Is it possible the successful treatment of scoliosis in adults

Treatment of scoliosis in adults is somewhat different from similar principles used in the treatment of lateral curvature of the spine in children. This is due to the peculiarities of the disease after 18 years. Spine adults don't "grow", and in old age undergoes degenerative changes.

how successful is the treatment of scoliosis in adults

How to treat scoliosis in adults

Scoliosis in adults treated after the formation of the scoliotic arc quite difficult. Consequently, the main emphasis in the treatment of diseases is done on:

  1. addressing the causes of degenerative changes in the intervertebral disc (Hypo - or hypermobility);
  2. Mild changes in the joints, incorrect stereotype of gait, weakness of the muscular system;
  3. Eliminate the blocks that impede the mobility of the vertebral segments;
  4. the Normalization of the status of the skeletal system to prevent osteoporotic changes (weak bone structure)
  5. the Therapy of the secondary symptoms of the disease;
  6. Improve blood circulation.

To carry out the above tasks, the following methods:

  1. the Wearing of orthopedic corsets (orthotics)
  2. physiotherapy
  3. Manual therapy
  4. Physiotherapy
  5. Acupuncture
  6. of drugs.

scoliosis in adults is treated mainly through gymnastics, manual therapy and wearing orthopedic corsets

Elimination of degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs

Without improving condition of intervertebral discs scoliosis in adults has not treated. The reason is that in the background of lateral curvature of the spine occurs compression pressure on them. In such a situation is formed hypermobility of vertebral segments, which contributes to the progression of the disease.

The Best way to normalize blood circulation and metabolism is a manual influence on the damaged area. Pathological myopically (increased muscle tone) can be removed by massage, the use of muscle relaxants (drugs for muscle relaxation), manual therapy.

The Maximum therapeutic effect in practice, doctors say the combination of the above procedures, with "trophic" therapy:

  • the Use of preparations of Ca and P;
  • improving the microcirculation (reception Shilajit, vitamin E);
  • Injections of hydrocortisone and reparative drugs.

Eliminate muscle weakness and pathological gait stereotype

Strengthening the muscular system is the main way to prevent the increase of the degree curvature of the spine. With the help of therapeutic exercises is to train the muscles of the back that will hold the correct position of the vertebral column.

Gymnastics is performed in between wearing corrective retainers (corsets, reclinators, posture corrector). Types of orthotics:

  1. Active;
  2. Passive.

Passive fixation belt or corset is applied to maintain the vertebral axis in the required position.

Active myopically through reflex action simultaneously stimulates skeletal muscles.

Scoliosis in adults should be treated under the supervision of specialists

blocks Elimination of vertebral segments

Muscle "clips" for scoliosis in adults is almost always formed. Their signs are well traced when performing a back massage or manual therapy. There is a unique method Tabeeva to eliminate spasmodic blocks of muscles along the spine.

It made an impact on the nerve receptors of the affected segment (dermatomes). At the same time acupuncture is performed with sedation and muscle relaxants purpose.

Sedation allows you to eliminate the source of excitation in the brain, which had evolved over the long existence of the disease.

The Use of muscle relaxants (e.g., mydocalm) allows you to relax the muscles and thus eliminate compression of the nerve fibers passing in the thickness of skeletal muscles of the back.

Muscle blocks in adults are well treated by reflexology in the absence of the syndrome of "hypermobility of joints". If it exists, all activities are ineffective, as the movable vertebrae impinge the spinal nerves.

Therapy osteoporotic changes of the vertebrae

Osteoporosis of the skeletal system caused by disorders of calcium metabolism. Practical experiments revealed that the increase in the consumption of this microelement olderdoes not lead to accumulation in bones.

In osteoporosis bones require concomitant therapy with calcium and hormonal therapy:

  • Glucocorticoid hormones (metipred, hydrocortisone, prednisone) eliminate inflammatory reaction and simultaneously increase the metabolism of calcium in the body;
  • Desensitizing therapy (tavegil, a Dimedrol, suprastin) remove Allergy spasms of the blood vessels and improve the delivery of nutrients
  • Local applications Dimexidum, procaine and glutamyl-adenosine-triphosphoric acid on the spinal column to improve the energy metabolism.

The Symptoms of osteoporotic changes in the skeletal system is almost always seen in adults. On the background of the scoliotic curvature of the spine to treat quite difficult.

Treatment of secondary symptoms

The Secondary symptoms of scoliosis are numerous, and treat them have for several years. Scoliosis grade 3 and 4 without surgery effectively eliminate many of the symptoms of the disease difficult. Principles of conservative treatment of lateral curvature of the spine:

  • Elimination of tonic skeletal muscle disorders using muscle relaxants
  • Epidural compression syndrome: appliques Dimexidum with novocaine, spinal blockade;
  • Symptoms of neurovascular syndrome (spasm of peripheral arteries) are removed by the use of nicotinic acid and aminophylline. On a year to 3-4 courses;
  • To improve blood properties: antiplatelet agents (heparin), antispasmodics (no-Spa).

Doctors usually use a combination of treatment of secondary symptoms, which involve combination between the above drugs.

The Symptoms of scoliosis of scoliosis in adults should be treated only under the supervision of qualified doctors. Self-therapy pathology may lead to serious complications and disability.