Differences from plegia paresis, especially of the symptoms?

Plegia and paresis is not quite the same thing. It's just different stages of one disease. Paralysis (plegia) implies a complete absence of motor activity, paresis – partial when the violation or activity is slightly reduced. The last type of disease may involve both the upper and lower limbs.

Problem plegia partial paralysis of the limbs


In medicine, palsy is divided into several categories, depending on how many extremities are affected:

  • one – monoplegia;
  • two limbs of the same species, for example, legs – paraplegia;
  • three – triplegia;
  • four – tetraplegia.

Also provide the division and the degree of motor neuron lesions. If you have suffered cortical-spinal path, such disease shall be called Central or spastic paralysis. If a peripheral motor neuron – peripheral (flaccid) paralysis.

Typical symptoms of bell's palsy

It is Worth noting that plegia and paresis never arise simply because they need a trigger. This descent can serve as one of the following diseases:

  • bell's palsy – in this case the suffering person;
  • bulbar paralysis may be acute or progressive form, and then suffer the muscles of the tongue and larynx;
  • family myoplegia – when the disease occurs in multiple family members simultaneously.

It can also Happen that the paralysis occurs in the newborn.

This problem develops on the background of lesions of the shoulder joint and often occurs as a consequence of improper passing of a child through the birth canal, or if the obstetrician is not carefully helped the child to be born.

the medical Examination in the case of paralysis

Symptoms of disease

Every age category has its own manifestations of this disease. In addition, the signs will be different and based on such criteria as the cause. Therefore:

  1. If it was bell's palsy, the patient will experience complete lack of movement of facial muscles, with one particular sides.

This person won't be able to close his eyes, his slurred speech, but to make the act of eating without help is impossible.

If this problem occurs in infants, during feeding the child just can't perform the sucking reflex, causing the milk (the mixture) will be bottled. It is on this basis can be suspected paralysis.

  1. In the case of bulbar paralysis, will mark the sudden onset of the disease at which the patient begins to complain of sudden and severe headache, difficulty in breathing and fast heartbeat.

This will mark the dizziness, the person may fever or chills to beat, but the complaints about pain in muscles he will be absent. The conversation the patient will be able to sustain with difficulty, and itself it will be not clear, difficult legible. There have been problems with breathing and the act of swallowing, and absorption of food will become impossible, as all the muscles involved in the process, lose their functionality.

Difficulties with feeding paralysis in a newborn

If the place has a progressive form, on the patient's face to atrophy will be the muscles located around the lips, tongue, larynx and pharynx. In this case, talking becomes difficult, and chewing and swallowing functions to perform virtually impossible.

  1. Pseudobulbar plegia mimic the bulbar form, the only difference is the facial muscles do not atrophy, and sudden muscle contractions will not be.

In some cases, there may be simultaneous involvement of the upper or lower extremities. If you watch the face of such a patient, you will notice that these emotions will not match, his facial expressions, that is, the muscles of the face will to live "independently".

  1. Family palsy reveals itself by dullness, and it first affects the legs, and then proceeds to the hands.

This form of the disease rarely affects the heart and respiratory muscles. The symptoms usually manifest themselves during the night period, when the body is relaxed the maximum. Despite the fact that at the beginning of the disease attacks pass quickly, and all the features are restored well, over time this situation will begin to change – attacks are more frequent, and the consequences will become visible.

For obstetric plegia is characterized by decreased motor activity of the upper limbs. For example, in newborns hands will always be down at your sides, and elbows will be in a straightened position. These kids will be more capricious, as this form of paralysis is accompanied by severe pain and vascular disorders.

Any of these symptoms requires immediate response, especially if he was a newborn. Than before will be given medical assistance, thebetter rehabilitation will take place.

Why is there paralysis?

Any palsy – problems with the nervous system, and depending on how badly the violation, and so the disease develops. If the damage captured front horns, roots and peripheral nerves, it will lead to arbitrary losses and reflex activity. This situation will affect the functionality of the tendons.

Complete paralysis may occur if the lesion be complete, and in the process will involve not only the affected segment, but also several sites that are close by. But this form of the disease can develop only on the background of a serious illness such as polio or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

As for separate reasons, they can be the following:

  1. To have any bell's palsy, you need an infectious disease, tumors of a malignant character, hypothermia or defeat of the stem of a brain. Also this situation can occur because of a failed surgery or injury.
  2. To bulbar palsy needed a trigger that will affect the functionality of the medulla oblongata.
  3. with regard to family paralysis in modern medicine, the answer regarding the cause of the disease, is still no.
  4. Children plegia occurs as a result of birth trauma. Childbirth, for example, not gently used tools or, if the baby had to be larger, resulting in that its free passage through the birth canal has been somewhat complicated.

All these factors can cause plegia or paresis. And their strength will affect the degree of impairment.

In the end I would like to say a few words about the complications of such diseases. They are as follows:

  • bell's palsy – sometimes, the disease attacks from two directions, and moreover, if it caused injury or disease, associated with the organs of hearing, in most cases, the consequences will be irreversible;
  • bulbar palsy – the disease will progress rapidly, especially on the background of hemiplegia or monoplegia, which provoked asphyxiation followed by death (the situation may develop in just a few days)
  • progressive bulbar form of paralysis for three years the person dies;
  • EBA palsy (obstetric) – due to muscle spasms develops tone, causing joint function can irreversibly atrophy.

All these complications are dangerous both for human health and for his life. So there need to be very careful. And in order to avoid such disease, he should not forget about preventive measures, timely treatment of diseases, especially infectious nature, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, is to dress according to weather conditions.

For parents, this question must occupy a separate niche because children's bodies are always more susceptible to the attacks of the external environment. The same applies to the elderly, because their cardiovascular system is weakened, and the stroke often has the consequences, such as paresis. It proves once again that your health cannot be taken carelessly.