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Drug treatment of spinal hernia proven medicines and drugs


Drug treatment of spinal hernia is suitable for small protrusions of the cartilage matrix. In this situation, there is a strong pressure on the spinal cord, nerve roots, and inflammatory changes in surrounding tissues are not strong enough to resort to surgery.

Basic therapy pathology is based on compliance with 3 areas:

  • Elimination of the causes (causal treatment);
  • removal of the symptoms (symptomatic therapy);
  • the Blockade of parts of the pathological process (pathogenetic therapy).
cure for spinal hernia

For the treatment of hernia used a variety of drugs of different groups

Basic principles of etiotropic treatment of herniated discs

the loss of the intervertebral disc

MRI images of bulging disc in the lumbar segment of the spine

The Elimination of the causative factor brings great relief, but the disease often occurs because of a combination of multiple pathological conditions in the body. In this case, it is difficult to achieve sustained remission (absence of exacerbations).

The Most common cause of protrusion of the cartilage matrix – a violation of blood supply to the spine. Against this background tissues do not receive enough essential nutrients and fluid. The cartilage discs lose elasticity, which increases the probability of rupture of the fibrous ring with prolapse of nucleus pulposus. In order to eliminate the parts of the pathological process are applied:

  1. Normalization of lifestyle and diet: daily gymnastic exercises, the inclusion in the daily menu of dairy products and pork cartilage, restoring posture and the fight against obesity;
  2. Return the functionality of the spine is carried out with the help of massage, manual therapy, methods of osteopathy, physiotherapy, acupuncture. Normalization of muscle tonus system at this stage involves the use of muscle relaxant drugs (mydocalm), and the elimination of pain syndrome using therapeutic blockade (novocaine karipazim);
  3. Drug therapy is assigned to eliminate inflammation, strengthen the anatomical structures of cartilage tissue, improve blood supply of the vertebral column.

medications prescribed for etiotropic therapy of the spine

drugs for the treatment of herniated discs

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug voltaren in the form of ointments

  • NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

The Most frequently prescribed in medical practice for herniated. Wide distribution they received due to the presence of 3 effects (anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic) which are useful in the treatment of diseases of the spine.

The Mechanism of action of NSAIDs is blocking of the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which is involved in the formation of inflammatory mediators. Prolonged use of tablets in this group is fraught with dangerous complications, as the blockade of cyclooxygenase in gastrointestinal tract causes damage to the intestinal wall and stomach, which is dangerous by the formation of ulcers and fissures.

“Diclofenac” in the treatment of vertebral hernia is used in medicine for several decades. The drug is a derivative of phenylacetic acid, which inhibits all types of cyclooxygenase (I, II and type III) that causes a lot of side effects of the drug, so it is not recommended to apply more than two weeks.

Doctors often replace “Diclofenac” selective inhibitors of cyclooxygenase. For example, Movalis (meloxicam) has an anti-inflammatory effect at lower dosages, and the treatment is sometimes enough 3 tablets.

  • Chondroprotectors and hyaluronic acid.

Designed to strengthen the structure of the intervertebral hyaline cartilage and provide them with the necessary components for normal operation. As an active substance in the composition of most of these drugs included chondroitin sulfate (alflutop, structum, teraflex). The combination in the combination of glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans prevents the destruction of the disks and stops the progression of the disease.

These tools include “TerraFlex” and its analogues. However, it is necessary to distinguish chondroprotectors from pharmaceutical biologically active substances (dietary Supplements), which contain chondroitin sulfate. The latter does not passofficial quality control, so dosage of active substances in their composition may differ from that declared by the manufacturer.

Tools based on hyaluronic acid increase the liquid content in the nucleus pulpous of the intervertebral disc, which increases its cushioning properties. Increase the elasticity and the viscosity of the cartilage at the feeding of their hyaluronic acid also leads to the elimination of pain, as chemical compound protects receptors from exposure to aggressive substances.

There are clinical studies that confirm the good therapeutic effect of Rumalon (extract of cartilage and bone marrow of animals). Medicine contains several structural components required for normal functioning of cartilage. The course of treatment consists of 5-10 subcutaneous injections of 1 ml.

  • Special mechanism of action of homeopathic medicines have.

They cause exacerbation of chronic diseases. In response, it boosts the body defense mechanisms that fight disease. Considered that homeopathic remedies have no side effects, but their use is effective only to prevent vertebral discs or in combination with other drugs (diclofenac, alflutop, mydocalm).

Drugs pathogenetic treatment of prolapse of the vertebral disc

drug treatment of herniated discs glucocorticoids

Glucocorticoid preparations are used for severe pain in the spine

To Prevent and eliminate the links of the pathological chain in the formation of hernias are called anti-stress, enzyme, vasodilator, hormone medicines, and muscle relaxants.

In medical practice, the following are the most common means of pathogenetic treatment of prolapse of the vertebral disc: diprospan, dexamethasone, milgamma, almag, neuromedin, Actovegin, mydocalm.

  • Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (glucocorticoids), which include diprospan and dexamethasone used in patients with severe inflammation and severe pain.

due to habituation of the organism to them long-term glucocorticoids are not used. In the hospital sometimes it is necessary to enter diprospan or other analogs thereof. In this situation, the elimination of the drug is conducted with gradual reduction of the dose.

Please note readers that long-term use of glucocorticoid steroids has a negative effect on the cartilage tissue, which becomes brittle, and therefore less resistant to external loads.

  • Muscle relaxants (mydocalm) on herniated disks are used for muscle relaxation.

The Contraction of the muscular system leads to compression of nerve trunks, resulting in pain. Sometimes to get rid of it quite a few intramuscular injections midokalma.

Effectively treated with muscle relaxants and in combination therapy pathology in the presence of a constriction of the muscles inflammatory scars. Due to the side effect of reducing pressure dosage midokalma should choose a doctor.

medicinal gel for softening of the cartilage

Gel papain is used to soften the spinal disc

  • To improve blood flow in the vertebral hernia are used methylxanthine derivatives (pentoxifylline, trental).

They prevent damage to blood vessels by strengthening their walls due to the relaxation of smooth muscles of the arteries in the brain and extremities. The course of treatment with pentoxifylline for a long period. Often together with the funds appointed vitamins (milgamma), activators of cerebral activity (neuromedin, Actovegin) and biogenic stimulators (fibs). This treatment normalizes blood circulation in the spine and increases the resistance of tissues to oxygen deficiency.

  • the Enzymes in vertebral hernia (hydrolytic enzymes) are used to eliminate the formation of blood clots, swelling of the spine. In combination with other drugs the enzymes improve the course of disease and prevent the development of complications.

Symptomatic treatment of diseases of the spine

Symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Most often hernia is accompanied by pain. If pain appears rarely and only when making sharp turns of the body, doctors are limited to prescribing NSAIDs and chondroprotectors. For example, diclofenac + alflutop, but with the protection of the intestinal wall from damage (almag, gastal).

  • Tools for protection of the stomach wall (Almagel, phosphalugel, almag, gastal).

Form on the surface of the stomach wall with a protective film. It prevents the corrosive medium in the cavity of the body at its mucosa. Medications often used to treat peptic ulcer disease, but therapy loss of intervertebral cartilage is also requires the use of these drugs.

  • the new generation of Antidepressants (sertraline, inside).

Used for insomnia on the background of diseases of the spine. They are sold exclusively on prescription and used only with low efficiency of other medications.

acupuncture with a hernia often primenyaetsya along with drug therapy

acupuncture Point used to stimulate the reflex points

On the background of conservative therapy of the disease are not redundant methods of physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage and hirudotherapy.

  • To prevent exacerbations of the disease it is possible to use electrophoresis of novocaine with karipazim.

This product contains components of plant origin (chymopapain, papain), which increase the elasticity of the synovial cartilage and collagen fibers. The local introduction of karipazim hernia is softened, which is enough to relax the clamped nerve. This makes it possible to eliminate pain. The effectiveness of getting rid of pain is increased if simultaneously with the injected drug mydocalm.

In Europe gaining popularity homeosiniatry. The method consists in the introduction of homeopathic agents subcutaneously with fine needles in places where there are the reflex points. Homeosiniatry has no contraindications.

Epidural anesthesia is conducted by surgeons with strong pain syndrome. The method involves administering corticosteroids (diprospan, dexamethasone) directly into the epidural space of the spinal cord. So is possible to stop excitation of a nerve fibers at the initial stage. This anesthesia is used for sciatica, when a person adopts a forced position and can't straighten.

What drugs with a hernia you can buy without prescription

karipazim electrophoresis

karipazim in the form of electrophoresis prevents compression of the nerves

Since the majority of drugs for the treatment of hernia of the spine has no side effects, to buy them at the pharmacy without a prescription will not work. The only exception is paracetamol (acetaminophen) and some NSAIDs (ibuprofen, aspirin).

Paracetamol has a mild analgesic effect but does not eliminate inflammation. The effectiveness of the drug are different in each person, so medicine almost is not granted by physicians for a prolapsed disc.

Ibuprofen is a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory effect, but not without flaws common to all NSAIDs. It should be used carefully, no more than a week.

All other tools are sold in pharmacies on prescription as they have serious side effects.

Result summary of the article

In conclusion, we will draw conclusions:

  1. Medical treatment of hernias of the spine involves the use of a large number of drugs (diprospan, milgamma, alflutop, Movalis, diclofenac mydocalm, dexamethasone). Each of them has its own side effects, which are summarized in combined treatment regimens. To prescribe medication from herniated discs need only a doctor
  2. In a pharmacy without a prescription can buy only paracetamol and ibuprofen, are effective only as symptomatic treatment in the initial stages of the disease.
  3. In the home, you can apply heat treatments, massage, physiotherapy and traditional methods of treatment of hernias of the spine.