Formation, types, treatment and the consequences of incorrect posture in the child and adult
Poor posture is detected by the violation of the symmetrical arrangement of the anatomical elements of the human body when it adopts a relaxed pose. In a broader sense, this pathology involves the displacement of body position, excessive strain on the back muscles during exercise and walking.
How is poor posture
Poor posture is determined visually in a vertical position. With the arms at the seams, heels together, socks and feet allotted to the sides at an angle of 45 degrees.
The Diagnosis of "scoliosis" is given in identifying the following features:
- Raised shoulders with one of the parties;
- Axis of the spine is deformed and offset
- Blades are formed and arranged irregularly;
- Hip, knee and ankle joints are placed at different levels in the horizontal plane;
- there is a curvature of the lower extremities in children.
The First cause of pathology are the diseases and abnormalities of the spine. On the background curvature of the vertebral axis is observed asynchronous development of the muscles on both sides of the back. For example, the left side muscles can be in a stage of hypertonus, and on the right is completely relaxed. This situation leads to the stoop, and the flat krugovorote back.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are accompanied by displacement of the axis of the vertebral column.
The Pathology provokes the metabolic disorders, degenerative-dystrophic processes, changes in the blood supply.
The Risk of making changes in the musculoskeletal system of the back is that in the initial stages they do not show their pain. Therefore, the person does not seek medical help, as the disease progresses.
the Main types of deformations of the back
There are several types of incorrect posture, which can be determined by looking at a person:
- Stolovatets;
- and Flat-concave back;
- Round and krugovorota back.
Stolovatets – increase of the thoracic kyphosis with the apex at the level of Th7 segments-Th8 (thoracic segment between 7 and 8 vertebrae). When this is flattened lumbar lordosis. In the external examination child has drooping shoulders and the divergence of the blades.
Round the back Is characterized by the uniformity of the thoracic kyphosis all over and the smoothness of the lumbar lordosis. For an external view of man there is forward tilt of the head, drooping shoulders and offset anteriorly. In this pathology steady position of the body is maintained only through flexion of the feet. For spins round is characterized by the confluence of the thorax and flattening of the gluteal area.
Krugovorota spin – uniform increase in all vertebrates bends with deflection of the shoulder girdle forward, hyperextension of the knee joints. At the same time noted "laxity" of the abdominal muscles, therefore, traces the omission of the internal organs. The muscles of the back, abdomen and abdominals in this situation cannot hold the vertebral column.
Flat spin – there is evidence of flattening the lumbar lordosis, loss of forward lower abdomen. Due to the displacement of the chest occurs with the pathology of cardiac activity. In this disease very frequently develop scoliosis curvature of the spine (the offset of the axis in the lateral plane).
spin-Concave Is accompanied by a decrease of the thoracic kyphosis and increased lumbar lordosis. Pelvic bone tilted forward and buttocks backwards. The thorax becomes narrow, and the abdominal muscles relax.
The Main consequences of incorrect posture:
- Scoliotic deformity of the spine;
- Hyper-kyphosis;
- Kyphoscoliosis.
Scoliosis curvature of the spine is accompanied by its displacement in the lateral plane. A pronounced degree of scoliosis (2 and 3) the child can identify visually by looking at his back. To confirm the diagnosis, doctors prescribe x-rays.
Hyper-kyphosis excessive flexion of the thoracic physiological kyphosis.
Kyphoscoliosis – a disease that combines both of the above pathology. It is observed the displacement of the axis of the vertebral column in the lateral plane and simultaneously overly angulated kyphosis.
impact and influence of incorrect posture on the health of the child
Poor posture can lead to various complications. It progresses particularly fast in children. The nature of the appearance of complications is determined by the individual characteristics of the person and the type of pathology. Most often it occurs inschoolchildren and adolescents during puberty. If your child has experienced rapid growth, the likelihood of scoliosis increases significantly.
Any change results in the deformation of the back:
- Increased heart rate by limiting the mobility of the chest due to rotation of the shoulder girdle and blades;
- shortness of Breath with displacement of abdominal organs. They start to press on the diaphragm, located between the thoracic cavity and the gut;
- Deformation curves of the spinal column leads to pain syndrome in different parts of the body (depending on the level of infringement of a nerve);
- "U" or "O"-shaped curvature of the lower extremities
- Juvenile scoliosis (disease of Chairman Mau) among students;
- Increased blood pressure
- Difficulty breathing;
- Nausea and vomiting in the intestine in case of infringement of spinal nerves in the lumbar spine due to the violation of bile excretion, increased peristalsis in the gut;
- Reduction of depreciation ability of the spine in the cervical spine is accompanied by frequent headaches and fatigue.
How to determine the stoop, flat and round back
There are several tests for determining the incorrect posture:
- Stand up straight near a wall or push it back. Watch in the mirror for the presence of a gap between the torso and the back. The norm of this space does not exceed the thickness of the palm of his hand. If the gap is more or less the child has poor posture
- Feel the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra (C7). Attach the thread with a load, and see this beacon the state of the axis of the spinal column. If the plumb line deviates from the vertical position, at the level of the gluteal region, more likely to have scoliosis;
- If the child with bent back blades are trending upward, there is a deformation of the spine of the character, which can be estimated after additional diagnosis.
How to treat curvature of the spine
To Treat curvature of the spine and stooping must be laboriously and for a long time. There are medical therapies of the disease and homemade ways of dealing with pathology:
- To align the spine should sleep on a firm bed on your back or stomach. Be sure to buy for your child orthopedic pillow and mattress
- Adolescents should monitor the posture when landing behind a school Desk. Breasts should fit snugly to the edge of the table, and the back needs to lean back into the chair;
- Sit down and stand up from a chair should be smoothly and gently. For the spine is very harmful quick rising and lowering, as it creates higher load on the intervertebral discs. Especially dangerous gap for their child;
- At the time of boarding the head should be directed upwards, spine straight, and neck relaxed. The chair should have the full weight of a human body (need to sit fully on the entire surface);
- In the easy chair for a long time it is better not to sit. It helps to relax the back muscles (especially the child) that does not contribute to strengthen the muscular system.
In the morning in people with incorrect posture can cause discomfort in the spine. The phenomenon is due to the fact that the skeletal musculature during sleep is in a relaxed state. When the vertebrae in place and in the presence of pathological changes in the spinal column can lead to impairment of nerve fibers.
To relieve muscle fatigue in the mornings there are special exercises:
- Lying on your back, try pelvic region to "draw" a figure 8. Repeat exercises up until the vertebrae are in place;
- Men need to move your pelvis clockwise and women counterclockwise. The pelvis does not distract from the bed. The number of repetitions: 15-20 times;
- Follow the top eight in the upright position (standing).
So, a wrong posture may lead to disability. Without proper and timely treatment, the disease will lead to displacement of all bodies.