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Enteroptosis: etiology, types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Myositis of the chest and muscles right and left

Myositis of the chest on the right is a pathological condition and is characterized by inflammatory processes in the chest. with the Disease is caused by many reasons, therefore, read more...

Dermatomyositis in children (uvenilny) and adults: pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

Severe progressive systemic disease that affects the skin and the microcirculatory vessels is juvenile dermatomyositis. the Main direction of propagation of the disease is considered to be a children's read more...

Myositis of the back muscles: causes, symptoms, treatments, ointments, folk remedies at home

Muscular pain are familiar to many people. Diagnosis of myositis, the symptoms of which manifest in severe pain the skeletal muscles, on the basis of examination of the patient read more...

Myositis of the neck muscles: causes, symptoms and signs, treatment in adults and children

Many people quite often during the day feel pain in the cervical region. This can be an alarming bell for the development of such diseases as myositis of the read more...