Symptoms and causes of angular kyphosis

Angular kyphosis increased convexity of the thoracic spine posteriorly with sharp top of the arc curvature. The term reflects the basic essence of pathology: it is in the area of the upper back, there is an acute angle. The most frequent cause of deformation is considered to be tuberculous lesions of the vertebrae (spondylitis) and traumatic injuries of the thoracic.

angular kyphosis in the child

What is different from the angular kyphosis round back

The Classical pathological convexity of the thoracic posterior is "round the back". When bending down, she persists in contrast to the norm. However, when bending is clearly seen deformity of the chest and protrusion of the belly forwards.

In this type of pathology of the vertebrae do not become wedge-shaped.

Angular kyphosis is characterized by multiple wedge-shaped vertebrae in the area of the top of the arc curvature. Central of these is usually squeezed evenly from the front and rear.

angular kyphosis on radiographs in frontal and lateral projections

Such changes will lead to the destruction of intervertebral disks. At the same time traced the stretching of the back muscles. Not functional skeletal muscles cannot adequately support the spine in the correct position, therefore, corner convexity is rapidly growing in size.

If an abnormal condition is observed during adolescence, its background is a high probability of disease of Chairman Mau (increased thoracic kyphosis with the presence of wedge-shaped vertebrae). The progression of the disease can be stopped only by timely therapy.

depending on the severity of the corner curvature doctors distinguish 2 States:

  • Slouch (posture defect)
  • deformity of the spine.

When stooping. Changes of the spinal column is no longer there, but badly strained the muscles of the back. These defects are eliminated gymnastic exercises.

When the deformations of the vertebral column treatment is more complex.

This pathology is observed more often in people with tuberculosis. In this situation, damage to the vertebrae occurs at the expense of their exposure to pathogenic mycobacteria. On the second place by frequency – injuries to the spinal column.