The main methods of physiotherapy for scoliosis of the spine

Physical Therapy for scoliosis is an additional treatment option for curvature of the spine. It helps to improve the recovery processes of metabolism and to eliminate inflammatory processes.

The Method incorporates several methods of therapeutic effects on the human physical factors, artificial equipment and natural components.

physiotherapy methods for scoliosis

Developed physiotherapy treatments for many centuries, therefore their efficiency is checked by long practice. They are applied before operative treatment of lateral curvature of the spine, and after it.

Classification and description of physical therapy techniques

for scoliosis, the following physiotherapy techniques:

  • Electro - and phonophoresis;
  • Ultrasound
  • power shower
  • Magneto therapy
  • Paraffin wax
  • UHF
  • Laser therapy
  • Electrical
  • Mud.

To help readers to choose the optimal method of physiotherapy treatment of lateral deformation of the spine, consider them in detail.

  1. Electrophoresis (phonophoresis, iontophoresis) is a physiotherapy method of accelerating the penetration of substances into the body through the skin under the influence of the galvanic current. Using it topically for scoliosis in the area of pain injected anti-inflammatory substances (dimexide, hydrocortisone).

The efficacy due to the ability of some drugs to ionize under the action of electric current. If through the skin to start a galvanic current, these drugs will be quickly and effectively penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

When the use of electrophoresis in place of the drug administration imposed the special plate of the equipment package. Under it is a cloth, which is soaked in solution with a drug. The second plate is placed on the other side. When the machine under the influence of current drug molecules will move into the deeper layers.

due to the fact that during electrophoresis the drug is administered topically, it has no toxic effect on the body. By using method you can enter multiple drugs in different areas of the body. The medications are deposited in the skin and exert their effects for 3 weeks.

  1. Ultrasonic wave is not perceived by the human ear, but react to it. Ultrasound is able to penetrate into the human body to a depth of 6 cm the power of the rays is used not only in diagnosing diseases, but also in physiotherapy. If the local ultrasonic impact on the region of the curvature improves blood circulation and relieves inflammatory syndrome in the area of soft tissue.

With the help of ultrasound to introduce medications under the skin (phonophoresis). In such a situation can be resolved quickly painful lesions along the spine. The method is characterized by fewer side effects in comparison with the use of muscle relaxants or painkillers.

  1. power shower has a massaging effect with a jet of water which is supplied under certain pressure. If you point it at the area of bending of the back, you can achieve deformity correction. However, it should be understood that excessive pressure may amplify pain and cause further deformation. As a consequence, in vocational rehabilitation centers it is performed under a constant control by the instructor.
  2. Magnetic therapy is a natural method of healing, as each person daily affects the magnetic field of our planet. This method has no contraindications, and performance not inferior to many other physiotherapeutic methods. The magnetic field positively influences the blood supply in the affected area, speeds up the recovery of cells after damage.
  3. the Impact of high-frequency waves helps eliminate the scoliotic arc by relaxing the muscle groups in the affected area, removal of the inflammatory changes in the soft tissues. In Russia, UHF is used for about 35 years and during this period have demonstrated their effectiveness in many diseases.
  4. Electrical stimulation is one of the main methods to correct muscle "clips" that are often formed in diseases of the back with encroachment of spinal nerves.

The Essence of the method lies in the fact that certain electrical pulses can affect the muscles that are in spasm,. Thus, it is possible to eliminate pain that is formed due to local compression of a nerve root of the muscle that is in a state of hypertonicity. Indication for the use of electrical myostimulation is not only scoliosis, but also osteochondrosis, spondylosis and even disc herniation.

The Efficiency of electrical myostimulation is enhanced if it is used electrophoresis of anti-inflammatory substances (karipazim, hydrocortisone. dimexide).

  1. Therapeutic baths for the spine are used during remission of pain syndrome. In severe pain the impact ofhigh temperatures can cause increased compression syndrome in the infringement of the spinal discs in the vertebral foramina.

To enhance the therapeutic properties of the bath are added: sea salt, decoctions of chamomile, sage, calendula, and many other remedies.

Physical Therapy for scoliosis is effective in the symptomatic treatment of pathology. However, it is not possible to eliminate curvature of the spine, so use it in combination with other methods of treatment of lateral curvature of the spine.