What if it hurts the left or right side of the head headache in the eye area and forehead
Pain and discomfort in the forehead and eyes – the most common type of headache. If you are concerned about the eyes and head, it does not mean that there is any serious disease, however see your doctor still stands. Statistics show that headaches in the forehead area of the primary forms make up up to 98% of all cephalalgias, and has a value of half their men are affected three times more often.
Distinguish between primary and secondary headache. Primary is an independent symptom, and the secondary is a symptom of a particular disease. Distinguish among primary pain migraine, tension headache and cluster (beam) pain.
clinical features and pathogenesis
The Cluster, or beam, is the most painful type of headaches. Patients note them as piercing, penetrating, acute, which typically focus around the eyes, with eyes red and watery. The feature is that the attacks occur suddenly, peak intervals of one every 15 minutes. However, body temperature in most cases, normal.
In the description of the cluster type, doctors use the following terms:
- attack is a single attack;
- cluster period with lots of repeated attacks;
- remission is a period without attacks.
beam is characterized by the occurrence of pain attacks lasting from 10 minutes to 3 hours, but it does happen and longer. Main locations: the area around the eyes, the temporal part of the head, eyebrows, left or right maxillary tuberosity. Sometimes, in especially sensitive people pain gives dental nerves.
In a cluster period, the pain arise from any direction with a frequency from once in two days to 8-10 in a day. Is characterized by the occurrence of attacks at night. The patient is extremely restless, there is crying, aggression or agitation. Peak pain experience typical autonomic disorders, such as conjunctivitis, nasal congestion, cold sweat, miosis, ptosis, swelling of the eyes and the reduced temperature.
Episodic form of cluster is characterized by pain serial seizures that last from a few weeks to half a year. Periods of exacerbation alternate with remissions. Peaks in autumn and spring. Without proper treatment, the symptoms pass into the chronic form, which is characterized by the absence of remissions. The reasons of occurrence of serial seizures are not fully known.
The pathogenesis of the occurrence of headaches are not fully understood. According to modern doctors, the main cause is a dysfunction of the hypothalamus and dysregulation of the rhythms of the body.
In the study during the attack, there is activation from the hypothalamus. Because parasympathetic nuclei closely linked to the hypothalamus during the attack experience of autonomic symptoms.
Diagnosis for pain in the eyes and forehead
During the initial consultation the doctor determines the overall clinical picture of the disease. Headache (left or right localization), its repeated appearance, paroxysmal course and repeat throughout the day, the presence of autonomic symptoms, as well as motor and emotional excitement are the main diagnostic criteria. In addition, there are periods of remission and peak pain successive. Based on this, the specialist makes a conclusion about the presence of primary headache.
beam Diagnostic criteria of headaches:
- the presence of at least five attacks in history;
- intense localization (left and right part) in the eye area and forehead, the total duration from 15 to 180 minutes;
- the presence of autonomic symptoms: eyeballs red, darkens the eyes, dizzy, watery eyes, swollen eyelids, reduced body temperature;
- the number of attacks per week.
A Special emphasis in the diagnosis need to do that primary frontal pain differs significantly from the secondary. Why and assigned the study to detect organic damage of organs and systems: brain, cervical and thoracic spine. The survey is carried out by MRI and CT with contrast.
A Secondary headache characterized by:
- lack of intensity (pulling or long pressing)
- the patient is quite calm, not hyperemotional;
- a history of neurological symptoms;
- tools from cupping ineffective;
- and troubling the left, and the right side of the head;
- fever.
First, the doctor gathers information about the lifestyle, history of diseases, the nature of pain. Conducts initial external examination of the patient and assigns the appropriate additional examination.
You Should exclude secondary headachespain, i.e. To diagnose a brain and vessels of the neck. If no organic lesion is found, the doctor conducts his examination according to the following algorithm:
- Collect data on vegetative characteristics. It turns out, does the patient have chills, fever, sweating, myalgia, loss or weight gain, pain in the eye area. Also pay attention to the fact that patients with watery eyes, dizzy and black out. In the case of confirmation of information should be deleted arteritis, infectious lesions, and neoplasms.
- Learned about the history of cancer, immunodeficiency virus or AIDS. If the survey is conducted on the detection of metastases in the nervous tissues.
- Identification of behavioral disorders: asks whether there is double vision, ringing in head and ears, pain in the head, etc. It is necessary to exclude tumors and vascular lesions.
- Thundering attack of pain. The pain comes on suddenly and tends to increase. Attack develops literally a fraction of a second. These symptoms indicate hemorrhage, thrombosis, stroke, dissection of the arteries and are the reason for the ambulance call.
- Provocation headaches physical stress: coughing, sneezing, physical exertion. This indicates increased intracranial pressure and disorders in the cervical spine. Often in this type darkens the eyes, dizzy, watery eyes.
After collecting complaints, it is additionally necessary to examine the patient.
Primary headaches are diagnosed based solely on history and neurological examination. Additional tests are appointed for suspected secondary headaches.
Here come to the aid of a CT scan, CSF analysis, MRI of the brain and neck. The young people shown in tests to identify encephalopathy, arteriopathy. In cases of suspected vasculitis are doing a General analysis of blood, coagulation, rheumatology test. Also some role of Doppler study and echocardiography.
During the attack it is necessary not only to take appropriate medications, but also to avoid provocateurs pain. The main instigators are:
- bright sunlight
- alcohol
- vasodilators and products;
- hyperthermia and fever.
The Therapy involves mild asthma and prevention activities in the interictal period, as well as the organization of sleep and wakefulness.
First aid for the relief of pain in the forehead and eyes is the use of analgesics. Especially active in this respect, the following drugs:
- Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) – up to 900 mg;
- Ibuprofen up to 800 mg;
- diclofenac 100 mg
- Paracetamol up to 1000 mg.
When autonomic symptoms effective antiemetic drugs and the fever: domperidone (20 mg), metoclopramide (10 mg).
The Most effective means for relief of attacks are recognized:
- triptana;
- drugs ergotamine;
- inhalation of 100% oxygen (7-10 l/min for 15 min).
Also one of the most effective methods is topical therapy: lidocaine, in the form of nasal drops or spray, capsaicin.
Episodic form, the headaches should be treated in the interictal period. Most often attacks are predictable, and why the therapy should begin two to three weeks before the pain period.
The table below presents the main drugs to treat headaches in the forehead and eyes, primary headaches, as well as features of their application.
drugs | application Features | annotations |
Verapamil | 250-950 mg per day | Perfectly prevents the development of pain attack, but it is necessary to control blood pressure. |
Ergotamine tartrate | 2-4 mg / day rectal | Efficiently remove even severe headaches. Applies seven days, after a break, the duration of which is determined by the attending physician. |
Lithium carbonate | 600-1600 mg/day | Prevents seizures, but it is necessary to monitor the level of blood levels because of possible intoxication. |
Prednisone | 80 mg for half of the therapeutic week. | Applies three or four days, then reduced to half of the therapeutic dose. The necessary control condition because at lower doses the seizure can return. |
The purpose of the drugs is carried out individually, taking into account the peculiarities of the disease, the degree of disturbance of activity of the patient's daily life, as well as the effectiveness of earlier treatment.
So, for a quick cupping is the best choice triptana. Patients with returnees and serial attacks shows the use of ergotamine. Also, this drug is indicated in attacks accompaniedvomiting, nausea, and headaches lasting more than six hours.
Studies have shown that ergotamine completely suppresses seizures in 92% of patients, and 70% relieves autonomic symptoms.
Attacks of headaches on one side quite short, so the treatment should be of a preventive nature. Patients should avoid taking products containing opiates, caffeine, and barbiturates because excessive use of these drugs can lead to chronic headaches.
Headaches lasting more than an hour, require a special approach to treatment. First of all the necessary prevention in the periods between bouts. If the attack has already begun, but what indometacin.
Recent studies demonstrate the benefit of anticonvulsants in patients with chronic headaches.
In case if traditional methods of treatment and optimization of sleep and rest do not help, then surgical methods are assigned.
Concomitant method:
- massage
- acupuncture
- aromatherapy
- high-quality rest.
A Massage can relax the body, relieve stress and thereby improve overall health. If the pain appear to work, it is possible to resort to self-massage: you need a circular motion to RUB whiskey or nose.
The effects of Acupuncture – the most effective method. But it must be used only under professional guidance. By pressing on acupressure points can quickly begin to remove one of your headaches.
Aromatherapy involves effects on the human body essential oils to relieve headache. The most effective in this respect are oils of chamomile, marjoram, rosemary. Convenient for their use during the massage or a relaxing bath.
The Last important factor is the observance of the water balance in the body. The attack can be triggered by dehydration. Lack of fluid causes the poor circulation that causes pain in the eyes and forehead. Doctors advise to drink at least two liters of water a day, half of the rule must be drunk at 14:00.
who to contact in the event of attacks
If you had a headache in the forehead, you can remove any antispasmodic. This symptom is not an indication for treatment to the doctor, but if the attack occurred repeatedly, that expert advice is needed. Should go to a therapist, who will choose the scheme of examination and refer to specialists.
The Neurologist will examine you and prescribe a more thorough examination excluding the presence of pathologies of the nervous system. Very often headaches in the forehead arise in response to different stress situations. In this case, you will need the help of the therapist and reflexologist.
Causes of headaches can also lie in the area of curvature of the cervical and thoracic spine. In this case, it is necessary to consult a surgeon and the appointment of medical physical culture.
In General it should be noted that proper diagnosis, proper treatment and compliance with all recommendations of the doctor is essential to freedom from disease or decrease the number of drugs to one-half therapeutic dose.
Dangerous symptoms headaches
The Symptoms of "danger" as they call them doctors, often indicate organic damage of the brain. Then there are the secondary headaches. Special attention should be paid to the following:
- the first symptoms appeared after 50 years;
- morning seizures;
- change in nature of headache when the position of the head and neck;
- the appearance of neurological symptoms: vomiting, nervous disorders and fever, bleeding from the nose;
- appearance unusual in nature headaches.
Based on these symptoms, the doctor makes a conclusion about the causes and send the patient to a number of diagnostic tests. In most cases, headaches in the forehead pass without a trace after the disappearance of the underlying disease.
Thus, headaches in the eye area and forehead are a serious independent disease, decreased quality of life about 10% of the world population. In itself pain does not pose a risk to the body, but in the transition to a chronic form can often affect health.
That is why it is necessary to consult a doctor for appropriate treatment and a full diagnosis of the organism. This will not only improve the quality of life, but will not allow disease to become chronic.
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