Treatment of sciatica injections, injections and blockades – what drugs to use

Injections for sciatica are a priority way of delivery of the drug. Injected intramuscularly, intravenously, and topically in the form of blockades or directly cut away the skin in the painful area.

injections from sciatica

The Causes of sciatica is known. This:

  • narrowing of the spine spinal nerve;
  • directly damage nerve fibers
  • inflammation of the surrounding tissue of this area
  • for the perfusion of tissues;
  • reflex increase in muscle tone.

what is the purpose of the action of drugs

The Bulk of drugs aims to suppress inflammation in the hearth. This non-steroid and steroid anti-inflammatories.

Multivitamin (mostly b vitamins) to nourish the nervous tissue, making it less vulnerable to damage, improve the transmission of nerve impulses.

The Injection of drugs that improve the microcirculation, supply of the nerve fibers oxygen, nutrients, expanding their ways of delivery.

To Relax tense muscles, to suppress myofascial pain syndrome muscle relaxants help.

anti-Inflammatory injections

the treatment of sciatica injections

Effectively relieve the pain from the first application. Inflammation is suppressed on 2-3rd day of the appointment. The treatment course rarely exceeds 2 weeks, as the drug of gastrotoxicity.

Among non-steroidal (non-hormonal) drugs distinguish selective and non-selective. Selective drugs produce fewer unwanted effects in the form of gastritis, acute peptic ulcer disease.

Meloxicam (Movalis) – effective analgesic for the treatment of sciatica. To crack it must intramuscularly, up to 3-4 times a day, not to exceed a total duration of treatment. The impact of Movalis in the stomach leveled his selective action on receptors of inflammation.

An Alternative to meloxicam – lornoxicam. Along with Movalis they are the most selective in the group.

Selecting the most indiscriminate means great. The drug for injection selected individually, taking into account peculiarities of the person, his response to treatment.

It has Long been in the treatment of sciatica the most effective acknowledged anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac. Synonyms: diclofenac sodium, naklofen, voltaren, ortofen, etc. To Inject diclofenac follows the above scheme, not forgetting the protection of the gastric mucosa and intestine from damage caused by it.

After intramuscular injection (maximum – up to 2 weeks) move on to receive tablets of diclofenac ingested. This allows you to extend the course of treatment 1.5-2 months.

In the construction of chemotherapy and entered remission the role of b vitamins – thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin. Chop the vitamins can separate – alternate injections of vitamins B1, B6, B12, administered through the day. More efficient and simple to use combination – KONLIGA, combilipen, milgamma.

Drugs that improve the microcirculation and rheological properties of blood

This is an injection, used mainly intravenously or intravenously. Pentoxifylline, trental, Cavinton, Mildronate market these drugs currently are incredibly saturated. The doctor chooses the drug in accordance with the values and budget of the patient.

The Impact of these funds are provided directly on the reasons of occurrence and development of sciatica, a painful symptoms go away toward the end of the course of treatment.

Injections of muscle relaxants – for and against

injections for sciatica

Doctors often avoid the appointment of a muscle relaxant. These substances are addictive, dispensed by prescription only.

However, the cause of pain with radiculitis is often the so-called "vicious circle", when the body itself programmed in advance on the painful reaction. Great influence in this respect of muscle spasm that occurs in response to pain reflex. Often the purpose of injections injections of baclofen, mydocalm promotes relaxation of muscles, greater mobility, and break the "vicious circle".

Narcotic analgesics

The Purpose of these drugs is forced. An indication is the occurrence of strong unbearable pain, do not respond to non-narcotic analgesics. To inject tramadol can you intravenously (the effect is much faster) or intramuscularly. The purpose of the drug, selection of dose performs just the doctor!


The Blockade are an alternative to narcotic analgesics. It is also a forced measure and is applied in case of persistent pain attack. Compared with the use of narcotic analgesics, blockades require high qualification of the staff implementing them. It should be a neurologist, a surgeon, a neurosurgeon,trauma.

A Shot in the blockade aimed at getting into the fascial-muscular pouch surrounding the exit nerve root. If implemented correctly, the needle does not injure the vessels and nerves. Purposefully creates a locally high concentration of the active substance.

drugs used to block

  • novocaine, lidocaine (local anesthetics) are entered separately or together with other drugs;
  • diphenhydramine is an antihistamine, sedative effect;
  • cyanocobalamin – trophic nervous tissue;
  • hydrocortisone is an effective hormonal anti-inflammatory agent, also has anti-allergic effect. Do not apply more than 10 times as high the risk of osteoporosis and premature destruction of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • lidaza – absorbable drug.

To improve the trophic and regeneration of tissues topically to area of pain prick dextrose and glycerin, diluted with water for injection. These nutrients serve as depots of energy.

What medicines to take after the course of injections

After 10-14 injections injections from sciatica it is recommended to replace oral taking Movalis, diclofenac, rubbing anti-inflammatory ointments and creams (diclofenac, ortofen, indomethacin, Ketonal).

To Treat sciatica is not only by removing the inflammation. Also prescribe massage, manual therapy. You must adopt a rational mode of work and rest, reduce the body weight. Multivitamin complexes, metabolic products will help to consolidate the achieved effect.