How to get rid of scoliosis

scoliosis is a lateral displacement of the axis of the spinal column to the side. It refers to the twisting and shifting of the spine in lateral projection.

Can I get rid of scoliosis? Of course, the answer to this question would need to be sought in childhood, when the foundations were laid for the subsequent curvature of the spine. However, with the disease to fight is never too late.

how to get rid of scoliosis - proven methods

Methods of eliminating disease

To get Rid of scoliosis can be only medical ways:

  • Corethrogyne;
  • physiotherapy
  • the Use of symptomatic drugs;
  • Physiotherapy
  • Massage and manual therapy.

In the presence of compression syndrome (entrapment of the nerve in the spine), accompanied by pain in the back and loins, rational use 3 methods of treatment:

  • Position;
  • corset
  • Traction.

Thus, obviously, to get rid of lateral curvature of the spine should be a combined approach using the above methods in a certain combination.


massage and the treatment status are used to get rid of scoliosis

For this you need to lie on a horizontal smooth solid surface back and stay in this position for as long as possible.

This method of treatment of scoliosis effectively showed themselves in practice. Some doctors on the effectiveness of this method compared with corsetorium. Its use seen self heal scarring in the intervertebral discs. It is advisable to lie on the surface for at least 2 weeks. Only after this time the patient can walk around the house in an orthopedic brace.

Treatment status helps in 70% of cases, but when using it, possible side effects:

  • the Formation of bedsores (stagnant bluish spots on the skin);
  • Protective spazmirovannah muscles on one side of the body;
  • depression;
  • Activation of diseases of the heart and brain on a background of congestive changes in the blood vessels.

Eliminate lateral deformation of the spine corsetorium

The Use of an orthopedic corset can also get rid of the scoliosis. The product limits active movement and prevent displacement of the vertebral axis.

When there is a sideways curvature of the lumbar corethrogyne partially performs the function of traction (stretching the spine). The mechanism is due to the constant control of the location of the product and its pulling up.

When wearing a corset the patient must avoid physical exercises, trunk bending forward, as well as frequent bending.

When the pain disappears, and scoliotic arc approaching the physiological position of the spine, the corset is removed. However, this process occurs gradually. First time wearing daily reduced by 1-2 hours. After 2 weeks it is worn only for 2 hours daily. A month is completely eliminated.

Usually when the scoliosis model used medium or high hardness. Only if the lateral curvature of the spine associated with pain, apply soft gauze product.

How traction helps

The Expediency of application of traction for the treatment of frontal deformation of the spinal column is disputed by the doctors. In the process numerous clinical studies have established the indispensable role of stretching in reducing the height of the intervertebral discs.

Only with the help of traction (stretching) to increase the height of the gap between the vertebrae. Through this occurs reposition the prolapsed structures.

Traction is carried out on special medical equipment. The design consists of beds for the location of the person and the weighing unit with the complex of strands. With adequate selection of the goods in the 2nd degree scoliosis patients in the initial stages mark the cessation of pain.

Traction has a positive effect on the state of the soft tissues of the spine. When you stretch activated receptors ligaments, thereby increasing the local blood supply.

Indications for spinal traction:

  • Radicular compression
  • Logo - kyphoscoliosis;
  • Initial manifestations of the cervical and lumbar backache.

Permissible self treatment

You Can get rid of scoliotic arc at home. For these purposes, is quite suitable physiotherapy. The set of exercises assigned by a doctor after a thorough examination of the patient's condition.

To Train your muscles never too late, but in the case of scoliosis, you can say that to do gymnastics at home for getting rid of lateral curvature to the children after the age of 12 years is meaningless. Missed it so will need to visit specialised rehabilitation centres, wherea professional instructor will monitor the process of implementation of gymnastics.

For control of correct posture while walking, weight lifting, prolonged sitting creates an automatic posture corrector. In their design has a built-in position sensors of the body. When the patient takes the wrong position and the spine is bent, the machine will beep. This prevents further deformation of the vertebral axis.

When performing gymnastic exercises difficult to control her posture. Consequently, when significant curvature is required the help of qualified professionals.

In conclusion, it should be noted that you can get rid of scoliosis with conservative methods only in regular and long-term performance of gymnastic exercises, wearing a corset and compliance with other doctor's recommendations.

The Only reliable protection for spinal muscular armor prevents the appearance of pain, correct the deformity of the vertebral axis and eliminates pain.