Take the army for scoliosis 1 and 2 degrees, in which case give a delay from service

Take with scoliosis in the army is the answer to this question is trying to find young men in the age range from 18 to 25 years. It is this category of the population suffer from lateral curvature of the spine most often.

This situation is connected with the active growth of the spine up to 25 years. With the weakness of the muscle corset back an increase in the size of the vertebrae gradually leads to deformation of the vertebral axis, and also strengthening or straightening of the physiological curvatures (lordosis and Koposov).

cokorda not take to the army with scoliosis

In what cases are found fit for service

With the passage of the medical fee even if you have scoliosis previously will need to re-radiography. From the results of the Commission in the military influence the decision: take the army for scoliosis or not.

At the meeting, doctors must provide outpatient medical history, all the pictures of the spine, the available help and other types of documents. Deferral or urgent service depends on which category you will carry on article 66:

  • Category A – healthy men fit for service in all parts of the armed. This category may include persons who have in childhood had scoliosis of 1 degree, but has been successfully treated
  • Category B – conscripts who are fit for service in certain parts. Sometimes this category is for boys with scoliosis 1 and 2 degrees, when outside is not noticeable in a strong curvature of the back, and the pictures are observed the questionable angle of curvature between 1 and 2 degrees (10-11 degrees). In this situation trauma in the military can interpret the extent of the cancer in the party. Thus, although the radiologist in the medical school put you 2 the degree of scoliosis with a curvature angle at 11 degrees, in the military you can detect a curvature of 1 degree (angle 10 degrees). Responsibility for your health when the army takes over the doctor who may decide that the recruit can serve in a particular military unit
  • Category B – boys that have a delay for a certain time. In this category fall kolisnyky 2 degrees with an angle of somewhat more than 11 degrees. Over time in the treatment of the spine might be straightened and they will be successfully called to the service;
  • Category "G" – temporary delay of 0.5 years followed by re-examination. Scoliosis in young men are rare, as the disease for 6 months is almost impossible to cure;
  • Category "D" – if the army did not take (so-called "white ticket"). When her military ticket "flaunts" the entry read: "unfit for peaceful, but fit in time of war".

Thus, disputes the Commission in the military can occur in the presence of scoliosis of 2 degrees in the initial stages.

the army did not take with scoliosis of 2 degrees

2 degree scoliosis on the radiograph

How are controversies resolved in the military

Controversial situations arise when an incorrect estimate of the degree of curvature of the physicians in the composition of the medical commissions at the military registration and enlistment office.

Please note, when the curvature 1 degree inductee legally belongs to the category "B" and take him into the army.

Border metrics for the 2nd stage (11-13 degrees) almost always cause suspicion among physicians because "a couple of degrees can be faked, somehow." For example, when performing radiography, the person may slightly tilt to the side and the picture will be a slight offset, which is enough to "transform deformation in stage 1 2nd".

doctors there are ways to identify these scams. For example, recruits can take a snapshot of the vertebral column in frontal projection in the supine position. If the curvature angle will be 10 degrees, delay not.

However, doctors at the medical Board of the military enlistment office, most likely, will not send a man to the army, if his medical card will detect the number of records about the presence of pain in the back over a long period of time, left by a neurologist.

"Military tricks" with the curvature of 2 degrees

If the Commission was accepted for the army when the curvature of 2 degrees, you can use "military tricks".

first of All, give to the Commission not originals and copies of documents. To refuse to accept copies of the Commission's representatives have no legitimate right. Only if a problem arose, just send copies by registered post with notification of receipt.

secondly, state your disagreement about a call during the fee in writing. You need 2 copies of the document: give one Secretary (signature), and the second keep. They should contain the date, the names of the representatives of the Commission who received it and their positions.

If the experts refuse to sign, submit a statement of disagreement with the decision inregional the draft Board. It will cause you to re-examination. Do not forget to take pictures and all original documents.

by the Way, "fresh" images are considered, which are not older than 6 months from the time of manufacture. If not, you will need to do.

If regional Commission still does not provide a deferral, you must file a lawsuit in court.

Thus, with scoliosis 2, grade 3 and 4 in army do not take, and 1 – limit branch of service in which the recruit can serve. Article 66 clearly demarcates the category of young people with lateral curvature of the spine that gives almost no reasons for disputes.