The symptoms and treatment of radiculopathy of l5-s1 (lumbar) left and right

Radiculopathy (synonyms: sciatica, radicular syndrome) occurs on the background of degenerative changes of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. This pathology is relevant to explore in our time, because it affects the entire population of the planet and is only slightly dependent on age.

The Development of medicine has allowed to improve the diagnostics and treatment of radicular syndrome. The study of pathology has provided an opportunity to understand the mechanisms of development and its causes.

discogenic radiculopathy l5-s1

Clinicians use a variety of classifications of this disease, among which a classification by localization. So, depending on localization distinguish 5 main forms of radiculopathy:

  • neck;
  • breast;
  • lumbar
  • lumbosacral
  • misc.

depending on damaged structures allocate vertebrogenic and discogenic radiculopathy of the form. With these classifications explained the location and nature of the damage, which further led to the development of pain.

Immediately it is worth noting that the pain of radiculopathy is just one of the symptoms and not the disease itself. Lumbosacral radiculopathy occurs most frequently and is characterized by damage to the vertebrae or disks. Most often the disease affects L4, L5 and S1 vertebrae.

To make it clearer – the term means L4 Lumbalis 4, i.e., it denotes damage to the fourth lumbar vertebra. Sacralis 1 (S1) refers to damage to the first sacral vertebra. L5 – rupture of the fifth lumbar vertebra, etc.

Etiology of pathology

For the effective diagnosis and subsequent targeted treatment should be considered the most frequent causes of radicular syndrome. These include:

  1. trauma (for example, complex trauma to the L4, L5, S1);
  2. rickets
  3. displacement of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs
  4. pregnancy
  5. degenerative and metabolic changes of the structures of the spine (osteoporosis and osteochondrosis);
  6. old age
  7. benign and malignant tumors;
  8. hormonal pathology;
  9. autoimmune processes.

Vertebrogenic and discogenic radiculopathy forms differ in the cause and mechanism of injury, but share common subsequent pathogenesis.

A High incidence of lumbosacral radiculopathy due to the fact that the spine accounts for the heavy load.

the Pathogenesis for example, damage to the L4, L5, S1 vertebrae

The Development of pathology begins immediately after the malicious factor on spinal structures. First of all trapped the spinal root that exits the spinal canal through a very narrow hole. Immediately after the infringement occurs non-communicable metabolic changes inside the nerve fibers and the development of inflammation.

Inflammation of the spinal spine causes a sharp pain and change his characteristic features. It should be noted that inflammatory processes within the nerve fibers is reversible.

For example, while the infringement of the L4, L5, S1 vertebrae the inflammatory process will begin immediately in three pairs of spinal nerves. Such a complex infringement is fraught with very severe pain, which will force the patient to seek professional help.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Consider the clinical picture for example, damage to the L4, L5, S1 vertebrae.

When handling the patient will complain of very strong pain along the course of innervation of these nerves. The pain will be wrapped around from the back to the middle line of the abdomen. Aggravated by physical exertion, palpation.

damage To L4, L5, S1 vertebrae is characterized by a combination of two very strong pain – lumbago and sciatica. The patients characterize the pain as "lumbago", as if it from time to time fire the gun in the back.

When damage to L4, L5, S1 vertebrae is very often a so-called mimic pain. This pain, in which the pathology can be confused with pain of renal colic, appendicitis, peritonitis, irritable bowel syndrome. The mimics L5 radiculopathy on the left pain in renal failure.

lumbosacral radiculopathy is also characterized by changes in skin innervation on the go. The skin in the area of the damaged nerve can change its color to reddish or pale. Also for lumbosacral radiculopathy characterized by swelling and clonic spasms of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. The changes will be more symmetrical – left and right.

Diagnosis of radicular syndrome is not difficult. After collecting the anamnesis, inspection and palpation should proceed with additional research methods. Most often in the clinic use x-rays. This method allows to estimate the location and size of damage, for example, L4, L5, S1 vertebrae.

Also it is advisable to use computer and magnetic resonance tomography, laboratory methods.


lumbosacral radiculopathy (damage to L4, L5, S1 vertebrae) responds well to treatment. But it should be understood that the treatment of radicular syndrome depends on the etiology and requires a sequence of actions.

The First step is to get rid of pain. This can be achieved by using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). But it is worth noting that the side effects of these drugs – a fairly common phenomenon, so the selection of medication, and its quantity must be rational.

Effect of NSAIDs will not take long and will quickly relieve the patient from pain in the lumbosacral.

Treatment will be effective only in the case of a clearly identified etiology. Targeted etiological therapy will eliminate the disease.

In some cases, lumbosacral radiculopathy requires prompt treatment.

The Postoperative period requires full rehabilitation. For this purpose, a physical therapy and therapeutic massages.