What is idiopathic osteoporosis, what are its causes
Idiopathic osteoporosis is a disease that occurs in people who have difficult to determine any etiologic factor in osteoporosis, because the symptoms can be caused by other pathologies. Many women begin to suffer from this disease during pregnancy and lactation. In some people the symptoms of the disease coincide with the initial stage of incomplete osteogenesis.
The Pathology is different, and is often accompanied by bone fractures. Very often, the ailment disappears without any treatment, and after 5 years a person can be considered healthy.
There are a number of reasons that can lead to the development of idiopathic osteoporosis. A detailed look at each of them.
- a Large amount of glucocorticoids in the body. As a result, it is possible to observe the rapid thinning of bone tissue, as an excess of glucocorticoids causes the slow formation of bone tissue while increasing the speed of its resorption. The latter can be induced by secondary hyperparathyroidism, which has developed against the background of increasing numbers of glucocorticoids. In women suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, menopause introduction of even small dosages of glucocorticoids may cause an accelerated breakdown of bone mass. In addition, disturbed production of vitamin D, which is responsible for the absorption of calcium.
- Thyrotoxicosis. One of the consequences of hyperthyroidism may be the thinning of bone tissue, sometimes much more intense than conventional osteoporosis. If the hyperthyroidism lasts a long processes in the bones do not have unwanted effects, but in the chronic form of the disease the resorption of bone tissue becomes dangerous to human health.
- patients with acromegaly. This disease provoked by functional disturbances in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland and is characterized by the growth of the skull, feet, hands. Acromegaly is often accompanied by osteoporosis.
- diabetes bone mass also tends to decrease. Statistics show that diabetes mellitus increases the likelihood of fractures of the femur.
- Lack of calcium. This often provokes a form of the disease, but it cannot be the sole cause of the disease.
- Congenital pathology of connective tissue. This refers to incomplete osteogenesis, which is often considered osteoporosis.
Before you can assign any therapy to the patient, it is necessary to identify the exact cause of the disease. The same type of disease (and osteoporosis) can be quite different etiology.