers.
  6. seizure.


so, what to do with the headaches associated with the change of weather?

the Treatment of meteozavisimosti medicine

If the patient is diagnosed with "migraine" or "tension headache", and it is furthermore dependent on the change in the weather, then the treatment of a sudden episode of headache is quite standard: migraine – analgesics (NSAIDs, at least on the basis of the opioid tramadol, drugs from the group of triptanov), while TTH – plus is a muscle relaxant analgesic, antidepressant or antiepileptic drug, depending on the stage of the disease.

Treatment of secondary headaches in weather-sensitive people must obey certain rules. First, because the signals to the blood vessels of the head when the weather sends the brain, preferably into the treatment to include drugs that reduce the increased activity. For this purpose can be used completely different in strength and accessibility of medicines, for example:

  • tincture of Valerian or motherwort;
  • "day" tranquilizers: mebicar, afobazole;
  • "large" tranquilizers: sibazon, phenazepam, gidazepam;
  • antidepressants: amitriptyline, fluoxetine.

secondly, if the cephalalgia has arisen on the background of high blood pressure (i.e. we are dealing with uncomplicated hypertensive crisis), it is necessary to normalize. To this end it is best to use captopril, physiotens, enalapril under the tongue. It is undesirable to use fenigidina: it dilates the arteries of the brain and may increase the pain. From clonidine now trying to refuse.

Third, most often the pain is associated with edema of the vascular wall of the veins of the head. Therefore, anesthesia means can be used, reducing swelling and inflammation a group of non-narcotic analgesics. This is basic medications for the treatment of any type of headache. The most effective and fast-acting:

  • Aspirin
  • Ibuprofen
  • Aceclofenac
  • Nimesulide
  • Meloxicam.

You May have an individual selection of other funds.

Prophylaxis of headaches when the weather changes

fourthly, because often it is swollen veins, you need to use drugs from the group venotonics. The most famous of them – caffeine. It is for this reason analgesics are very often combined with caffeine, and sometimes with sedation. The most common combined medications include:

  • Citramon
  • Pentalgin
  • Askofen;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Dimitre.

Combination therapy at meteo-dependent people are more effective than the use of analgesics in "pure" form.

It Should be added that the mainstay of treatment of headaches associated with weather changes, is treatment of the underlying disease. In the case of only symptomatic treatment episodes GB, there is a high probability of chronicity, including due to the indiscriminate use of analgesics and development aboutuse GB. Meteopathy is always a good reason to go to the doctor!


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