The benefits and harms of extraction of the spine with protrusion


The Hood of the spine with protrusion only in the initial stages of prolapse of the intervertebral disc. In complicated disease are ineffective and even brings harm to human health.

The Term "traction" comes from the Latin – "tracto", which means "to drag" or "pull". Medical traction is applied in traumatology and vertebrology and involves the formation of short or long pull of the limbs or of the spine. It helps relieve stress from the tissues and the elimination of displacement of fragments in fractures.

drawing of the spine with protrusion on a special simulator

Hardware stretching of the vertebral column

The Hood in the pathology of the spine:

  • For the relief of pain caused by compression of the nerve root;
  • improve blood circulation
  • Restore the muscular system;
  • ensure that protrusion a hernia in.

What is the elongation when protrusion

With the protrusion of the small size of the spine stretching is perfectly justified. The treatment of degenerative-dystrophic processes allows you to prevent severe complications.

The Feasibility of applying the method is still under debate in scientific circles, because there are serious complications from its use.

Information about the negative effects of stretching on health

the traction of the lumbar spine with disc protrusion

Directed oblique lumbar traction

During the extraction in the case of a herniated disc without rupture of its fibrous ring is breeding adjacent vertebrae to the side in one or more parts of the spine.

In this first stretch of the facet joints, between which the fixing less weak than between the vertebral bodies. With prolonged traction to gradually "stretch" of the ligaments, which leads to an increase in the size of intervertebral gaps (they are disks).

When the protrusion affected area of the intervertebral segment (MS) is deformed and resembles a wedge from the convex side of the prolapse of the pulpous nucleus. In the presence of this disease is excessively stretched posterior ligamentous and muscular structures of the spine. In the angle of the wedge on the contrary they are in spasm,.

When pulling the leg muscles is in the reduced state, the musculo-ligamentous apparatus is damaged. In this situation, the spine stretching leads to tearing of tissues or the formation of micro-cracks in the fibrous ring of the intervertebral discs.

When the hood is useful spinal column

Doctors who believe that spine stretching is useful in mild degree of protrusion, the method is recommended for:

  • Increased height of the intervertebral disc;
  • Extensions foraminal space (the nerve roots);
  • Eliminate congestive changes in the spine.

Indeed, the stretching leads to the above effects, but only in the period of divergence of the facet joints (during traction).

After the cessation of treatments, unfortunately, the segments of the spine return to their former condition, but with additional cracks in the fibrous ring of the intervertebral discs. Such effects are observed when the method of the combination of the protrusion with other diseases.

Thus, the more complex the pathology of the spine, the more dangerous to use the hood.

Please note, the spine specialists do not prescribe traction with a hernia of the spinal column, as it will only worsen the disease. The synovial membrane of the facet joints contain nerve receptors that get annoyed when performing traction treatments.

underwater stretching

underwater traction of the spine

In some cases, the stretching of the spine brings relief, but after it after some time come complications.

A Condition in which eases the pain during the extraction of the spine:

  • compression of the foraminal openings for the protrusion with pain;
  • Offset of the facet joints with hyperextension of the joint capsule;
  • Bulging intervertebral disc in the region of the spinal cord with compression of the nerve roots.

In these situations, hood temporarily relieves pain and also reduces the pressure inside the intervertebral disc.

There are 3 main types of stretching:

  • Manual
  • underwater
  • Hardware.

Manual procedure

Manual aspirator when the protrusion is held at a horizontal position of the patient.The doctor is behind the couch and starts intermittently sipping man by the ankles. During the procedure, the ankle joints of the patient are fixed in the axilla by a doctor.

Second modification of hand-drawing: the physician grasps the ankle of the patient and rests his knees in front of the couch. He performs rhythmic twitching of the limbs of the patient. The first stretching is conducted with a trial order. If it brings relief, the procedure is repeated 5-6 times. An effort that employs the doctor at the traction should not cause misalignment of the patient's body to side thrust.

In most cases, manual traction have low efficiency, because the procedure counteract muscle spasms. To resolve their resistance, the patient before the procedure assigned to the muscle (mizolastine, baclofen, sirdalud, or phenazepam).

After the traction necessary for the person to lie quietly in horizontal position about 2 hours, because his muscles were completely relaxed. In this state it is very difficult to move and to perform physical work.

Severe cardiovascular disease (angina, hypertension), and acute inflammation, neurological diseases, spasmodic contraction of the muscles – contraindications to manual drawing of the spine.

How is the hardware extension

Hardware stretching is classified into:

  • Dry;
  • underwater.

The Most common dry traction, which is used in trauma from 70 years of the last century. Its essence lies in the stretching of certain parts of the human spine with the use of special traction machines. This equipment allows to precisely calculate the force that must be applied to unload the affected regions of the vertebral column.

The First procedure dry spine traction in the case of the protrusion is performed with minimal force. While the doctor monitors the patient's condition. If a person feels no pain and feels fine, and he is 10-12 procedures per session. After the person needs to lie in a horizontal position for about 30 minutes while the muscles will come to normal.

Underwater spine traction with the protrusion allows you to relieve muscle tension, improve the blood supply to the lumbar spine. Warm water reduces the physical strength necessary to perform traction.

The Underwater massage can effectively remove the burden from longitudinal and transverse ligaments of the spine, eliminate pain, but only for a short time. It is carried out before stretching. The procedure is similar to a simple hardware extension, but is only performed in water.

Thus, the attitude towards the hood at the protrusions with different doctors different. Some experts consider it almost a panacea for back pain and others are dangerous to health procedure. The truth is somewhere near.