What to do if you have scoliosis how to deal with this disease

To Answer the question of how to deal with scoliosis, the doctor can only after a thorough examination of the person. Pathology is manifested in the large number of changes in each individual case, so you cannot create standardized methods of treatment.

Consider all existing methods of treatment side (front) curvature of the vertebral axis, so that the man knew that he would have to do to combat the ailment.

Scoliosis is a dangerous disease and need to know what to do with it

Tactics and principles of treatment

Treatment of scoliosis is based on conservative and operative methods. The methods of conservative treatment of lateral curvature of the vertebral column:

  1. Corethrogyne (orthotics)
  2. physiotherapy
  3. electrical Stimulation
  4. Limit loads and normalization of motor mode;
  5. medicines
  6. Specialized diet;
  7. Traction therapy (traction).

The Purpose of orthopedic corsets in pathology is based on pathological biomechanical mechanisms of formation of deformations of the vertebral column.

According to anatomical features of the structure of the spine of scoliotic arc formed as a result of changes in several functional systems of the body simultaneously: the weakness of the muscular system, deformation of the vertebrae, abnormalities of the skeletal system, diseases of bones and muscular system.

A Significant role in the formation of the disease play age features of an organism and the daily pattern of human movement. So teenagers frontal curvature of the thoracic occurs due to the wrong boarding school and wear a school backpack on one shoulder. This requires a certain tactical approach to the treatment of the disease in adolescents.

At a young age when scoliosis 1 and 2 degrees is quite therapeutic exercises and wearing corrective corsets, to restore the vertical vertebral axis. Therapeutic exercise and corethrogyne selected individually depending on the anatomy of the spine in each patient individually.

How to deal with scoliosis people of different agesIn adults, the disease is formed due to the presence of diseases of the spine (protrusion, herniation of intervertebral disks, osteochondrosis, spondylosis). In this situation, to eliminate the disease will have to do traction, long wear rigid retainer and daily engage in remedial gymnastics.

In the elderly on the background curvature of the spine likely cyclical syndrome, functioning according to the law of Gotera-Volkmann. It involves the formation of a dependency between each element of the pathological process: deformation of the vertebrae, increasing the curvature, pathology of muscular system. In such a situation, each subsequent layer adds to the previous one.

Consequently, with the deformation of the spine in the elderly can be observed compression syndrome and even a sharp pain with the forced posture (lumbago). If it is not professional to do daily exercises, you can cause dysesthesia of the limbs and disability.

How to deal with scoliosis in the elderly:

  • the Use of anesthetics and muscle relaxants (drugs for muscle relaxation);
  • Orthotics with 1 and 2 degrees of the disease;
  • Daily therapeutic exercises prescribed by a doctor;
  • Stretching the vertebrae;
  • Setting of metal posts at 3 and 4, the extent of the disease.

Treatment for curvature of the spine on the basis of the law of Gotera-Volkmann

The Law of Gotera-Volkmann says that in place of the damaged intervertebral disc slows the growth of tissues and in a number of underlying areas, on the contrary, there is active growth of cells.

Most clearly the effect of this law is traced on the radiographs of the spine in elderly people with lateral deformation of its axis. The shots in the ground to reduce the height of intervertebral disks, you can notice the growth of bony osteophytes, which fix the adjacent vertebrae, resulting in limited mobility of the spine.

If an operational way to limit the curvature, there is a slowdown in the growth of pathological tissue in the area of damage.

What operations are performed when the scoliosis grade 3 and 4:

  • Hartington ─ the installation of the pin, requiring the wearing of corsets;
  • On the Hatch ─ the fixed structure to limit the curvature does not require the wearing of locks;
  • On Tilke ─ used when dysplastic scoliosis;
  • Cotrel-Dubousset ─ install flexible rods on the cylinder.

The Above design restricts mobility of the vertebral column on the side of the warp and help to correct the physical redistribution of the loads on the vertebral column.

If after surgical treatmentstrain the person back pain is wearing orthopedic retainer. It will limit excessive contraction of the muscles and mobility of the spine. However, in the rehabilitation period during the year, the person will have to do physical exercises that strengthen the muscles to maintain the vertical axis of the body.

scoliosis grade 3 and 4 is the operation

About manual therapy in the fight against the disease

The Majority of doctors believes manual therapy in the treatment of lateral curvature of the spine ineffective. Such approaches are related to the fact that when scoliosis 2 and 3 degrees is virtually impossible to return the vertebrae to normal without operative treatment. Chiropractors applied methods to correct subluxations of the vertebrae do not bring relief, but, on the contrary, provoke the infringement of the nerve root (radicular syndrome).

In practice, the above views are not confirmed. If a person has back pain, is often the most effective are the methods of manual therapy. This is due to the fact that when the arise scoliosis muscular "blocks" that limit the mobility of the vertebrae. They lead to shut down the functional vertebral segments. For one procedure manual therapy can completely relax muscular frame, which will increase the efficiency of subsequent remedial gymnastics.

These approaches will not eliminate a lateral curvature, but pain relieve. As a consequence, it is impossible to consider the method as an alternative to the present treatment, but as an additional method it is justified.

Applying electroacupuncture

Before you do the exercises in vocational rehabilitation centers Dikul, Bragg and Machines, specialists electroacupuncture. It allows you to eliminate hypertonicity of certain muscle groups, which is in a state of persistent spasm. Without this procedure, it is difficult to expect that physiotherapy would be a positive influence on the muscles of the back.

In frontal displacement of the vertebral column electrical stimulation is necessary on the side of curvature. The effects produced on the muscles of the abdominal wall and back.

In the literature there is evidence that electrical stimulation for scoliosis 1 and 2 degrees allows you to return the spinal axis in the correct position in 75% of cases. However, this effect was observed only in patients without deformed vertebrae. When resistant curvatures it does not lead to the desired result.

Center Dr. Veselovsky used the original method of treatment dispensation disorders (disorders of joints and ligamentous aponeurosis) by influencing the acupuncture points with needles.

Analyzing the above information, in response to the question of what to do in case of scoliosis: treatment of lateral curvature of the spine requires careful diagnosis of the human condition. Only then can long-drawn-out tactics of therapy of this pathology.