Current information about muscle pain, spasm and imbalance of the back muscles
severe fatigue in the lower back and pain triggered by disruption of the blood supply and enhanced innervation of the musculature during compression (compression) of nerve root intervertebral disk.
Pathogenetic basis of pathology
The Most frequently myalgia in the lower back caused by degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine (decrease of the gap sizes between adjacent vertebrae due to damage of the cartilaginous disc). The activated form of disease is combined with osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and spondylosis.
Many doctors consider the cause of pain in this condition compression of the nerve roots. However, numerous clinical studies indicate that etiological factor is different. Cause of pain – violation of the anatomical relationships between structures in the damaged segment. Muscle spasm is the consequence of this imbalance.
Classic, muscle spasm occurs when an intensive physical exertion. Due to excessive contraction of the muscles it accumulates lactic acid, which normally are excreted.
The Mechanism of formation of lactate by muscle contraction is triggered only when the lack of oxygen for energy. When a person is actively working, the energy resulting from respiration is not sufficient to cover the needs of the muscles. It creates an imbalance, which is compensated in part by anaerobic glycolysis (without oxygen splitting of the energy substrate in the muscle tissue with the accumulation of lactic acid).
At some point of time in muscle tissue builds up this amount of lactate that the muscle becomes impossible spasm.
"Restraint" muscular system leads to vasoconstriction. Lack of blood flow creates the preconditions for the development of neuropathy. It activates muscle contraction.
Thus, a vicious circle: "the pain – spasm – pain". The danger of imbalance between different levels of regulation is that the pathological condition may last for quite a long time, and its accurate diagnosis is difficult. Against this background, it is difficult to appoint qualified treatment.
causes of pain in the muscles of the lower back
Intervertebral hernia can cause pain when compressed nerve roots exiting the spinal cord. If lumbodynia (pain of acute vertebral) observed in the lower back, it increases with coughing and sneezing and is accompanied by a concomitant tenderness of the gluteal muscles and lower limbs.
With myofascial syndrome on the background of physical stress muscle spasms are observed in a short time and usually subside quickly when you change positions or body positions. They are connected with professional work of the person (driver, salesman, accountant). Constant changes in the back muscles of the representatives of these professions lead to back pain, spasms and of trophic ulcers on the Shin.
Immobilization myalgia (muscle pain) is formed after a long sleep, when muscles are pressed against other body parts or a plaster splint is set, bra or even a heavy coat in women. Quality treatment of such conditions does not require drugs, and myalgia out after the elimination of the causative factor.
Pain in the lower back occurs in people who are seriously involved in sports. Especially often it appears at beginners who "crave" quick Olympic results.
The imbalance is caused by overload untrained muscles when you try to "pump up" the abdominals. During a strenuous workout any sudden movement can cause sharp pain in the lower back, why professional athletes to wear restraint belt.
Other causes of myalgia:
- Direct muscle injury is a frequent condition observed in case of injuries. It may be accompanied by hematoma (local collection of blood)
- Mental illness, accompanied by changes to the functionality of the pain center of the brain (schizophrenia);
- Stress or strong emotional stress leads to muscle spasm, accompanied by severe and intense pain in the lower back;
- Myositis (inflammatory changes of the muscles) in severe stage accompanied by a permanent myalgia.
Categories of people at risk for muscle pain
There are categories of States that quickly lead to myalgia:
- Long stay at the computer;
- Repeated heavy lifting throughout the day;
- Excessive stretching of the muscles during training;
- Obesity
- Pregnancy
- Recent childbirth.
Not to mention that myalgias are natural for moms who have several small children. Kids need to be worn on the hands that canto provoke the stretching of the muscles of the lower back or entire back.
In this situation, the muscle spasm is not necessary to wait for a long time, and the imbalance between different anatomical structures forms a long course of pain, which labor is treated with anti-inflammatory agents.
Types of muscle lower back pain
depending on the etiological factor the pain in the muscles of the lower back can be divided into:
- Primary
- Secondary.
Primary pain occurs at the injury of anatomical structures of the back. So, the primary myalgia occurs in traumatic or inflammatory injury to the lower back, and secondary consequence of spinal hernia, tumour diseases, benign processes, osteoporosis and other pathologies.
Myalgia has no specific signs, but characterized by many painful feelings:
- Intense pain, which does not allow to change a pose, appear for radiculitis (inflammation of nerve roots). The cause of this disease can be not only changes of the spine, but also the stretching of muscles under a heavy load on the lower back, inflammatory changes, and even the violation of calcium metabolism
- Acute short-term pain in the lower back that occurs when people get tired with hard work or sports activities. If, one day, to provoke a muscle spasm, in just a few months "to get back to normal" using conservative treatment. Strong stretching the muscles in this situation "grows" for a long time. This pathology immediately after birth requires a medical examination, because it may be a symptom of life-threatening diseases (tumors, hernias, aneurysm receptacles)
- severe pain in lower back after getting up from a chair occurs because of exercise and is often the result of stretching of muscular-ligamentous apparatus. In some cases, the pathology appears when the loss of cartilage discs in the lumbar spine;
- Aching pain occurs in people who constantly slouch. Muscle groups get used to his condition, so attempt to fulfill even small physical load at the stoop leads to the appearance of pain;
- If the person is the briefcase or bag, which is thrown over the shoulder, you experience pain not only in lower back but also in the upper back. They are of a colicky character and disappear after the change of position of backpack
- Myalgia appear on weekends during the intensive physical exercises during the week. They become one of the imbalance of compensatory abilities of the body. Throughout the week the muscles consumed substantial compensatory reserve, but by the weekend they may not be enough;
- Pain during urination indicate an increased hypertonicity of the muscle system in diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
In conclusion, note that muscle spasms in the lower back may be signs of secondary disease or exist as a primary disease. In any case, stretching the muscles, the treatment should be carried out immediately so as not to form a vicious circle of "pain-spasm-pain".