Home / All about herniated discs in the various divisions of the spine / Features and benefits of laser treatment (removal) of herniated discs

Features and benefits of laser treatment (removal) of herniated discs


Modern medicine, backed by scientific achievements and advanced technologies, has in the Arsenal of the many effective methods of solving problems associated with hernia of the spine. One of such effective methods is the spinal hernia treatment by laser, which allowed to achieve significant results.

Although this technique is considered relatively new, it has been successfully used already since 80-ies of the last century. Until such treatment is practiced in the clinics of Germany, Israel and other developed countries, but today laser vaporization with no less success and apply our local physicians.

spinal hernia Treatment laser

How does hernia repair laser?

Why most experts give preference to this method? To answer this question is not difficult, if you have to understand the principle of the laser treatment on the human body. The whole mechanism comes from the theory of light radiation, whereby the stream of photons changes its energetic level from high to low during the quantum transition of electrons. Due to this feature, the laser beam is able to penetrate deep into the tissues without destroying them.

Laser therapy used in the treatment of many diseases. Method puncture laser vaporization in the treatment of vertebral hernia was also the most reliable and highly efficient at the current moment. It does not provide for direct surgical intervention, but still it is considered a surgical treatment.

The advantages of the laser vaporization method:

  1. does not violated the integrity of the surrounding tissues;
  2. treatment is not time-consuming;
  3. method ensures almost complete safety for the patient
  4. postoperative period is short and flows easy for the patient
  5. the lack of scars after removal of the vertebral hernia;
  6. high degree of effectiveness of this manipulation.

Under what clinical indications should think about the removing of herniated discs with a laser

Who should take this treatment

The Formation of intervertebral hernia is often accompanied by prolapse of the pulpous nucleus of the disc from its own cavity. Usually this phenomenon is observed in the vertebrae with degenerative or dystrophic abnormalities. This pathology may develop after spinal cord injury. Therefore, for such patients, laser treatment may be the only viable route to recovery.

In this case, the treatment will focus on eliminating symptoms and preventing complications. In some cases, a more radical event, that is, removal of the hernia. Laser removal of a hernia of the spine may be assigned to the patient regardless of the place of its localization.

Of Course, the maximum effect can be achieved at the earliest stages of the disease with a relatively small size of the vertebral hernia. A successful outcome greatly affects how quickly a patient will seek help. If the patient is an intervertebral hernia at the first symptoms of the disease not to self-medicate and go see a specialist, you may wish to hope for absolute freedom from problems of the spine.

The Operation is easily tolerated by patients of any age. The removal is carried out in specialized clinics, where there is the necessary medical equipment and a staff of professionals specializing in this field of medicine.

Stages of operation

Patients with confirmed the presence of spinal hernia require immediate assistance. Sometimes surgery laser vaporization is performed for emergency indications. This is due to the fact that the nervous tissue that includes the spinal cord, is very sensitive to compression. At long and too intense exposure can occur irreversible phenomenon when roots already damaged by any means to save will fail.

Is laser removal of intervertebral hernias under local anesthesia.

Intervention of this nature must have a physician-a brain surgeon, and it is held in well-equipped clinic or hospital, as mentioned above.

The Whole process consists of exposing the laser to the affected area of the spine. About twenty minutes aiming beam operates at the core of the disc, which is reduced in size. With him there is a reduction of herniated discs.

At the final stage of the operation the neurosurgeon definitely puts the disk irradiation. Such manipulation allows to strengthen it, thereby ensuring minimal probability of recurrence of the hernia in the spine.

To have a hernia repair, made small in sizeincising the skin in a certain place. To a special needle connected to a laser cable with a microscopic endoscope. Laser vaporization contributes to the change in the structure of nucleus pulposus, thereby reducing the pressure warped the disc on a nerve root. As a result, doctors are able to achieve a significant reduction or even full elimination of the negative manifestations of intervertebral hernia.

Postoperative period

Some clinics include prudently in the course of treatment except removal laser hernia post-operative care of patients. Laser removal of spinal hernia differs from other techniques in that it has a very short recovery period. Thanks to a gentle manipulation of the muscles remain intact, and the patient after the surgery within a few hours to get out of bed and sit up.

In the modern clinic for each patient in the recovery period, individually developed special methods of physical exercise based on its characteristics of the organism, age and severity of the disease. As a rule, the period of rehabilitation includes a complex of measures aimed at strengthening and restoration of spine and whole body. Such techniques allow the person to gradually return to normal, active state.

Usually 5 - 6 days the patient without prejudice to health can perform work not associated with physical load, and after about three months they without consequences return to normal life. Of course, in any case, the loads should be reasonable. Because the recovery disk and functions of the entire spine can last for several months.

Sometimes a spinal hernia treatment by laser is not limited to a single course and to avoid relapse after around six months the doctor recommends him to repeat.

Promising laser vaporization

Of Course, laser removal of spinal hernia – the procedure to date are expensive, but compared with conventional abdominal surgery, such costs are fully offset by efficiency and a positive prognosis for the patient. Because soon after the manipulation a person can enjoy life as he never had problems with the spine.

Thus, the laser treatment of intervertebral hernia demonstrates the effectiveness and the tremendous help received by the patient after the vote.

It is Proved that laser therapy helps to quit the pain already on day 5-7 from the beginning of treatment.

The Described methodology is confirmed positive not only from the clinical side, but also x-ray examination.