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How it is expressed and treated for myofascial pain syndrome

Myofascial pain syndrome

Myofascial pain syndrome is a specific painful condition characterized by muscle dysfunction and recurrent spasmodic phenomena. It is preceded by the appearance of trigger points – painful seals, which are located within the intense beams of the skeletal muscles.

At the moment you cannot call a man who never in his life did not suffer pain in the muscles. It is not surprising that such painful manifestations we are accustomed to take it easy, assuming that they all have natural character.

unfortunately, such is the nature of pain is not always observed. In most cases of muscular-skeletal pain are symptoms of myofascial syndrome, which in its turn is provoked by the action of trigger points: latent or active.

There are two kinds of myofascial trigger points of pain:

  1. the Active point.

It represents the maximum focus of irritability and pain in the muscle that have specific reflection area of discomfort, which may occur at rest and when moving. To ensure the appearance of such spots by using palpation – finger pressure on the intended area of skin. Typically, the response to stimulation of trigger points serves local, convulsive movement of the muscles, accompanied by increased pain.

  1. Latent period.

In medical practice they are observed more frequently than active. In the implementation of palpation the patient may feel the pain is located away from its hearth area.

causes of pain points

All painful conditions triggered by any factor, the timely detection which ensures proper and effective treatment. In medical practice there are a number of potential causes of myofascial pain syndrome, among which are diseases and various other pathological processes:

  • back pain.

This disease is characterized by irritation and pinching of nerves, including sinuvertebral nerve, which is the relationship of each component of the structure of the vertebral column. As a result, there is often reflex spasm of muscles close to the spine.

Such prolonged stress is the underlying factor in the development of active trigger points with the further emergence of a strong painful sensations.

  • Physiological anomalies.

asymmetry of the body and flat feet

The Asymmetry of the body with different leg lengths, and flat feet are factors in the development of myofascial pain and dysfunction of certain muscles. According to medical research, 93% of young people with different length legs, which is quite natural. Therefore in such a situation is more important, as far as one foot in length different from the other. The difference in length exceeding the mark in one centimeter, is critical because it is directly connected with the occurrence of back pain.

for flat feet anomaly in the development of the foot contributes to the violation of the postures, body movements, the recovery of which requires significant effort on the part of the muscles followed by overexertion.

Please note! Improper posture when working at the computer, reading, writing, driving and so on activates trigger points. Therefore it is very important during a long stay in an uncomfortable position to take a break by changing posture for a short period of time, and doing simple exercises.

  • Immobilization of muscles in a long time.

When muscles are held for a long time in a stationary state, for example, while maintaining a single body position during sleep increases the likelihood of activation of these pain points. And during prolonged immobilization of the limb and accordingly, muscle groups located on it, an individual may experience the effect of the existence of trigger points spreading pain throughout his body.

This situation is most typical for the status of the body after removal of plaster. Therefore, after the fracture is healed, it is recommended to begin a gradual stretching of the muscles of the affected limb.

  • compression of the muscles.

The impact on the muscles compressing the nature of the stiff collar, shoulder straps, straps of a portfolio can also lead to activation of trigger points.

  • Hypothermia of the muscles.

Among the factors that trigger the activation of pain points, in first place is the hypothermia of the muscles.

  • Diseases of the joints and visceral organs.

generally, any somatic pathology is accompanied by myofascial syndrome as pain ripple from the affected organ provokes the tension of groups of muscles, which are located near the hearth of the disease. As a result, the patient body is in a "muscular corset", and the patient in addition to standard pain still feels pain in different areas of the"corset".

  • the Violation of the emotional background.

Emotional factors may also affect muscles, since this condition in most cases occurs when a person subconsciously prepares your body to flee or fight. Even after the cessation of stress, the muscles relax immediately.

With regular influence of negative emotional factors aggravated the situation, since man can not independently control the tension or relaxation of their muscles. It is not surprising that its very easy to distinguished from other people by ugly and hunched gait.

  • Strong physical strain on untrained muscles.

Myofascial pain syndrome more characteristic for people who do intellectual work. The pain they experience as a result of heavy physical strain on untrained muscles. This occurs ,for example, during the summer season.

Therefore, if your work involves a sedentary lifestyle, make sure you find time for sports. Do not forget that health is one of the components of happiness.


Trigger points

Diagnostic palpation (feeling) painful trigger points on the body.

Myofascial diagnosis involves conducting a special examination by the attending physician, as this painful condition is typical for many different illnesses and diseases. To confirm the hypothesis on the origin of myofascial pain by a medical specialist may just by process of elimination.

In the first stage of the examination the doctor needs to ascertain that the cause of pain not associated with inflammatory processes, as well as spinal vertebral pathology. Next, using the technique of palpation is the identification of trigger points. It's on the verge of pain stimulation to stretch the muscles, among which is noticeable the point of greatest pain, pressure on which causes the reflected pain.

A More thorough and detailed examination is called myofascial topographic diagnosis. This procedure is a special medical examination at which he looks for a reaction at various positions of the body, and doing simple exercises. This type of diagnosis allows the physician to thoroughly examine all locations of trigger points, which greatly simplifies further treatment.

Criteria is recommended to pay attention in the diagnosis:

  • when the feeling of painful muscles are defined by the nodes;
  • pain occurs when severe muscle tension and supercooling;
  • pain spreads to distant from tense muscle areas of the body;
  • radiating pain felt by the patient when squeezing or puncture specific areas of the muscles;
  • when pressed on some parts of the muscle there is a ripple effect.

Treatment of myofascial syndrome

To date, professionals from the acute question about the necessity of treatment of myofascial syndrome. Despite this, most patients believe that it is only functional in nature and after some time is eliminated independently.

In fact, with myofascial syndrome in spasmodic muscle in addition to unpleasant sensations begin to develop negative processes: oxygen deprivation, metabolic disorders, which if left untreated can lead to serious consequences.

Experts say that muscle spasm is a trigger mechanism for the occurrence of a number of processes following each other. For example, one trigger point, which have not been treated, contributes to the emergence of other similar pain points, leading to chronicity of this disease. Therefore, we can conclude – if you had discovered myofascial pain syndrome, then treatment should begin immediately.

In medical practice for the treatment of this disease used means of blocking trigger points, and massage and physical therapy. The most effective method of treatment is manual therapy in combination with medical drugs that relieves spasms of skeletal muscles.

recommendations in the treatment of:

  1. the Creation of a state of rest for the affected muscles.
  2. the Use of muscle relaxants, the use of special ointments and gels.
  3. using the techniques of acupuncture.
  4. non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs.
  5. Wet and hot wrap.
  6. Performing exercises on a stretching of muscles.
  7. treat the underlying disease that triggered the emergence of myofascial pain.

Myofascial pain syndrome is a very common dysfunction of the muscles associated with the formation of painful seals in the muscles – trigger points. This pathology is a complex process, the consequences of the course which can be various complications. It is therefore very important in the case of pain of spasmodic type muscle immediately contact a doctor and begin treatment.