Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment of optic neuritis

Acute inflammatory process in the fibres of the optic nerve affecting visual acuity, the optic neuritis. Depending on the distribution of the pathological process there are two types of disease:

  1. Simple neuritis. This is the case when inflammation affects the optic nerve disc.
  2. Retrobulbar optic neuritis. The process extends mainly outside of the eyeball, affecting the axial bundle of nerve fibers.

Symptoms of optic neuritis

Causes of diseases of the optic nerve

The Main cause of inflammatory processes in the fibers of the optic nerves are, of course, a variety of infections. First of all, it is meningitis (inflammation of meninges) and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). The cause of neuritis may be some other infectious diseases, both acute and chronic (brucellosis, syphilis, tonsillitis, tuberculosis, erysipelas, malaria, etc.).

Considerable danger and local inflammatory processes (sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, an infection in the membranes of the eyes or eye sockets). Also cause inflammation of the optic nerve can become non-infectious diseases, such as gout, diabetes, nephritis, hematological problems. In addition, neuritis of the optic nerve may occur when overdose of alcohol, various pathologies of pregnancy, injuries and damage.

How does neuritis

Angina - the cause of neuritis of the optic nerve

Symptoms and signs of neuritis are associated with the degree of inflammation. In cases when inflammation occurs moderately, the nerve disc is slightly hyperemic. His edges blurred, a little dilated vessels. If a strong inflammation of the nerve hyperemic disc is very sharp, and its edge practically coincides with the retina. In the area of the retina arise whitish spots on a background of multiple hemorrhages.

One of the leading symptoms of neuritis is blurred vision, namely: mitigation, the field of view is changed. Especially the pronounced narrowing of the field to red. Sometimes a complete disappearance of color vision.

Also some of the symptoms of neuritis can vary depending on the reasons that caused the disease. So, edematous form characteristic of neuritis associated with neurosyphilis. In tuberculous disease the version on the disc nerve arises tumor-like education – solitary tubercul. It is localized on the surface of the disc and extends onto the retina. When various common infections acute neuritis of the optic nerve often has almost identical symptoms.

the structure of the eye

During retrobulbar neuritis onset can occur almost asymptomatic. Disc optic nerve slightly red, its borders fuzzy. There are cases resembling congestion of the optic nerve disc, when it is materially increased in diameter, the edge of its almost not visible, and the vessels greatly enlarged. This variant of neuritis usually appears in one eye.

After a while, however, he goes on the other eye. The retrobulbar neuritis type may be acute and chronic. In the acute form, the disease develops rapidly, vision may decrease in a few days. In chronic variant visual acuity decreases very slowly. Another symptom of acute retrobulbar neuritis – the pain arising due eyeball. In this form of neuritis the vision usually returns to normal within a few days. But there are complicated forms of neuritis, with terrible consequences: the eye can be completely blind as a result of atrophy of the nerve.

Retrobulbar neuritis, caused by various toxic substances, has some characteristics of the flow. These neuritis is often caused by the poisonous effect of methyl alcohol. In this case, initially manifested General symptoms of intoxication: nausea, headaches, weakness, dizziness, in severe cases, loss of consciousness and even coma. Neuritis explicitly makes itself known after a couple of days after the first signs of poisoning by toxic substances. It manifests itself in a sharp fall of, possible and absolute blindness. Pupils dilated, the light they react very poorly. The fundus often appears normal, except for slight hyperemia of the optic disks.

diabetes mellitus is not uncommon form of chronic retrobulbar neuritis.

diabetes mellitus is the cause of chronic retrobulbar neuritis

This Happens mainly in males. The vast majority of cases, the lesion of both nerves, is gradually losing his sight. The optic nerve in early stages of the disease appear normal and then begins their gradual blanching.

diagnosed As neuritis of the optic nerve? In the diagnosis of neuritis of the optic nerve mostthe role of the examining doctor optic nerve using the Ophthalmoscope. As the optic disk and retina to judge of the form of the disease and its stage. In some cases, resort to the other methods. Additional diagnostics include computed tomography of the brain, the visual field test and color vision.

treatment Methods

Often treatment of this dangerous disease occur in hospital. While the cause of inflammation is not yet completely identified, prescribe a set of measures aimed to fight infections and improve metabolism in nervous tissue. The patient was prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics, except for those that may have a toxic effect on the optic nerve. Even corticosteroids are used, administered intramuscularly glucose solution, magnesium sulphate.

the Benefits of vitamins in the treatment of neuritis of the optic nerve

Prescribe vitamins of group B. When a comprehensive investigation was conducted and the cause of the neuritis identified, apply the treatment necessary to eliminate this cause. This can be treatment of tuberculosis, meningitis, otitis media, surgical intervention for sinusitis, etc. For toxic retrobulbar neuritis, the treatment is largely the same, but without the use of antibacterial drugs.

unfortunately, the neuritis is not always favorable prognosis. In some cases the outcome of the illness is very sad. Occurs atrophy of the optic nerve that ends in permanent loss of vision or total blindness.

Methods of prevention

Sinusitis is the cause of lesions of the optic nerveAs one of the main reasons for the development of neuritis is infection, prevention should be aimed at rapid elimination of any disease that can damage the eye nerves. You should not run otitis, sinusitis, it is necessary to start timely treatment for sore throat. Necessarily need to undergo periodic screening for tuberculosis, do not expose yourself to the risk of Contracting syphilis. A very important timely vaccination against certain infectious diseases.

Because the neuritis can occur on the background of local infections, do not forget about personal hygiene, check the condition of the teeth and oral cavity. You need to change the routine, because it is of paramount importance in the prevention of various infectious diseases, therefore, neuritis and has an overall hardening of the body. It is important to follow a healthy and nutritious diet eating meals rich in vitamins. Particularly useful in this case, the b vitamins.

Neuritis often occur after a sharp overcooling. Therefore it is not necessary to walk in cold weather without a hat, much to cool the room or be near an air conditioner.

If you follow these simple rules of prevention, the risk of a disease of the optic nerve will decrease significantly.