Home / A series of articles on spinal curvature and posture / Is it possible to diagnose incorrect posture yourself

Is it possible to diagnose incorrect posture yourself

About 80% of patients orthopedic traumatology wondered how to check your posture or to correct curvature of spine. This problem is challenging due to the fact that in violation of the proportions of the body resulting from deformation of the spinal column, shifting all the internal organs. To purchase good health consider in detail the factors affecting the formation of a smooth back.

How to self-check your posture

Anatomical features smooth back

There are certain standards the body, affecting the formation of posture. A lot of them, but main are:

  1. Growth.

A Normal man's height is a relative term. Short people have very often observed the weakness of the musculo-ligamentous structures, so the body is more weak. Taller individuals are exposed to traumatic injuries, as the features of the social sphere more adapted to the average weight-age indicators.

  1. Weight.

The mass of the body affects the functioning of organs. Musculoskeletal system has a certain reserve capacity, and cardiac muscle. Consequently, obesity becomes a provocative factor for decrease of physical strength and muscular. Excess adipose tissue contributes to the accumulation of heat in the body. Against this background, disturbances of blood flow and nutrient delivery to the spinal column.

In people with low body weight load on bones is alleviated by activation of fast motor muscles. Power adaptation is poorly developed, so lifting weights contributes to a violation of posture.

  1. Proportioned body.

Diagnosis of changes in the proportions of the body necessary to assess the factors leading to the curvature of the back. Big belly normal weight-age characteristics creates an increase in lumbar lordosis (internal concavity in the lumbar spine). Strong chest prevents curvature in the thoracic region, but the weakness of the muscles of the legs increases stress on the joints. This moves the center of gravity of the body. The result is an abnormal curvature of the vertebral column.

Diagnosis of the causes of the pathology by the physician is based primarily on the study of these indicators.

There are other indicators that should be checked by a doctor before the development of methods of treatment of incorrect posture. The parameters described above can assess each person independently according to a special schema matching age specific anatomical characteristics of the body. We recommend to check also the length of the legs, which has a significant impact on the load distribution when walking.

table of the proportions of height, weight and age of the person

table of proportions of height, weight and age of the person

Diagnosis of the correct posture

Posture is a relative concept that reflects the location of all anatomical structures of the body in a normal position standing with toes divorced (at an angle of 45 degrees) and brought together by the heels.

What needs to be checked for postural evaluations:

  • the severity of spinal curves (lordosis and Koposov);
  • Position of the shoulder girdle and head;
  • the shape of the abdomen and chest;
  • the Angle of inclination of the pelvis;
  • the Location of the lower limbs and foot form (normal, "O" or "X" shaped).

Diagnosis of the spine and back is based on the evaluation of the above factors in different age periods of human life. It is desirable to carry out annually, since over the years is the weakening of muscles, disrupts the structure of the intervertebral discs, which contributes to the predisposition to the curvature of the back.

In the elderly diagnosis of pathology should take into account the structure of the bone tissue. Rarefaction of bone structure (loss of calcium salts) is developing intensively after 50 years. Against this background, the vertebrae are reduced in size, and there is curvature of the spine.

How to check posture at home

Diagnosis of curvature of the back at home is based on the following principles:

  • Assessment of the muscular system;
  • determining the severity of the curvatures of the spine;
  • Detection of deformations in the joints of the lower extremities
  • Check the presence of flatfoot and clubfoot.

The simplest way to assess the vertical axis of the spinal column in the home is the test of comparison with the Cabinet. To run it:

  • Become back to the closet;
  • Align the vertical plane of the body. To do this, lean against the surface of the Cabinet back of the head, shoulder girdle, gluteal region, knee joints and heels;
  • Try to pull the belly inside, to eliminate the gap between the waist and the Cabinet.

In this provision a definition of posture is based on the following factors:

  1. the Level of verticality of the trunk and head position;
  2. relief of the neck (symmetry of distance from ears to the shoulderboth sides)
  3. Uniformity of position of the shoulders in the horizontal plane;
  4. Symmetry of the localization of the blades;
  5. Features the curves in the cervical and lumbar spine.

Diagnosis of the correct posture is based on the definition of simultaneity and uniformity of the foregoing structures on both sides of the body. If there is a deviation from the norm of at least one of the figures, it is obvious that your back is not characterized by perfection.

There are indirect signs displacement of the vertical axis of the trunk:

  1. the Offset from the navel centre;
  2. the Asymmetry of the abdomen;
  3. Deviation level with the nipple of the breast;
  4. the Level of localization of the corners of the blades;
  5. the location of the iliac bones and the shoulder girdle;
  6. the Curvature of the waist line on both sides.

At home you can determine the mobility of the spine. It indirectly reflects the reserve capacity of the muscular and skeletal systems to restore the vertical axis of the body. This should be tilted to the floor and measure the distance from the tip of the third finger to the horizontal surface, which is not enough to the floor.

In conclusion: diagnosis of posture may be carried out at home and indirectly reflect the degree of curvature of the back. If violations should contact a doctor for a more thorough assessment of changes and making decisions about tactics of treatment of disease.