Is it possible to bathe in the bath for sciatica

The Unexpected shooting pain in the back is a very unpleasant symptom of sciatica. Pain in the lumbar spine appear during or after physical load during rapid tilting the torso forward or a sharp turn the torso to the side might feel painful lumbago.

Sciatica is also noted at a young age, can be called the disease is a kind of "fee" for walking upright.

is it possible to bathe with sciatica

sciatica is manifested Clinically by severe pain along the nerve, impaired sensation and limited mobility. If you encounter lower back pain many people say that the bath is the perfect solution to the problems. But is it possible to warm the lumbar region with acute pain? Can I bathe with sciatica? Bath is a panacea in this disease or should refrain from heating up?

Mechanism of occurrence of the disease

The Term "sciatica" in translation from Latin means inflammation of the spine. The pathological process marked inflammatory nerve lesions of the spinal cord. Its causes:

  • intervertebral disc degeneration
  • pathologic changes of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, muscles and joints;
  • a pinched spinal roots where the output from the channel of the spine.

The Pain comes on suddenly with a sudden change of body position. Aggravating factors significantly increases the risk of this disease are degenerative disc disease or herniation localized in the lumbar spine.

Can I warm the affected area

Some people believe that back pain is necessary to heat the sore spot. However, the heat required solely in the pathology of muscular apparatus, sprains, and heavy congestion. Is it possible to warm your back if you have sciatica? In this case, the bath?

Warming up, including bath, hot baths, mustard plasters, and massage, for sciatica contraindicated! Conduction of heat treatments enhances swelling – it happens because of a rush of blood due to vasodilation. Sciatica heat, and bath is no exception – this will only aggravate the disease.

The Most efficient, safe and effective method is exposure to cold. You can topically apply ice wrapped in cloth – this will slow down the process of inflammation and will soothe the pain. The disease is treated with drugs from the group of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs – diclofenac, Nurofen, indomethacin, ibuprofen etc.

For effective treatment to begin treatment as early as possible – the result of the drugs will be much more efficient, and the speed of recovery faster.

You should Always remember that incorrect treatment can only worsen the course of any disease, is no exception and sciatica. If you have symptoms of pathology requires timely qualified consultation of the expert.