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What you are doing and it shows an ultrasound of the cervical spine in children?

To date, ultrasonography of the cervical spine is considered the most quick, informative, and safe means of diagnosis. After all, in order to properly prescribe treatment and provide relief to the patient, must first correctly diagnose the ailment. Diseases of the spine this refers to the full, because they very much aggravate the General health of the person.

the Problem of disease of the cervical spine

advantages of the ultrasonic method

The Advantage of ultrasound examination of the cervical spine to other types of diagnosis large. This research does not exposes the person to radiation, as x-rays, it is less costly than magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, it is absolutely painless, safe and takes very little time.

With the help of ultrasound we can see the pathology of the intervertebral discs, which other types of research not just find. This is especially important during examination of the child, because the time abnormal findings are easier treatable.

ultrasound of the cervical spine

Ultrasound of the spine can be performed several times within a short period of time, which is practically impossible to perform using other types of diagnostics. This allows to evaluate not only the condition of the vertebrae themselves, but the soft tissues and cartilage. In addition, ultrasound is the only diagnostic method that shows age-related changes in the spinal column, including the cervical spine.

This type of diagnosis requires absolutely no training. The study the patient is either lying on the couch, or sitting. Using a special sensor using conductive gel the doctor gets on the screen an image of the vertebrae in real-time. Modern devices for ultrasonic diagnostics allows to accurately survey and identify the most minor violations in the structures of the body. The result of this study is handed out immediately, but to decode it can only be a specialist.

clinical research

Usually the doctor prescribes this type of research when the patient presents with the following complaints:

Headache in disease of the cervical spine

  • constant headache
  • dizziness;
  • the curvature of the spine;
  • headache;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • hearing loss, vision;
  • numbness in any part of the face;
  • pain in the cervical spine.

Regularly undergo such procedure is necessary for people who have been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, protrusion, narrowing of the spinal canal, displacement of the vertebrae, congenital anomalies of spinal cord development.

Also, this method of diagnosis provides the opportunity to monitor the effects of injuries of the cervical spine.


ultrasonography of the cervical spine includes:

  • examination of the intervertebral disk;
  • examination of the spinal canal and the spinal nerves
  • display posterior segments of the vertebra, including motor
  • diagnostics of pathological changes in the cartilage
  • study the muscular system and soft tissues.

In infants, examine the ratio of the vertebral bodies, as well as visiting the surrounding soft tissues and muscles for diagnosis of birth trauma and congenital abnormalities of development, because the consequences of birth trauma to the spine can affect the health of the child and many years later. These consequences include various curvatures, convulsions and even enuresis. Therefore, to identify such trauma is necessary.

Older children ultrasound reveals the instability of the motion segments, to diagnose low back pain and associated changes. It also gives you the opportunity to track the impact of injuries.

Doppler ultrasound

Besides simple ultrasound, you can perform ultrasound with Doppler ultrasound of the carotid and vertebral artery. The emergence of this kind of diagnostics has allowed a more precise to determine the condition of the great vessels. It shows the speed of the blood flow, the condition of the walls of vessels and presence of stenosis (i.e. narrowing) and you can check that occurs the blood supply to the brain.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

This study may be appointed in the following cases:

  • hypertension and atherosclerosis
  • degenerative disc disease
  • headache;
  • frequent fainting;
  • stroke
  • poor memory and concentration.

These symptoms may indicate a very dangerous health conditions such as heart attack or stroke; therefore, this survey will help to identify and prevent them. This modern type of research allows to identify abnormalities in the great vessels even when they can be eliminated without causing harmbody.This technique enables to assess the condition of the carotid artery, which other diagnostic methods, it is almost impossible to explore.

In conclusion, we can say that regularly undergo such an examination is necessary, because it gives a lot of information not only about the state of the vertebrae, but blood vessels that supply the brain. And it is very important to the increase in the number of strokes and other diseases of the nervous system.

Additional sources:

  1. Kinzerskiy A. Y. Ultrasound diagnosis of osteochondrosis, Chelyabinsk, 2007
  2. Wikipedia.