The main differences and symptoms of physiological and pathological Koposov

The Physiological kyphosis in the standard is observed in the thoracic and sacral parts of the spine. This curvature is characterized by the convexity of the axis of the vertebral column posteriorly with an angle not exceeding 40 degrees. This condition visually is a small protrusion in the thoracic region of the back. Normally it disappears when the person bends forward.

Pathological kyphosis occurs when the bump back has an angle more than 40 degrees. Pathology causes a variety of clinical picture, caused by infringement of the nerve fibers and displacement of internal organs. Kyphotic arc when the disease persists when the person leans forward.

Physiological kyphosis

Why do I need the spine the physiological curvature

The Convexity of the thorax posterior to the angle of curvature less than 40 degrees necessary to reduce the damping loads on the body during walking, jumping and weight lifting.

Physiologically correct curves of the spine

Physiologically correct curves of the spine

If the spine was perfectly straight, during any physical activity pressure would have on the intervertebral discs. They are located between the vertebrae and allow for safe exit of nerves from the spinal cord. Passing in the intervertebral slit, nerve fibers Innervate the internal organs, allowing their normal functioning. If the distance between the vertebrae decreases, there is compression of spinal nerves.

The Vertebral column S-shaped position, acting like a spring, able to evenly distribute pressure on all departments, pelvis and lower limbs. This prevents damage to anatomical structures.

An Additional factor in the proper distribution of the depreciation burden on the human body is the muscular system of the back. It supports the vertebral axis in the correct position and prevents its displacement during tilt, swivel and extension. Hypertonicity of muscles is often the primary factor leading to the first posture, and then strengthen the thoracic concavity posteriorly.

Symptoms of pathological bulge of the thorax

Pathological kyphosis is accompanied by several symptoms, which are divided into groups:

  • Thoracic syndromes;
  • Dorsalgia;
  • Dorigo;
  • Gruzomobile syndromes.

Thoracic Vertebral syndromes occur with lesions of the thoracic intervertebral disks amid the excessive convexity of the spine backwards. They can be divided into 2 versions:

  1. Cervico-thoracic
  2. Lumbar-thoracic.

The Loss of the intervertebral disc in the thoracic division is accompanied by increased myopically (muscle tension) of the shoulder girdle and upper extremities. In lesions of the lower thoracic Department myopically observed in the abdominal, ilio-sacral and ilio-costal muscles.

When the kyphosis of 4 degrees appears widespread muscle tension, which affects the gluteal, pelvic, and even respiratory muscles. Against this background, shortness of breath, disturbance of the synchrony of contractions of the heart (arrhythmia, tachycardia).

Dorsalgia is accompanied by severe pain in the spinal column. Pathology begins with minor pain, which is increasing in 2-3 weeks. If at this time to probe the spinal axis along the spinous processes, it will be very painful.

Dorsalgia clinical symptoms can be divided into:

  • Upper – localized in the 1-6 vertebrae (Th1-Th6)
  • Lower – 7-12 affects the intervertebral discs of the thoracic (Th7 segments-Th12).

Thoracic backache (Dorigo) accompanied by severe, acute and sharp pains in the affected cervical vertebral column. Begins pain syndrome in this case, all of a sudden. Usually the initial symptoms are observed during the walk. The period of acute illness lasts about 2 weeks. On the background of a sharp pain there is a pronounced muscle tension, which makes it hard for flexion and extension of the back.

Thoracolumbar syndromes with pathological enhancement breast bulges occur because of the deposition of disks of the first lumbar vertebrae (L1-L2) or the infringement of spinal nerves.

Servantie physiological and pathological kyphosis

the Physiological and pathological kyphosis

How to treat pathological kyphosis

To Correct pathological kyphosis orthopaedic traumatologists start with determining the degree of curvature and identifying the symptoms of the disease. At the first degree of amplification of convexity (45-55 degrees) is appointed medical gymnastics, which is able to return the spinal column in the correct position a careful and regular execution of doctor's recommendations.

The Curvature of 2 degrees requires destinationmedical medicines. Simultaneously, the complex of measures to eliminate the pathological curvature:

  • physiotherapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • spinal Traction
  • Spa treatment.

The Wearing of orthopedic corsets is usually administered in 3 the extent of the disease, when the angle of curvature exceeds 70 degrees (defined by a picture of the thorax in lateral projection). In such a situation are assigned to rigid models of corsets that will actively "push" on the region of the curvature with the aim of returning it in a physiological position. Products are selected individually by an orthopedist or spine!

When the curvature is 4 degree often requires surgery to modify the shape of the vertebrae and restore normal position of the axis of the spine using special metal latches.

Thus, physiological and pathological kyphosis – opposite concepts that should not be confused. The second condition in medicine is often called "Hyper-kyphosis", which more accurately reflects the essence of the pathology, enhanced concavity posteriorly in the thoracic spine.