That recommended by doctors for the prevention of herniated discs
Prevention of herniated discs – a set of measures aimed at elimination of pain syndrome, normalization of the condition of the back muscles and prevent further protrusions of the cartilage matrix.
school years the person knows that in order to prevent diseases of the spine should maintain an active lifestyle, swimming, to eat rationally. However, the nature of professional work and household duties do not allow us to monitor their health.
Small physical activity, "sedentary" work exacerbate the blood supply to the spinal column. Against this background, the particular time state of the intervertebral disc deteriorates. He loses cushioning ability. This increases the risk of herniation, which causes compression of the nerve root. Hence back pain, sciatica, difficulty turning the waist. However, these complications may not happen, if there is a permanent prevention of diseases of the spine.
Since a significant part in the process of formation of a spinal hernia is given to the posture, it is necessary to "rock" abdominals. Muscular corset which helps to keep the axis of your spine in the correct position.
take Care of your spine daily,
So as not to "load" cartilaginous discs, you should make flexor and extensor movements, straining the muscles of the buttocks, tightening the stomach, rounding your back. The correct posture allows you to relieve the muscles and prevent their unilateral predominance of hypertonicity.
When you sit, lean on the chair should be a straight back, be sure to get to floor legs. In a soft bed is better to sleep on your stomach. However, the trauma for the prevention of vertebral hernias suggest that you bed medium hardness. The bed should be a kind of shield, which is evenly distributed muscular back.
Modern orthopedic products quite successfully cope with these tasks. They are optimally adjusted to the axis of the spine, so the risk of prolapse of the pulpous nucleus of the intervertebral disc when using them is minimal.
Prevention of vertebral hernia is also to normalize the power. Exclude from the menu fatty foods, eat fractional portions. Food provide optimal levels of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Normalized metabolism will allow to preserve the mobility of the vertebrae, to optimize the statics of the intervertebral segment.
For the normalization of water-salt metabolism, and regulation of functioning of muscle tissue provide the dietary intake of optimal concentrations of calcium and vitamin C. Avoid canned foods. Replace their frozen counterparts that do not contain sugar, salt or preservatives.
The Usual mug of coffee in the morning is not going to save you from a vertebral hernia. To restore the trophic functions of the intervertebral disk, it is better to take herbal teas (camomile, rose hip, St. John's wort, a series).
Sugar, hot spices, bouillons, jellied minced meat and a variety of smoked meats will lead to loss of the cushioning properties of the spine. In conjunction with harmful habits (Smoking, alcohol and drug abuse) improper diet will cause damage to spinal discs.
The Situation is aggravated by intake of pharmaceuticals from various pains. They are not conducive to the normal metabolism.
What to do to prevent a hernia
we advise you to print or to jot down this check list:
- giving up Smoking. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, therefore, becomes a provocative factor for herniation of the spine;
- swimming. To strengthen posture better practice in the pool there is nothing. With regular workouts normalizes the state of the musculoskeletal system that allows you to maintain the axis of the spine in the normal position;
- Do gymnastics at home. If there are no opportunities to access the gym, perform gymnastic exercises at home;
- Enjoy a therapeutic massage, which normalizes the blood supply to the cartilage disks that improves the delivery of nutrients to them with blood;
- Protect the liver. The body synthesizes special ingredient – collagen. It is a protein fiber, which is part of the intervertebral disc. Cholecystitis and hepatitis violate his education;
- Boost the immune system. Regular and frequent inflammation in the body, chronic diseases adversely affect human health. Some of them (caries, herpes, trichomoniasis) can affect the spine. On the background of inflammation of the cartilage disc with a high probability of the formation of hernia;
- Resist the stress. Frequent nervous break load condition of the intervertebral disc due to the narrowing of blood vessels. A person's thoughts should be in order;
- are Constantly engaged in the prevention of scoliosisspine in high school. In boys and girls till 16 years it is important to form a correct posture, while the cartilaginous parts of the vertebrae have not yet become bone. In the future, the state of the intervertebral segment will depend on the posture and lifestyle of the person.
advice for parents. Stop led a child by the hand. It's embarrassing to walk with uplifted hand, and the muscular system of the back even more annoying. Correct posture in such a situation can not speak.
Take your vitamins, amino acids in the form of pharmaceutical preparations in case of the lack of food. They will help to preserve the trophism of the cartilage of the intervertebral disk.
Wear the right shoes. It should be comfortable, resistant and comfortable. Probably should not explain what high heels does not conform to this rule. High heel is the enemy of the intervertebral segment.
Sleep at least 8 hours per night. During sleep restores tissue and organs, the condition of the intervertebral disc over a period of time improves. He returns to the same height that was lost during a long stay on his feet. The health of your back!