What will tell ultrasonography of hip joints in newborns?

Parents Have many questions when prescribed ultrasound of the hip joints in newborns, for the purpose of detecting pathologies of this area at the earliest stages. This method of examination has no contraindications and has no negative impact on the child. The only significant disadvantage is that the child should remain stationary for a certain period of time. Ultrasound diagnosis is assigned almost all newborn babies aged one month, because only in this way can be very quickly and most correctly identify the presence of existing pathology.

Study of the pelvis in children

ultrasound and its effect on child

ultrasonography of the hip joint in babies up to six months based on medical indications. This is the most accurate and safest method of survey which allows to identify:

  • dysplasia
  • various congenital deviations;
  • subluxation
  • sprains, etc.

The Holding of such diagnosis helps to avoid problems, because when there are deviations in the future may be quite serious complications to cure which it is not so easy.

When properly diagnosed at an early age have the ability to quickly detect a problem in newborns and to treat in a more gentle manner.

ultrasonography in dysplasia of the joints of the pelvis the cervix

The Most commonly affected joint diseases, premature babies, and those who have parents have complicated such a deviation. In addition, hip ultrasound is performed in the case that was observed multiple pregnancy or the child was born agodicnae forward. Ultrasonic examination is carried out and if the baby has problems of neurological nature, because over time they can provoke the development of various kinds of deviations. Should be examined the hip joint, if observed the following deviations:

  • one leg shorter
  • the child cannot properly move
  • can be observed hypertonicity of the legs;
  • skin folds of jagodica have a certain asymmetry.

Parents often wonder how safe is the procedure for ultrasound of the hip joints in infants and how the child will react to it. This procedure is completely harmless and no negative impact on children has not. However, to do an ultrasound of the baby is possible only when the child for some time remains fixed, which in some cases can be very difficult to achieve.

The diagnosis During the newborn does not receive absolutely no exposure, because the study represents a certain sound. In addition to full security, this excellent method has additional advantages, because it ensures obtaining the correct result and quite short.

criteria for the diagnosis of hip joints

How to prepare for ultrasound?

To do an ultrasound of the child, you need to prepare. During the study, the child should be in a stationary state, otherwise there is a high probability of getting incorrect results. Before the procedure, the baby must be feed, but to diagnostic implementation should begin no earlier than half an hour after feeding.

It is Desirable to carry out the procedure when the baby is completely healthy and does not disturb absolutely no pain. Would be a plus if the baby is in a good mood and slept before the procedure.

Examination of the hip joint can be performed in 1 month, because no adverse effects of this procedure have not been identified. During diagnosis infants need to lay on the couch, and in the study area apply a special hypoallergenic gel. After that, the specialist starts to RUB in the groin sensor, podsoedenit to the machine. As a result of the inspection determines the overall condition of the hips, as well as all adjacent movable soft tissues and bones. That is why the child in the process of diagnosis turned first to one and then to the other side.

Sticking the baby with ultrasound of the hip joint

For ultrasound a required to take two diapers, one should lay on the couch, which will be based on the child during the survey and the other will need to wipe the gel applied.

Parents, it is very important to keep the child in the correct position during the survey. This kid should be put on its side and slightly bent legs at the knees. At the time of executionexamination of the baby must stay completely still. Such a diagnosis usually takes several minutes, so it does not cause absolutely no inconvenience. The doctor finished picture on certain lines, which form angles, and draws attention to the fact, as it formed the nucleus of ossification.

Many parents are concerned about the question of where to do an ultrasound of a newborn baby. It is best to carry out a similar procedure in the children's clinic or at a specialized medical center, because only in this case it is possible to guarantee the safety and correctness of the procedure. After diagnosis be sure to consult a specialist who will be able to correctly decrypt the received results and to make the correct diagnosis for follow-up treatment.

results of ultrasound and its decoding

For each child depending on his age there are certain indications that are considered the norm. In children of different ages they are very different, which is why after performing an ultrasound examination will certainly need to see a doctor for proper decoding of the indicators. In addition, it is worth noting that the adult standards and development of bone formation are very different from children.

hip Dysplasia

There are some specific signs of proper development of the soft tissues and bones of all hip and in the presence of pathologies. In the normal state of the study area does a newborn baby on the ultrasound very clearly visible rectangular protrusion of the acetabulum, which is located in the femoral head covered by a lip.

If you have dysplasia of bone protrusion somewhat rounded, the head of the femur slightly shifted or skewed. In addition, there is an obvious deformity of the bones and joints.

Redviva or subluxation characterized by the fact that the femoral head is somewhat distant from the basin, slightly past its edge, and the lip has a distortion and a modified structure.

When the dislocated femoral head completely out of acetabulum and located above her lip is turned outward. Formed in this cavity is almost completely filled with fat and connective tissue, causing the appearance of very serious violations in the body of the baby.

Decrypt ultrasound of the hip joints should be performed by qualified doctor who can determine the presence of pathology and to correctly diagnose for further treatment.

Struts dysplasia

Indicators of normal condition of the hip joints are determined by a special table, which presents the norm of the angles to help determine the presence of various types of violations.

Many parents are interested that shows a particular angle and how it is possible to determine the presence of abnormalities. The angle alpha indicates the correct development of the acetabulum. The angle beta gives an idea of the cartilaginous region. As the child gets older, all the indicators are changing, which is why the survey is necessary to take into account the age of the child.

Only the doctor can determine the presence of problems in children, identify the degree of development of the variance and correctly select an algorithm for treatment.

the advantages of ultrasound in the child

Many are wondering why do ultrasound of the hip joints of the child and what are the advantages and disadvantages of such a procedure. Compared with radiography, which is also often used to determine the presence of abnormalities in the development of this field, ultrasound has many advantages.

When performing ultrasonography of the hip joints in newborns, you can get the most accurate result in the shortest possible time.

The Implementation of such procedure is completely safe, because it has no irradiation effects on the human body, and therefore can be used several times for the determination of the condition of the patient that enables the doctor to verify the effectiveness of the treatment.

subject to all the rules of such a procedure is possible to obtain the most accurate data and identify the presence of diseases or pathological changes early in their development.

Due to the complete safety of such diagnostics can be done to a child, no matter how old he is. Other techniques can be applied only at a certain age, because they can harm the body and cause complications.

The Procedure does not take much time and has a rather acceptable value regardless of whether it is carried out in a clinic or a specialized medical center. At the time of the survey, the baby can move freely.

During the diagnosis the doctor may conduct a special motor tests, which will help further Refine the diagnosis and to choose the most appropriate method of treatment.


Many parents wonder when to do ultrasound of the hip region of the child and whether there are contraindications for such procedures.

Despite the fact that ultrasound is completely safe, thoughthere are certain contraindications that should be considered.

An Obstacle to perform such a diagnosis can be the ossification of the femoral head. This disease can appear in children from 2nd to 8th month of life, which is why diagnosis is best done when the baby turned a month.

ultrasound allows you to fully view this area and detect the presence of deviation, which ensures a more rapid and successful treatment of the existing pathology. Early detection of disabilities will contribute to a more rapid elimination and correct anatomical restoration of joint mobility.