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The causes of constant headache, dizziness, ringing and buzzing in ears

Headache (cephalalgia) is a condition is terrible: very unpleasant sensations, the efficiency decreases, interest in his surroundings dulled. Worse headaches can be just headaches combined with dizziness: understand, and to budge not – wobbly!

Headache and ringing in the ears

Who most often suffers

Dizziness, noise and ringing in the ears – frequent companions of headache (GB) in some patients. If you track what sections of the population most often a headache, it turns out that there is a clear relationship between the frequency of GB and the presence of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, brain or spine.

The champion among the above – diseases of the cardiovascular system. So, four out of ten people suffer from hypertension, regularly headache. About every fifth patient undergoing ever a traumatic brain injury or stroke, cephalalgia is fixed for life.

unfortunately, reliable data on how often GB is accompanied by noise, ringing in the ears and dizziness, no. We only know that these symptoms are often observed when trouble in hearing. It turns out that the combination of these signs is more typical for elderly people suffering from vascular disorders. Hence the headache, and lesions of the auditory apparatus.

Headache and tinnitus


There are diseases in which vertigo, tinnitus and GB can meet at the same time (see table).

DiseaseCauses of symptoms
Lesion of brain vessels by atherosclerosis, hypertension, venous insufficiency, rheumatism, etc.the dysregulation of vascular tone, swelling, and deformity of the vessels. The perfusion of the auditory nerve and the vestibular apparatus.
brain TumorIncreased intracranial pressure, perfusion of the auditory nerve and the vestibular apparatus.
MeningitisIntoxication, increased intracranial pressure, toxic lesion of the organ of hearing.
Acute or chronic otitis mediaIntoxication, infectious inflammation of the hearing organ, with nerve, purulent complications.
MigraineDilation of vessels in the cranial cavity, including those supplying blood to the organ of hearing.
solar, heat strokeSwelling of the brain and its membranes, the violation of the outflow of blood from the veins.
Hypoglycemia (due to comorbidities or due to untimely eating, starvation)Insufficient intake of energy in the cells of the brain, including the auditory analyzer.
Traumatic brain injury and its consequencesimpaired venous regulation, the integrity of blood vessels.
Subarachnoid hemorrhageIrritation by blood of the meninges, brain swelling, increased intracranial pressure
Meniere's Disease, initial disease stageIncrease in endolymph in the labyrinth, accompanied by increased pressure in the inner ear.
Otosclerosisimpaired mobility of ear ossicles, process of transferring sound wave.

This is not a complete list. However, some of the most significant diseases, should talk separately because of their prevalence.

  1. Vascular insufficiency of the brain. Very vague and at the same time a very complex notion. Vascular insufficiency may occur with various diseases: atherosclerosis, hypertension, trauma, inflammation, strokes. Characterized by the following symptoms:
  • headache dull, bilateral or (less often) on the one hand, the intensity – moderate to strong;
  • meteopathy;
  • symptoms brain: memory loss, fatigue, sleep disturbances
  • the tinnitus constant or intermittent, bilateral, on the background of GB may increase;
  • dizziness episodic, short-lived, responds well to therapy.

Vascular insufficiency of the brain – the most common reason why patients seek care with such a combination of complaints. GB treated with such drugs, normalizing blood circulation, – "Cavinton", "Ginko Biloba", "Trental" and others, moreover, the therapy is lengthy and not always effective: the blood vessels may be quite worn.

Additional methods of examination allow you to see the decrease in the volume of the brain (CT, MRI) and sometimes signs of the disease.

  1. Acute otitis media is an infectious disease that usually begins as a viral, but can join a bacterial infection. Headache localized in the ear, shooting, constant, very intense.Loss, hearing loss and ringing in the ear is always one-sided. When complications arise, there is a very strong dizziness. Characterized by high temperature. An important role in the diagnosis plays the ENT specialist's examination. The treatment includes three main components: pain killers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, nose drops and antibiotics.
  2. Subarachnoid hemorrhage – a type of stroke occurs when rupture of an aneurysm or vascular malformation and draining the blood under the lining of the brain. Headache is very strong, sudden, so many describe it as "thunder". Often the cause of rupture is the pressure jump. You receive ringing in the ears, dizziness possible. Very typical nausea and vomiting that occurs almost simultaneously with the pain. Helps in the diagnosis lumbar puncture. Compulsory hospitalization, after the acute symptoms subside surgery – removal of the modified portion of the vessel.
  3. Meningitis – inflammation of the membranes covering the brain. A deadly disease, which causes bacteria (meningococcus, pneumococcus) and viruses (influenza, enterovirus). Headache, diffuse, bursting, difficult to treat. Noise and ringing in the ears permanent. Accompanied by photophobia, nausea, vomiting, not bringing relief, high fever, stress, stiff muscles and sometimes a rash. When lumbar puncture in the fluid surrounding the brain, detect the leukocytes (neutrophils or lymphocytes), increased protein content. Treatment only in a hospital, use of antimicrobial drugs.
  4. brain Tumor – GB manifests itself mostly in the mornings, vomiting, not bringing relief, gradually developing changes in the psyche. Noise and ringing in the ears, dizziness caused progressive edema, bilateral in nature. To confirm the causes of the disease requires CT or MRI. The treatment is surgical.

tinnitus with headache

Symptoms of danger

GB in combination with noise, ringing in the ears and dizziness may be the first manifestation of dangerous diseases. Urgent medical attention is necessary if you have:

  • strong and sudden nature of the pain syndrome, previously this was never observed;
  • pain, not treatable by conventional analgesics and NSAIDs, leading to sleep disturbance and awakening in the night;
  • combination of GB and high temperatures, and also the appearance it against HIV, Oncology
  • combination of GB and severe dizziness
  • combination of GB and sudden hearing loss
  • pain accompanied by disturbance of consciousness, neurological symptoms (limb weakness, numbness, impaired vision and so on)
  • is observed GB and vomiting;
  • pain developed for the first time after 50 years, or the child;
  • pain occurs with atypical aura or aura without a GB (flies before the eyes, weakness of limbs, disturbance of vision, and so on).

Summing up, it should be said that accession to GB or ringing noise in the ears, dizziness, very alarming symptoms, requiring the search for the cause and a thorough examination of the patient. Only a timely visit to the doctor may prevent development of many serious complications and to prevent chronic pain.


  1. Neurology. National leadership. M.: 2012
  2. Otorhinolaryngology. National leadership. M.: 2008
  3. ménière's Disease: clinico-diagnostic criteria, treatment tactics. O. V. Zaitseva. The magazine “doctor” 09/13