How can I fix scoliosis 1, 2, 3 level in children and adults

Deciding how to correct the scoliosis, the doctor analyzes the patient's condition and developing a long-term scheme of patient management. At home with the right approach it is possible to cure only 1 degree lateral curvature of the spine.

how to fix scoliosis 1, 2, 3 degrees

Basic principles of scoliosis correction

There are several important principles that should be considered before proceeding to the correction of the pathology:

  1. to Eliminate excessive dynamic loads;
  2. to Stimulate the activity of the muscle corset back;
  3. Gradual increase in physical exertion during exercise
  4. Effects on the secondary symptoms of the disease during treatment;
  5. Developing a correct stereotype of gait and posture.

In search of the answer to the question, is it possible to correct the scoliosis, the person meets in most cases with the use of therapeutic exercises. It is the mainstay of treatment of scoliosis of 1 and 2 stages. Exercises are prescribed by a doctor, depending on the characteristics of the warp and the state of the muscular frame of the back.

With 3 degrees of scoliosis are required to wear a corrective corset, which will restrict the mobility of the spine, and maintain it in the correct position. Spa treatment, physiotherapy, manual therapy – additional activities. They should be used in combination with basic therapy.

The Choice of tactics of treatment of pathology is based also on anatomical and pathological features of the structure of the back of the patient.

Anatomical features of the spine in schoolchildren and adolescents:

  • the Vertebrae are flexible due to cartilaginous structure;
  • Tendency to wedge-shaped deformation of the vertebrae;
  • Weakness of the back muscles;
  • Growth of the spine up to 17-20 years.

These anatomical peculiarities require a special approach to therapy curvature. To correct the scoliosis in schoolchildren 1 stage, enough exercises. With 2 degrees of pathology doctors prescribe the wearing of orthopedic corsets.

In adults the vertebral column is not "growing", and the vertebrae lose flexibility. The state of the muscle corset back depends on the person's lifestyle and daily behavior, gait, or physical stress.

The Above elements of the structure of the vertebral-muscular units affect the search mechanisms of a doctor, how to remove a lateral curvature of the spine in adults or children.

In most cases, only physiotherapy and the wearing of a corset fully return to the vertical axis in the physiological situation will not be so appointed additional treatment methods:

  • physiotherapy
  • Spa treatment
  • Massage
  • Manual therapy
  • Stretching (traction).

helps corethrogyne

Corethrogyne (orthotics) along with physiotherapy is one of the main methods of treatment of pathology. Why appoint a corset for scoliosis:

  1. To address biomechanical abnormalities in the spine;
  2. To correct deformities;
  3. If necessary to prevent further distortion;
  4. To create mechanical stability in the affected segment;
  5. as a temporary way of relaxing the muscular frame of the back.

Braces align the tone of the muscles on both sides of the body that supports upright posture. Compensatory orthesis is rational to apply with 1 degree of pathology. They are flexible and soft, so when 3 or 4 the degree of displacement can not fully hold the spine. These clamps are sold in a pharmacy called "down posture".

To correct the lateral deformity of the spine 2 degree applicable compensation-recliners orthoses. They perform a support function for bone skeleton vertical axis of the body and compensate for muscular failure.

Products reduce pressure on the vertebral bodies and facet joints and limit range of motion of the spine. They are worn for at least 4 hours to provide a "declinazione action".

Structural models designed to eliminate additional pressure to the region of deformation and at the same time to relax muscles.

Correction of scoliosis of the 3rd degree with the help of the corset is achieved by the strong influence of the device on the concavity. For this purpose, the wall of the product is embedded a metal or plastic plate, providing a direct pressure on the damaged area.

The design of reclination there is a special ring that provides a strong Foundation for the pelvic region when wearing the product. The location of the uppermost point of the pressure depends on the size of curvature. The most effective in this case, corset Milwaukee. It is worn both day and night.

To Remove a lateral curvature of the spine 4 degrees with orthotics impossible. In this pathology, surgical treatment.

physiotherapy is an effective method of dealing with the disease

Correction of lateral displacement with the help of physical therapy is one of the basic methods.Simultaneously with exercises in rehabilitation centers Dikul Machines and power loads are used on special machines with an inclined bench. They allow you to accelerate the therapeutic effect.

In the treatment of diseases some physical activity negatively affect the spine. You want to exclude:

  • weightlifting
  • Cycling and horse riding
  • Wrestling, judo and other martial arts
  • Shell exercises.

Activities activities without vertical loads contribute to the correction of the lateral offset:

  • Dance;
  • Swimming
  • Playing sports.

Deciding correct scoliosis at home should undergo a thorough examination. It will help to establish the extent of disease and to identify its anatomical basis.

Scoliosis leads to serious complications and disability. You need to treat it at early stages when you can return the axis of the spine in the correct position.