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The symptoms and treatment of osteoporosis of the cervical and lumbosacral spine

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by pathological reduction of bone density due to the imbalance between the processes of resorption and reconstruction.

One of the most devastating forms of this disease is osteoporosis of the vertebrae, because of the mountain range lies the maximum load when driving. With osteoporosis of the lumbar vertebrae and other parts of the ridge often formed compression fractures (deformation due to sudden compression of the vertebral body). This pathology complicates the life of the patient and limits their movement.

osteoporosis of the spine

In order to prescribe effective treatment of osteoporosis of the spine, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease, which may be several.


Osteoporosis of the cervical, lumbosacral or thoracic spine often develops due to disruptions in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium and the prevalence of processes of tissue destruction over its formation.

The Last needs to be explained. Cells bone, like many other cells of the human body, have the property updated. They are called the osteoblasts and osteoclasts. First, develop bone mass, and the latter dilute it. In a healthy organism between these processes there is the balance.

Osteoporosis of the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral parts of spinal column characterized by the fact that the mass of osteoclasts exceeds the mass of osteoblasts and a gradual thinning of bone tissue.

Before to treat osteoporosis of the spine, it is necessary to establish the causes of imbalance in the bones. These reasons can be divided into two classes:

  • Decrease in bone mass – is a natural process in the aging body. Even a perfectly healthy person in old age loses about 0.4% of bone mass per year. As a result, may develop primary osteoporosis of the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine, does not have overt signs.
  • bone Loss may be due to poor diet, lack of physical activity, presence of harmful habits, disturbances of hormonal and other systems. As a result of developing secondary osteoporosis of the lumbar-sacral or cervical spine.

Symptomatic manifestations