What painkillers to use when herniated


Painkillers with a hernia of the spine are representatives of groups of non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics and are used depending on the severity of pain and the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory agents in each case.

pain with a hernia of the spine

Select painkillers if the hernia of the spine

Classification of analgesics

aspirin - a pain reliever when herniated

16 years of age aspirin for pain, the hernia cannot be applied

let's Start the review of anesthetic drugs with herniated disks are:

  1. Narcotic analgesics.

Have a strong effect, but are also characterized by severe side effects and cause a person addictive with brittle failure from them. One use of tramadol, hydrocodeine, codeine, proxiphen case of intervertebral hernia is the only way to eliminate a strong pain syndrome, sciatica and lumbago.

In the group of narcotic pain medication found strong and weak funds. Among the most popular mild tramadol and codeine that were prescribed by doctors during the time of Soviet medicine. In most cases, their effectiveness is enough to get rid of acute pain. The group reserve (a strong opioid drugs) are used when severe severe pain caused by compression of a nerve. The most common representatives of opioid analgesics: morphine, methadone and tentatin.

  1. non-Narcotic analgesics (dicloberl, baralgin, indomethacin).

Are representatives of several groups: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, analgesics-antipyretics (antipyretics), chondroprotectors. They are used in medicine in the treatment of many diseases, so access to them is virtually every physician.

Against this background, people often disregard the requirements of safety in the use of pharmaceutical and applied with intervertebral hernia many painkillers. This approach is not rational. Non-steroid and steroid anti-inflammatories have serious side effects on the gastrointestinal tract in the form of a high risk of peptic ulcer disease.

Analgin causes the damage of the white blood-forming germ, therefore, banned in Europe, but still popular not only among patients but also among doctors in the CIS countries. The wide distribution of dipyrone can only be explained by availability, as in analgesic effect there are more effective drugs.

to Apply the above tools it is necessary only in extreme situations where other drugs have no efficacy, because to cause addiction with their help the man quite easily, and for its treatment have to spend several years.

How to apply pain when the hernia of the spine

narcotic analgetiki

Narcotic analgesics are appointed only by the doctor

Narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics have strong adverse mechanisms of action. To reduce their doctors in the treatment of vertebral hernia is recommended to combine systemic medications with local medicinal forms (ointments and gels).

  • for minor pain, use products that can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription: ibuprofen, acetaminophen.

Remember that despite the lack of prescription they are not friendly, as they provoke intestinal bleeding, prone to ulceration. The drugs acetaminophen (the'liva, naproxen) have toxic effects on the liver.

  • Muscle relaxants (mydocalm) are the means of choice for hernia of the spine, as often pain in the pathology caused by compression of the nerve tight muscles (hypertonicity). When using muscle relaxants can relieve spasms and pain will disappear on their own.
  • means a Steroid (anti-inflammatory) the local application is able to quickly eliminate pain. If you are living them right to the place of deposition of the cartilage matrix will not require narcotic analgesics, but the way is difficult because of the complexity of access to the site of injury. To perform injections of hydrocortisone, the necessary high qualification of the doctor.
  • Narcotic analgesics are appointed only when the above treatment methods do not bring results! Side effects from them and many pathological effects on other organs are also expressed. However, painkillers drugs in certain situations are the only way to eliminate severe pain.
  • Novocaine blockade is performed for the relief of acute pain. It is the fastest and most effective of all of the abovepain methods. As the current tools are not necessarily used novocaine. You can spend anesthesia with corticosteroid hormones (hydrocortisone, prednisone).

The Blockade has not only a pronounced analgetic effect, but also resistant effect for 3 weeks. The application of the method is limited by the impossibility of holding long blockades due to the likelihood of atrophy of the ligaments of the spine.

If the hernia of the spine causes severe pain, requires not only eliminating pain, but the elimination of the reasons for this state. Most often to exclude severe effects on health will require surgical correction of the spinal column in the injured area.