Principles perform asymmetric, symmetric, and corrective exercises versus scoliosis

Exercises versus scoliosis make it possible to correct lateral deformation of the spinal column. There are several professional complexes, which prevent disease progression and reduce the value of scoliotic arc. Below are gymnastics O. S. Petrova, used in major rehabilitation centers for patients with curvatures of the vertebral column.

exercises versus scoliosis by the method of Petrov

Tactics and approaches to implementation

For the treatment of frontal displacement of the axis of the spine, there are symmetric and asymmetric exercises. First included in a basic gymnastics Petrov, which a person performs independently at home.

Asymmetric kinds are selected by the doctors and instructors of physical therapy in the nature of the pathology in humans.

The Whole set of exercises with spinal curvature can be divided into 2 types depending on the destination:

  • Corrective
  • Support.

When choosing the exercises should also take into account comorbidities. For example, when the curvature of the thoracic in the frontal plane, an increase in the heart rate (tachycardia), high blood pressure, intercostal neuralgia. In this situation, you should abandon the asymmetrical training of the upper back, as it increases the deformity of the chest.

Methods Petrova

The Initial stage of lateral displacement of the spine with an angle of curvature not exceeding 25 degrees are successfully treated daily basic exercise back muscles by the method of Petrov.

here is an exercise program:

  • within 3 minutes walk around the room on all fours, which will relieve the back muscles and prepare them for a static load;
  • Stretching (traction) of the spinal column is a complement of physical therapy. It helps to increase the size of the intervertebral discs. Lying on your back, drag your feet down and head up for 15 seconds. Turn over onto your stomach and repeat the procedure;
  • Lying on back, perform the movement with their legs, which is similar to riding a Bicycle;
  • Lying on the abdomen, beneath the head of the palm. Try to lift your head up and your upper body to pull down. Repeat the procedure 5 times;
  • Make "scissors", lying on his stomach;
  • In a standing position arms out to the side. The palm should be facing up. Maximum pull them back and then forward. We recommend you to do about 10 such movements.

The Above complex helps to relax muscular frame back under the following rules of implementation:

  1. do Not make any sudden jerk movements;
  2. perform Each exercise smoothly and slowly;
  3. Control your breathing. For this before using the technique Petrov should explore the principles of breathing by Katharina Schroth.

Katharina Schroth has developed an effective corrective exercise, allowing to fix a chest deformity and normalize the height of the intercostal spaces. Her gymnastics relevant if there is lateral displacement of the spine in the thoracic region.

special gymnastics

asymmetrical exercises for scoliosis are performed only after consultation with the doctor

Exercises versus scoliosis by the method of Petrov are assigned only to physicians. They are aimed at eliminating persistent spasmodic contractions of individual muscle groups of the back.

here is an list of symmetric special exercises for the back:

  • On the inhale make the forward bends. On the exhale should straighten the trunk and to lock the position for 5 seconds;
  • Place the hands on the back of your head, pull your elbows to the sides. Perform torso twists under the account;
  • inhaling, turn the body to the side and place back hands. The chest must bend forward. On the exhale return to the starting position;
  • always rotate my head left and right. The breathing should be uniform;
  • In a standing position place the feet shoulder width apart. On account of "one or two" lean forward "three or four" turn to the right. On the exhale return to the starting position;
  • kneeling, lean hands about a floor. Rotten the breast on account of "one-two" to "three or four" vignette back up. On the exhale take the starting position;
  • Lying on back, lock the feet on the floor. In the hands keep the load no more than 3 kg in weight. Inhaling the rotten back and pick up the cargo. On the exhale return to the starting position;
  • In a standing position, place hands on forehead. This will lower your head and overcome the resistance of a small head, hold your breath. After 2-3 seconds, exhale and relax. The number of repetitions 2-3.

Corrective exercises will not bring the therapeutic effect, if in the performance of the person will not hold back. Correct posture is one of the important principles for maintaining spinal health.

If the formed dislocation of the spine in frontthe plane should be more time to be in the position of protivorechiya:

  • In left-hand curvature try to strengthen the musculature of the right half of the body;
  • With prolonged sitting beneath the buttocks from the warp object, which aligns the horizontal position of the iliac bones;
  • Performing symmetrical exercises, make sure that they do not lead to increased muscle tone from the deformation of the spinal column. Do this after physical movements should hands to massage my back. In professional medical clinics to determine the tone of skeletal muscles using dynamometers.

In conclusion let us note that the effectiveness of gymnastics against scoliosis increases when combined with other treatments: massage, manual therapy, fiziolechenie. The therapeutic effect also depends on the regularity, accuracy and length of physical education.