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Effective therapeutic exercises for scoliosis 1, 2 and 3 level in children and adults

Physical therapy for scoliosis is aimed at strengthening the muscles, which in the future will have to support the spine in the correct physiological position. The most effective therapeutic exercise with incorrect posture, since it is not observed gross anatomical changes in the bone structure of the vertebrae.

exercises exercise therapy for scoliosis - the basis for successful treatment

Basic principles of implementation

Physiotherapy exercises for scoliosis can be performed at home, and can be performed in specialized hospitals (in the warp 2 and 3 degree). Rehabilitation centers are prescribed for patients with a severe deformity of the spinal column.

Before you assign a complex exercise therapy, the specialist will conduct a complete clinical and x-ray examination of the spine and only then develop an effective treatment plan pathology.

The Basic principles of physical training for lateral curvature of the spine:

  1. Effective only regular and prolonged exercise;
  2. set of exercises should consist of exercises on endurance, breathing exercises, charge to increase strength
  3. In the process of treatment should learn to keep a correct posture
  4. When training power endurance should measure the load (alternating between resistance and weight, constantly changing the amplitude and the rhythm of movements)
  5. Estimate the total physical activity during the classes is based on the characteristics of the individual pathology and anatomical structure of a human body;
  6. Static exercises alternated with dynamic peers.

In specialized therapy groups with a sideways curvature of 1 degree, the complex consists of 3 parts:

  1. Initial (preparatory);
  2. Main
  3. the Final stage.

starting skeletal musculature of the spine is prepared for subsequent physical activity. The method in this case involves only vertical exercise.

Main stage physical therapy with the deformation of the vertebral column 1 the degree is to perform the power of gymnastics with weights, but the power and intensity of exposure is chosen individually in each case.

the Final stage of physical therapy for scoliosis is usually lying down. It is optimal for the normalization of blood supply in muscle tissue. When scoliosis of 1 degree applied symmetrical exercises aimed to training power endurance muscle tissue.

In case of frontal deformation degree 2 in the set of exercises included specific exercises. They are selected by the doctor for each patient individually depending on the characteristics of the scoliotic arc. These exercises are performed on the main stage and require high accuracy and awareness when you run.

exercising is especially effective for scoliosis 1 and 2 degrees

The Pathological side bend 2 degrees (with an angle of 11-25 degrees) requires a physical therapy course in a certain number of movements to develop endurance, strength, and self-correction of muscle tissue. Method of treatment of this pathology with the use of physical therapy involves the removal of the disturbed tone of individual muscle groups on both sides of the back.

The Curvature of 2 degrees also treated asymmetric exercises aimed at strengthening the muscular frame of the back directly from the lesion of the vertebral column.

exercise therapy for the frontal curve of the spine 3 the degree is designed to strengthen the muscle corset back and can improve respiratory function. Unfortunately, given the extent of the disease in humans often have complex deformation of the vertebrae, which will require surgical treatment. In this situation, physical therapy does not bring effect.

However, it is necessary to pay tribute to corrective gymnastics. It is effective when 2 and 3 degrees of pathology. The complex is aimed at eliminating some of the individual characteristics of spinal curvature.

Physical therapy for scoliosis 1, 2, 3 stage also allows you to train the iliopsoas muscle, which is often "guilty" in the pain syndrome lower back. Many authors in their monographs recommend swimming as one of the main methods of treatment of the disease. Indeed, simultaneously with exercise therapy it can prevent the progression of the disease, but in professional rehabilitation centers, instructors assign only certain elements of movements from each swimming style.

Popular exercises

Physical therapy for scoliosis is a basic method of treatment of pathology. All other methods experts combined with exercise therapy. Here are the most popular exercises performed in the rehabilitation center groups Bubnovsky and Dikul for scoliosis 1, 2 and 3 stages:

  • To strengthen the back and abdominal muscles during spinal deformity 1 degree to get up to the wall back and tried to keep the axis of the trunk exactly. The smaller the gap betweenthe loin and back, the correct posture. Stay in this position for about 3 minutes. Experts recommend gradually increase the time;
  • To normalize breathing and strengthening the muscular frame back on the exhale to draw the belly inward, and exhale to relax. Repeat the motion about 8 times;
  • set of exercises for scoliosis 2, 3 degrees should include movements designed to strengthen lower back muscles. For example, sit on your haunches and put your hands behind your head. Keep your back straight for 30 seconds and then may return to its original position. Repeat 10-12 times complex;
  • In a standing position, you should link the fingers behind the back. Every 10 seconds it is necessary to change the position of the hands. Exercises would correct the lateral curvature of the spine 1 or 2 degrees, but repeat the exercise needed on a daily basis;
  • Exercise can be directed to strengthen the abdominal muscles. This is necessary in the presence of pathologic lateral bending in the lumbar spine. Effective for this complex exercise therapy involves a gradual tension and relaxation of the abdominal muscles. Each phase should have a duration of about 30 seconds.

Regardless of what method of physical therapy chosen by the doctor, it must take into account all the peculiarities of the spinal column of the patient. As a rule, the warp stage 1 and 2 can be cured by gymnastics, and with 3 degrees of pathology exercises are prescribed 2 months prior to the forthcoming operation.

To strengthen the abdominal muscles every day you can do the massage, but it must be done by a real expert, who knows the peculiarities of his spine with a lateral curvature.